Chapter 1.1 Misty Manor

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In a room decorated in medieval style.


[Yes, host, you truly died in that car accident.]


[I am bound to you because I felt your strong will to survive.]


Ye He sat on the edge of the bed with a solemn expression. 


Finding himself in an unfamiliar room, dressed in a clean white shirt and black trousers rather than the T-shirt he had been wearing when he was in the car accident, it’s fit to say that he almost saw Buddha for the second time before this mechanical sound claiming to be a system played in his ear unceremoniously, grounding him back to Earth. 


But it also worked wonders for killing much of his anxiety from waking up in a strange place.


Ye He let himself fall back. Staring at the ceiling blankly. 


It should have been a happy thing to be reborn after an accident, but the system that bound him claims to be a Gold System.


As the name implies, it requires one to keep gold for survival. 


Money is in every breath.


Not long after Ye He found himself adjusting to his current situation, system revealed that they charge reasonable fees and clearly mark the price. Not by the day, month, or year, but only by the minute. 100 ¥ per minute.


Of course, with no money, it’s a goodbye to world. 


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He initially believed that this Gold System would be his saviour, but soon realised how this system may be the Hades of the system world. 


He pinched his watch. Once all money is spent, system would not even spare a second to yeet him out. 


The system, not realising Ye He’s slander, continued: [The host’s deposit is extremely thin. This system deducts the entire value of your meal card and exchanges it for 24 hours and 56 minutes.]


[24 hours and 55 minutes.]


Ye He stiffened, looked around for a moment, and sobbed, “I shouldn’t be here, I should be at the bank’s door.”


Life has entered countdown and with the system bringing him here, it shouldn’t be a waste of chance to survive in Jedi! 


[This system does not encourage host to do things that are against the law; this system believes in utilising the host’s diligent hands to create wealth.The system said righteously.


Ye He looked down at his hands: “…I have hands, but they are useless.”


[Don’t worry, host, this system will also provide a number of legitimate part-time opportunities. Although it is a shuttle to different worlds, the rewards are plentiful and will assist you in realising your freedom as soon as possible.]


Ye He’s eyes lit up. 


He felt guilty for comparing this system with the merciless ruler of hell. If this system hadn’t really brought him back from death, it would have been very difficult to not make Ye He suspect that those fishy scam born words were not part of some black intermediary.


The system continues: [Where you are now is the first place of work that this system has screened for you—Cissar Manor.]


[Your position is that of a manor servant. As long as you work for one week, you can earn a basic salary of one million yuan.]

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“Wha- how much?” Ye He slips.


He didn’t believe his ears until the system repeated the payment.


“I’ve only seen such a large number on other people’s bank cards,” Ye He said, moved. 


But once the money is used to buy hours, it will be much less.


Ye He quickly wrecked his brain: “I only have 24 hours in my pockets. How am I going to last a week?”


[For host to survive a week, there will be extra tasks to complete in middle, and host will be receiving rewards for completing these extra tasks.]


Ye He sighed. 


This task was much easier than Ye He anticipated, and it was as legit as the system claimed, but even if it was extremely difficult, he had no choice but to bite the bullet in order to live.


System informed Ye He that as long as he completes this task, he will be recommended to carry more tasks later, after which he will be able to return to the real world.


Ye He: “The previous ideas have been suspicious, but now the ideas seem promising.”


The system made a sound, praised Ye He’s ideological awareness, and then remembered something akin to an exhortation: [It is not permitted to disclose the task’s content or the existence of the system while it is being carried out.]


It clearly wanted to continue, but before it could, there was a knock on the door, followed by a clear but grumpy voice saying, “Come out, the head butler has told us to gather.”


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Because the knock was too rapid, it seemed that whoever was on the other side was aware that the room was occupied. Ye He had no choice but to respond to the call. 


Outside the door stood a handsome man who appeared to have just reached adulthood but was much taller than Ye He, with some baby fat on his face and dyed silver hair that glistened. He wore the same uniform as Ye He, had slender brows and round apricot eyes, and stood impatiently at the door with his arms folded.


Seeing the door open, Xia Qing was about to open his mouth fiercely but the moment his eyes landed on Ye He, the words stuck to his throat in an instant: “You…”


He was only entrusted with calling someone by the housekeeper, and because he was appointed to run, he was full of complaints. Who knew that when he sees this person, all of his grievances would vanish?


He couldn’t stop himself from giving a blank wide-eyed stare. 


Ye He’s appearance was feminine and delicate. His fair skin appeared to have been raised in milk. Flesh and blood were both properly proportioned. The crow-feather-coloured hair reached all the way to his ears, revealing gleaming earlobes and a reflection in beautiful ink eyes. 


Xia Qing’s gaze moved steadily from his soft hair to his rosy lips, to his swan-like slender neck drilled into the collar, and the delicate collar bone that was visible.


Noticing how the youth in front of him had been silent since the beginning, Ye He decided to speak first: “Didn’t you say that the butler was calling us?”


Only then did the silver-haired man regain his composure. He was irritated by his lack of concentration. He rubbed his hair and raised his hand. “Yes, the housekeeper has to arrange tasks for us,” he said clearly, a little chagrined.


Ye He secretly regretted not asking the system about his tasks but as he heard about the butler arranging tasks for them, he let go and offered the young man a small smile, “Let’s go.”


Seeing Ye He’s slightly raised lips, Xia Qing shrunk back as if burned, the roots of his ears gradually turned a thin layer of red.

He naturally noticed his hot face, turned around subconsciously, and uttered in a coarse and deliberate way, “Quickly follow.”


Ye He heard the ferocious tone of the silver-haired boy, but didn’t feel offended. He only felt that the other party was like a fox. A pretending little milk dog, forcing himself to bark fiercely.


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The system accidentally heard Ye He’s heartfelt voice, and for a while, it was not clear who was more near to attaining doghood. 


Ye He and the silver-haired youth walked through the long corridor, one behind another.


The corridor was a bit dim, thick carpets covered the floor, swallowing the sound of footsteps cleanly.


Ye He glanced at the row of oil lamps lining the wall. The base was glowing with a layer of gold. He couldn’t help but click his tongue, gaining a new understanding of the manor owner’s wealth.


If it weren’t for the system stating that only things under his name can be converted into money, none of these lamps would have survived Ye He’s gold-seeking claws. 


The system suddenly chipped: [Don’t look at it, looking at them even a hundred times would not bring you wealth, they aren’t yours. But if you work part-time and do a hundred tasks, the money is mine, and life is yours.]


Ye He: “I feel that my shoulders suddenly became very heavy.”


The system was puzzled: [What’s wrong? There shouldn’t be any issues in your body. Could it be that it’s not functioning properly?]


Ye He: “….It’s because I feel the crushing weight of responsibilities on my shoulders.”


Xia Qing, who was walking in front, seemed to be unable to bear the growing silence and took the initiative to talk, arrogantly exchanged names and stated that he started working here not long ago.


According to Xia Qing, the reason they didn’t see anyone along the way was because several servants in the manor were called by the head butler to a meeting to arrange tasks.


Ye He: “Are the servants who were called to the meeting also new?”


He had previously doubted whether Xia Qing was a person with the same mission as him or just an aboriginal in this world, but due the rules system had laid, he could not directly ask him.

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