With Yu Hyun-sung stepping forward, the situation quickly calmed down. Despite being known for causing trouble, nobody could overlook the impressive performance I displayed during the practical exam.

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The troublemaker, having grabbed me by the collar, spat on the floor and turned away in frustration.


“Damn, I just can’t catch a break.”


“If you leave like that, you’ll regret it.”




As I spoke, looking at the troublemaker’s back, he shot me a menacing glare.


I simply stated the facts as they were.


“You spat on the floor. If you go like that, the restaurant lady will scold you.”


“Shut up, you’re getting on my nerves.”


Kwaak, ptuh! 


The troublemaker spat loudly and walked towards the restaurant entrance.


“Tsk, tsk, I can’t believe he’s sullying my reputation.”




Watching his back, Yu Hyun-sung smiled faintly, then sighed and turned to me with a playful look.


“Did I interfere for no reason?”


“Yeah, it was unnecessary meddling.”


“Oh? Really?”


“Ugh, too bad. If I had done well, I could have fooled him for some cash.”


Yu Hyun-sung chuckled.


It was probably a joke, but I was half-serious.


Wouldn’t anyone who had experienced transmigrating to this world understand?


Right after transitioning, I found myself penniless and destitute!


There were many cases where it was like that.


‘If you haven’t experienced a transmigration, keep your mouth shut.’


I had just arrived here, so where on earth was my money?


No, seriously, how did I manage to pay for the admission to this expensive academy?


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I didn’t even have a single coin in my wallet.


“You got admitted even though you have no money!”


‘Mr. Aristocrat, is this convenient plot development acceptable?’


‘If you want it to be believable, give me some money! Right now!’


“Hey, are you okay?”


“Ah, um. I’m alright. I guess I briefly escaped from reality.”




Yu Hyun-sung raised one eyebrow with an innocent look on his face.


‘This guy, whoever he is, is quite good-looking!’


“You really don’t need to worry. It was just a manipulative effort to stand out using my image.”


The handsome protagonist put down the chair he had been holding and sat on it. He smiled at me while I was eating.


“Still, he looks like a bad guy, be cautious..”


“I’m not afraid of those local hoodlums.”


At that time, it was just about showing off, nothing more.


“Huh, I suppose I wouldn’t be frightened if I were you.”


“… What do you mean?”


“Sorry, but I witnessed it. I saw you ‘blocking’ Professor Park Haneol’s attack.”


“That was just a coincidence.”


Even now, I couldn’t comprehend what that sensation was.


If I had to try again, I honestly doubt I could succeed.


It was as elusive as mist.


However, this guy seemed to interpret my words differently.


He smiled with a glimmer in his eyes.


“Right. What’s the matter? Even I can do that kind of thing.”


{TN:- There’s a wordplay here. He is making a pun and suggesting that he’ll do the task (whatever it is) for the sake of the wordplay itself. It’s a playful response implying they are doing it for the fun or pun of it rather than a genuine reason.}


“It’s not like anyone can do it….”


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{TN:- Again, the MC adds to the humor.}


What story could there possibly be?


But Yu Hyun-sung just smiled stubbornly, showing no signs of being convinced.


Since I couldn’t persuade him, I decided to ignore it and just focus on eating.


“I’m Yu Hyun-sung. Let’s be friends from now on.”


“Yeah. Sure. Let’s take it easy. I’m Park Jinwoo.”


I reached out my hand, and he shook it casually.


But why was this guy staring at me so intently while I was eating?


If it weren’t for my thick skin developed through my mukbang experience, I would have been seriously uncomfortable.


{TN:- “Mukbang” (먹방) is a popular term in South Korean culture, and it refers to a live-streaming or recorded video broadcast in which the host, often referred to as a “mukbanger” (먹방 BJ), eats large quantities of food while interacting with the audience.}


And after that…


After finishing my meal, I watched a rowdy guy being dragged to the restaurant by an ajumma (a middle-aged woman), and afterwards, I found myself heading towards a place where the academy’s exclusive dormitory was located, accompanied by one of the persistent guys.


Fortunately, my dorm room number was written on the back of my student ID, which helped me avoid being bothered by solicitors on the street.


“He really has no manners or sense of propriety.”


It was ironic that as a YouTuber with a considerable following, I was now mistaken for a homeless person overnight!


‘This reminds me of the old days.’


As I briefly reminisced, Yu Hyun-sung caught a glimpse of my student ID that I took out, and greeted me warmly.


“Jinwoo, you live in Mokryeon Dorm too? So do I.”


“Yeah, that’s right.”


Knowing that once the scores were tallied, the top scorer gets to live in the special dormitory called Maehwa Dorm, which also served as one of the game settings, I responded nonchalantly.


Even so, Yu Hyun-sung continued chatting, undeterred.


Seeing someone from the game living and moving in this reality felt refreshing and quite enjoyable, but only for a moment.


After spending a whole 10 years together, it was starting to become tedious…


“I remember back when I was in….”


“From age 4 to 11, right?”


“That’s right! That’s when the demons first appeared….”


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“We fought them 4 to 1 and killed them all.”


“Oh, yeah. That friend I was close to at the time….”


“I got surrounded, and that’s when I got a scar on my shoulder.”




In this way, an odd conversation consisting of short sentences continued between Yu Hyun-sung and me for a while.


“Sleep well, Jinwoo! See you tomorrow!”




Not long after, we arrived at the dormitory and bid each other farewell in the lobby, heading to our respective rooms.


My room was 110. It was a secluded room on the first floor, making it easy to sneak out at night.




As I unlocked the door with my student ID and stepped inside, I found myself in a cozy little studio apartment, about 8 pyeong(approx 26 square meters) in size, complete with a kitchen and bathroom.


The first thought that crossed my mind was, “It looks a bit old.”


This place had a traditional dormitory vibe, often referred to as “old-fashioned,” which seemed fitting since it was the oldest among the five student dorms.




Taking off my shoes, I couldn’t help but notice the familiar smell of rubber matting as I entered. My immediate concern was to inspect the items inside. I wasn’t searching for the standard furnishings like a desk or provided textbooks; I was hoping to discover some of my personal belongings.


But, to my surprise, there was nothing there!


I felt like a destitute wanderer with no possessions of my own, not even enough to fill a fingernail!




“Let’s freshen up and get organized…”


Despite the overwhelming exhaustion from facing this disheartening reality, I managed to hold back any complaints. Laphocal was an unsettling world, and venting frustration about this absurd situation felt futile.


After a day of being swept along by events, it was time to reflect calmly on the future.


I took a shower in the modest bathroom and changed into my underwear before lying down on the bed. In the peaceful embrace of meditation, I began to contemplate what lay ahead.




First, after the tutorial… the first episode.



An eerie feeling lingered in the air.

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In the enclosed space, impervious to the moonlight’s intrusion, the flame of a foreboding candle suddenly flickered out.


Darkness engulfed the spot where the light had vanished.




A man approached his master, clutching a small list in his hand, and humbly bowed before him.


Then, extending both hands upward, he presented it with utmost respect.


Covered in darkness, a hand grasped the list and examined it closely.


He spoke, “This time, there’s a significant amount of special blood.”


– ……..


“How could there not be? The blood of Man Sang-joo, the doll of Winterlake, the wanderer of the unfortunate Moon Clan, the prodigy of the Hyun Family, the rebel Nam Gung-sega… and not to mention, countless hypocrites’ blood gathered here.”


– ……..


“That’s not all. There’s also new blood here that rivals theirs… under the name of Yu Hyun-sung.”


In the darkness, a burning finger pointed to one name at the very bottom.


As his eyes widened in astonishment, he hurriedly lowered his head and explained.


“He… I don’t know. I couldn’t find out anything about him. He scored zero points in both written and practical exams, so there were no criteria to judge….”


– ……..


“Even among the professors, he is considered a simple troublemaker. Don’t worry, my lord. He’s just a worthless young troublemaker causing a ruckus….”


The darkness gazed deeply into his eyes, then nodded slightly.


Eventually, the darkness that seemed to engulf the world concealed its appearance as the report came to an end.


Realizing that his master had left, he wiped the trickling cold sweat and stood up with a heavy sigh.


With a thud, light flooded the room as the lamp was lit up.


The sinister figures dressed in black robes finally rose from their prostrated positions.


He turned around and spoke, “I almost offended my lord because of a worthless fellow.”


A small crease formed on his wrinkled forehead.


“Sub-deacon Dylan, can you settle this debt?”


“Of course, Priest.”


Sub-deacon Dylan, the assistant professor of Summoning Department, revealed his pale face as he removed the hood.

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