Chapter 1. Of All People, I Possessed Her

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“I will give you freedom. Let’s get a divorce.”

When I said this, I had no doubt that everything would work out.

I shouldn’t have forgotten that the world is messed up[1].


When I felt the end, what opened up was a new world.

“Your Highness, if, if you drink water……”


A completely different place from where I used to live. But with a strangely familiar setting and name.

“Attila Rojas.”

“…… Yes?”

“Why of all people Attila Rojas!”

The maid, who had been trembling with the glass of water by my side, fell flat on her stomach when my anger burst out.

In her eyes, I would look like a madman who shouted her name and ripped her hair out as soon as she woke up.

But I actually feel like I’m going crazy.

“C, calm yourself, Your Highness…….”

The water from the glass soaked the carpet. The poor maid whispered begging, not even thinking of collecting the glass and tray that were lying around.

“You’re still unwell…….”

“I want to be alone. Get out.”

I wasn’t in the mood to care about others, so when I issued an order, the other person was very pleased. Without the slightest delay, she immediately got up and scurried out of the room.


I lowered my hand from my messy hair and looked around the unfamiliar room. Wooden furniture and antique accessories with fancy gilded edges.

Attila’s room, where I had to adapt from now on.

“If I knew this was going to happen, I shouldn’t have opened my eyes.”

I couldn’t help but laugh because it was ridiculous.

Unfortunately, the family history of the supporting villain in the fiction happened to coincidentally resemble my reality so much that it was like a piece of work. So, I couldn’t finish reading the novel and threw it away.

I was the villain supporting character in that very novel. Damn it.

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To put Attila Rojas in a word, she’s a pretty trash.

She was so tyrannical that it overshadowed her beauty that could cause the downfall of a country, and she was a terrible villain who even achieved her marriage through threats.

Not only was she the embodiment of jealousy, but even after marriage, she showed delusion of infidelity[2].

If she weren’t the Princess of the Tribon Empire, she would have already been divorced tens of thousands of times.

“I’m already married.”

If it were before marriage, I would have looked for other ways, but it has been over three years since I was married. In addition, I had just woken up from committing suicide to get the male lead’s attention.

Damn it, so typical.

“I’d rather possess a passing extra.”

Of all people, why am I the female lead’s half-sister and the male lead’s ex-wife?

The life of Han So-yi, a college student who had just passed[3], felt dim. My past life was like a beggar, but how come my second life is on par with it[4]?

Han So-yi’s memory and Attila’s original memory were jumbled together, causing a severe headache. I pressed down on my throbbing temple and looked at the future that I would face.

According to the original, this supporting character will die. And that, too, in a very ugly way.

While planning revenge on the protagonist couple, she was consumed by her own dark magic.

It was unfair to end my life like that even though I am not interested in the male lead. It was right to leave before the female lead appeared.

You two can go fry and roast[5]. The uninvited guest will disappear.

“I’ll have to think about the rest after I get a divorce.”

From possessing someone in a bizarre novel to a horrifying situation, it was unlikely that I would have the heart to maintain this marriage. All I wanted is to get away from all the characters in the novel as soon as possible.

“Is anyone there?”

When I shouted out at the door, the maid hurriedly answered.

“Did you call, Your Highness?”

“I’m going to the Marquis. Get ready.”

I’ve just woken up, so I’m dizzy, but it’s not to the point where I can’t move.

For now, getting out of this unsatisfactory development was the first thing.


……I moved with that thought, but unfortunately failed on the first day. It was because of my motivation.

It was only a day after I woke up after committing suicide. It’s possible to move around in the room, but I’m crazy to think of going up and down the stairs.

“What a suicide show, really.”

It’s not even a real cliché complete set.

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In the meantime, my husband, who didn’t even show his nose, let alone visit me, was a great gentleman. Attila, who endured this humiliation for three years, was admirable.

“What a waste of face, this woman.”

Looking at the reflection in the mirror, I clicked my tongue.

Spread her name across the continent, and she would be a beauty that even atheists could find religion in.

Perfectly symmetrical features that can only be explained as being created by God. Bright red eyes and lustrous chestnut hair comparable to jewels.

Honestly, I think I can make up for my bad personality with my looks like this.

At this point, I didn’t know if the princess who was not loved by this kind of beauty was amazing, or the male lead who didn’t fall for her even though he was loved and chased by such a beauty was amazing.

Either way, it has nothing to do with me.

“Will I be able to go today?”

I had just eaten porridge and rested, and my physical condition improved considerably. In addition, the weather outside was worth seeing as the clouds cleared up.

It’s the perfect day for a divorce.

“Shall we go see my handsome husband?”

Thinking of the male lead, the corners of my mouth rose.

The princess’s husband, Evandel Listane.

His father was originally the eldest son of a Marquis, but he was expelled from the family because he fell in love with a maid. Since he was born after that, he was no different from a commoner in terms of status.

However, Evandel, the male lead, was undaunted by his status, and became an imperial knight and rose to the level of a Swordmaster, and he later won the title of Dragon Slayer.

By now, he had even regained his Marquis title. The emperor, who did not want to let go of one of the two Slayers on the continent, took away the title from his uncle and handed it over to him.

“I will escort you.”

The maid who helped me get ready for going out escorted me to Evandel.

Unlike yesterday, it felt very good to be able to climb the stairs alone without support.

It would be a perfect day without a doubt if the divorce proceeded smoothly.

But the feeling of soaring to the sky was immediately dampened when I reached his office. It was because I faced an attendant with a grumpy face.

“Are you here to see His Excellency?”

“Is there a problem?”

Of course, I didn’t expect a happy look, but the disapproving look was shocking.

That impudent bastard?

“His Excellency is busy at the moment…….”

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“Hurry up and open it.”

When I glared at the slow-acting attendant, he hurriedly opened the door. With this attendant’s attitude alone, I could see how Attila was treated normally.

Like a pathetic woman. So why do I have to act ashamed?

When I entered the room, the first thing I saw was a large desk in the middle of the neatly arranged interior. In the middle of it sat a man who handled papers without even raising his head.

The sunlight at the window met the cold silver hair and glowed white. I was worried that I wouldn’t know who the male lead was, so I was stunned that there was even a halo ready for the first meeting.

Anyway, shouldn’t he at least look at me?

He must have heard the door open, but his eyes did not move away from the papers.

She brought it upon herself[6], but that should not be his attitude towards his wife who just survived death.

Eventually, I ran out of patience and spoke first.

“People might think you went up to that position with a pen instead of a sword.”


“I know my face is dazzling, but why don’t you look up? I have good news for you.”


The fountain pen Evandel had set down rolled over the edge of the document. And finally I was able to check the color of his eyes.

Eyes like a lake……

The lake the princess spoke of must have been a winter lake. Otherwise, it would be impossible to stay frozen that way.

“What brings you here?”

A low voice rang out. The moment I heard his voice, I felt a slight pain in my chest.

As if responding to a painful memory.

Bad luck. I frowned and ignored the symptoms.

“Don’t you know I almost died?”

“Her Highness jumped into a shallow pond.”

…… Damn it.

There are countless embarrassing acts committed by the princess so far, but the recent suicide show was almost a representative among them.

If you’re going to do a show, at least do a good job. What do you mean the best place to jump is in the front yard, a pond that doesn’t even reach the chest?

It was ridiculous to anyone. I was so ashamed, and I became irritated.

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Of course, looking at the result alone, the princess actually lost her life in that ridiculous show. That’s why I possessed her.

But the catch is that it’s a fact that no one will know. I don’t know if I should say I feel sorry for this.

“Right. Even so, you’re too much. We’ve been married for three years, and we’ve known each other for more than a decade.”


“Would you show more interest than this if it was a passing dog who fell into the pond?”

He swept his face down with his hand, as if he didn’t want to hear sarcastic criticism. His eyes were closed and opened after a while, and there was no hint of guilt, just tiredness.

“So what do you want to say?”

“I told you earlier, I’m here with good news.”

I smiled and got down to business.

“I will give you freedom. Let’s get a divorce.”


“Even if you dance out of joy, I’ll pretend I didn’t see it, so prepare the documents.”

However, the other party’s reaction was lukewarm. Not only was there no sign of surprise, but even his eyes remained the same size as before.

I said again, doubting my eyes at the unresponsiveness that was different from my expectations.

“Didn’t you hear me? Let’s get a divorce…….”

“If you’re going to keep talking nonsense, get out.”





TL Notes:

[1] I could’ve used “kaleidoscope” wherein the context of the sentence means the world is variegated and hectic and somewhat terrifyingly unstable. Or simply, messed up.

[2] Delusion of infidelity is a morbid symptom that excessively doubts one’s husband’s conduct. It is also known as morbid jealousy, delusional jealousy, pathological jealousy, conjugal paranoia, or Othello syndrome.

[3] Can also mean “died”.

[4] 막상막하 can mean “neck-and-neck”, “evenly matched”, “be on par with”, or “stand even”, with the literal meaning being “neither high nor low”.

[5]  “Fry and roast” (지지고 볶다) is a slang that means “to annoy and irritate someone”.  Another way to put it is “don’t pester me by the side and go over there and do your job”.

[6] The word used here was 자업자득 which is an idiom. It means that she was asking for it, or brought it upon herself. It is the state of suffering the consequences of what one did.

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