Having finished all the afternoon practical exams, Park Haneol completed the score grading and bid farewell to the new students as they headed towards the auditorium, like fresh sprouts breaking through the ground.

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Park Haneol finished grading the scores and sent off the new students as they headed to the auditorium under the guidance of the teaching assistant.


They were the fresh sprouts that had just broken through the ground.


The moment of meeting young juniors always brought forth new expectations.


“Hey, did you see Yu Hyun-sung? His sword skills are already on par with our department’s teaching assistants!”


“And what about Ria from Winterlake? Her destructive magical power is already at a top-class level worldwide.”


“Let’s not forget the genius successors! The way they manifested such refined magic and executed precise control was truly impressive!”


“And other students were remarkable too, right? This year truly boasts exceptional talents.”


“But there was one odd fellow in contrast, wasn’t there? Leaving the exam room during the test. Did he want to get disqualified or something?”


“With a total score of 0, he practically threw away any chance of an attitude score. Was it the rule of preserving idiocy? Haha. What do you think, Professor Park Haneol?”




“Professor Park Haneol?”


Responding to the call of a fellow professor from the Swordsmanship Department, Park Haneol regained his composure and let out a warm breath.


“Well, I’m not entirely sure.”


“Not sure? That’s unlike Professor Park. Maybe he accidentally dodged your attack during the test?”


The professor of the Magic Department chuckled, and the other professors joined in laughter.


“Dodging an attack by hopping around like that; I’ve never seen such a performance in my life.”


“It felt like his magical power got entangled inside his body, right? Lucky for him. Thanks to that, he managed to dodge your attack, Professor Park Haneol.”


“Oh, did the student dodge it? I thought you purposely avoided it.”


“You still have a lot to improve on. Keep working hard.”


“Well, he did manage to dodge it once; shouldn’t that be worth at least 100 points? It’s a shame, I thought we were about to witness the first negative score in the history of the World Academy Association.”


“Even getting a 0 is an impressive achievement. Haha.”


‘Luck, huh…’


Park Haneol recalled the situation from a while ago in his mind.


The freshmen might not have noticed it, but for a brief moment, Park Jinwoo evaded his attack as if being drawn by gravity, ensuring he dodged it completely.


While the other close-combat professors were busy dealing with freshmen from numbers 1 to 9, not fully understanding what was going on, and professors from other departments not involved in the combat just perceived it as an odd dance, the sensation felt by Park Haneol when witnessing Park Jinwoo’s move was entirely different.


“Although it felt like his magical power was entangling within him, there’s no way he relied solely on luck to dodge it.”


Just by observing how he avoided his attack without blinking, Park Haneol knew that much.


Park Jinwoo “perceived” his attack clearly and “responded” accordingly.


It was a counterattack fueled by some personal emotion.


The evasion might have looked ridiculous, but…


“Anyway, he successfully avoided it.”


However, if that was all, Park Haneol wouldn’t have been so fascinated.


Sure, exceptional talent was encountered once a year, much like stumbling upon prodigies like Yu Hyun-sung or the gifted scions of the Hyun family. They were rare yet familiar occurrences.


But what had just happened was beyond comprehension—a mysterious power that briefly thwarted his attack, an enigmatic force he had never experienced before.


The peculiar sensation he felt at that moment lingered. It was almost hallucinatory, ready to surface whenever he closed his eyes.




Ria Winterlake, Hyeon Woo-min, and other heirs of prestigious families, along with the still unknown Park Jinwoo—the new crop of freshmen were undoubtedly brimming with exceptional talents.


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“Indeed, this year’s newcomers boast an abundance of remarkable individuals.”


“Absolutely! It’s no joke; this generation is like shooting stars, destined for greatness.”


“Aptly put, they hold immense promise.”


Park Haneol chuckled, picturing the infatuated look in that guy’s eyes.


* * *


A gentle breeze carried a refreshing lemon scent through the air, caressing his senses.


The faint touch of his lips pressing against one another felt like a warm embrace.


Gradually waking from a deep slumber, he opened his eyes.


[Synchronizing… 68.2%]


“Kyah! Did I wake you up?”


A cheerful voice echoed through a small system window, accompanied by a slight shriek.


He shielded his eyes from the brightness that enveloped him.


“Wow, it’s so bright.”


“It’s bright? But there’s no sunlight….”


“Your beauty is blinding. It’s like radiating light.”


“Oh! Thank you.”


It wasn’t just a compliment; her beauty was genuinely mesmerizing.


With silvery hair cascading like a waterfall in the moonlight and eyes that glimmered like brilliant rubies, her allure surpassed that of any modern celebrity or the refined aesthetics he had cultivated through the internet. She was truly a celestial beauty.


There were only a few characters in Laphocal described with such unparalleled beauty.


Among them, only one person in the Academy truly shone with such radiance.


“So, Luna. What are you doing here right now?”


“Ah, um… I was… I was merely admiring you.”


“Me? Why? Were you planning to ambush me while I was asleep?”


“Oh my god! What are you talking about!”


Luna screamed, taking a step back.


Her cheeks, cradled in both hands, blushed bright red.


Just like it was in Laphocal, beer was undoubtedly the best companion when it came to such heated topics.


Though the settings were the same, the reactions felt so vivid that it left me in awe once again.


“Oh then, could it be… you took my first kiss!?”


“No way!”


Such a shame.


“So, why were you gazing at me?”


“That… um… I detected a scent I’ve never come across from you before. It’s faint, though…”


“A scent?”


Oh no, could it be because of the practical exam I took earlier?


I held onto my collar and gave it a sniff, faintly noticing a hint of sweat.


“Wait, you were staring at a sleeping person just because of that?”


In my mind, I visualized Luna looking down at my face, playfully poking it with her index finger.

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‘Wow, she’s adorable! Dad’s totally smitten!’


“I was looking because you looked cute.”


“T-Thank you?”


Why should you be grateful for that? Luna tilted her head, gazing up at me with her endearing expression.


Her every gesture was just so cute.


Ahem! No!


It was irresistibly cute!


I was really starting to think if she was my dad’s biological daughter.


“Anyway, thanks for waking me up. What time is it now?”


“It’s 7 o’clock. A-Are you getting up?”


“Well, I have to get up… What? It’s already 7?”


No wonder it was getting dark around here.


I had only planned to take a short rest, and now it was already dinner time.


“Phew, I almost missed dinner. Thanks, Luna. Thanks to you, I won’t have to go hungry.”


“You’re welcome.”


“Is there something else? Then, bye~”


I tried to stand up from the bench and head to the dining hall, but Luna held onto me from behind.


“Um, by the way, how did you… know my name?”


“Huh? Well… Oh, is it because you’re famous?”


“Famous… me?”


“Yeah… yeah?”


I responded but then realized my mistake.


Only now do I recall that we just took the entrance exam for the academy.


It was a time when we were both somewhat famous yet not entirely familiar with each other’s faces.


No matter how angelic and kind-hearted she might be, it was not easy to accept it.


Trying to explain somehow, Luna let go of my hand and took a step back.


“I see. I understand….”




I couldn’t easily accept her easy acceptance.


“I guess you know about my family….”


“Ah. Oh, I see…”


Luna’s family, the ancient prestigious Moon Spear lineage.


Although it was once renowned as the most prestigious family with the nickname “Moon Clan,” now it was more famous for being a remnant of the old era, barely maintaining its heritage, with the word “ancient” attached to its name.


“If you know, then you know….”




She smiled brightly and gestured as if it were nothing.


“Well then, please go. Take care.”


“Yeah, um, sure. Anyway, thanks for waking me up.”

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The atmosphere became awkward, making it uncomfortable to stay any longer. So, I followed her suggestion and left.


As I headed to the restaurant, I felt strange gazes from behind all the time.


Feeling excited from the unexpected encounter, I pretended to be nonchalant.


What if they held a grudge against me? No, just thinking about it gave me a headache!


* * *


The restaurant menu was very diverse and luxurious.


Maybe because I put in so much effort and slept late, there was no special taste to it.


While eating alone, I could feel and hear mocking glances and murmurs from the surroundings, which were undoubtedly related to the practical exam.


Yeah, dumplings, dumplings. You keep hearing that word repeatedly until you remember it, even if you hate it.


{TN:- The word “dumplings” is mentioned twice, and the idea conveyed is that when you repeatedly hear or encounter a word or concept, even if you initially dislike it or find it boring, you eventually become familiar with it and remember it well. Mc does that in order to ignore the noisy chatter around him.}




“It’s so noisy. Damn. Did you guys rent this place?”




Someone spoke those words as if representing my feelings, and the restaurant fell silent in an instant.


In the midst of it all, the guy who stood up alone glared around and then walked straight toward my direction.


Then he leaned his face toward me, who had stopped eating.


“Hey, you. You were pretty good earlier, huh?”




“Acting ignorant, are we? Going up against the infamous Park Haneol? Oh, really, I must admit, that takes some guts.”


“What? Say that again. Who?”


“I’m talking about Park Haneol, the renowned master swordsman and military instructor.”




Oh my goodness!


That imposing instructor was actually Park Haneol?


Wasn’t he just an instructor?! Why did I pick a fight with him and end up in this mess!


Well, I guess I provoked him, even though it wasn’t intentional.


“This is insane…”


“What’s wrong? Did you really not know? This is a masterpiece.”


The mocking voice made my head throb.


“Even the boldest students at the prestigious academy are wary of Park Haneol, you know? Hehehe.”


“Argh, damn it. I had no idea! Can I just finish my meal in peace?”


“What did you say?”


As I attempted to resume eating, one of the troublemakers suddenly started a confrontation.


“What’s his problem? Why is he behaving like this out of the blue?”


Holding the spoon in my hand, I looked at the troublemaker.


His face contorted, and he blew out a deep breath through his nose.


“You said something just now. Say it again.”


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“Eat your meal?”


“No, before that. Didn’t you call me a son of a bitch?”


What? When did I do that?


Could this guy be deaf or something?


“Hey, you! Say it again!”


The troublemaker lunged at me, grabbed my collar and squeezed tightly.


The restaurant’s atmosphere turned icy in an instant.


“Look at this guy.”


I couldn’t help but snicker.


“Whatever, you jerk.”


I held the troublemaker’s wrist, keeping him in place, and then raised the spoon, bringing it down on his forehead.




“Why make a scene while we’re eating? Don’t you know better than to start trouble at the dinner table?”




“This… is…”


Seemingly unaware of his own mistake, the troublemaker stood frozen, rice grains sticking to his forehead.


One should never underestimate someone who can control their anger so selectively. If even the slightest opportunity presents itself, they might strike without hesitation.


Since combat outside designated areas was strictly prohibited, there was no need to fear.


“I’m not sure what you misheard or misunderstood, but if you’re done eating, go clean up and take a rest. Don’t act like an immature high schooler when you’re an adult.”


“This… you little…!”


With a sharp dragging sound, a long shadow appeared near his head.


The tension escalated, and the sound of people holding their breath could be heard in the surroundings.


Ah, this could become tiresome.


As I contemplated the possibility of taking a few hits and dealing with it later, a sudden grasp of an object echoed in the room.


“Do you always cause such a scene in restaurants?”


“Who the heck are you…? Ha.”


Glancing to the side, I saw Yu Hyun-sung holding onto the chair.


‘Phew, thank goodness. The professional mediator has arrived.’


‘Now, he’ll handle this situation!’


‘Alright, time to finish eating.’


‘Hehe, it tastes delicious. So sweet!’


* * *


Yu Hyun-seong observed me, who was smirking and eating, while my collar was being held by the troublemaker.


‘What’s with this guy? Is he mentally challenged or something?’


‘What’s wrong with this stubborn guy?’


Yu Hyun-sung and the troublemaker locked eyes.




Translator’s thoughts:– Hope you’re enjoying the novel. Please don’t forget to add it into your Reading List at Novelupdates, and write a small review. 

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