“If you’re going to keep saying useless words, leave.”

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This development is not included in my plan?

Flustered, I strode over to his desk.

“What do you mean useless words! I’m more serious than ever.”

“What kind of protest is it this time? If you want to buy something, just buy it.”

“What? Protest? Do I look like a spoiled brat right now?”

If you want to buy something, buy it. Are you talking about fart?[1]

My blood pressure was about to rise from the untimely handling of a child. I wonder if I have to grab his collar, so he can take me seriously.

“Don’t provoke my temper, and listen carefully. I can’t live with you anymore, so start preparing for divorce right away.”

“I don’t have time to joke around with Her Highness.”

“No way, is your earhole blocked? It’s not a joke…….”

“Who’s out there! Come and take Her Highness.”

It wasn’t even before I finished speaking. In the blink of an eye, the servants who rushed over grabbed me by the arms and led me out the door.

“Let me go! You won’t let go? No, Marquis Listane! Hey!”

The door slammed shut behind my huffing back.

I couldn’t believe what just happened even after going through it myself. It was so absurd that I burst out laughing without rest[2].

After standing in a daze at the door for a long time, I came to my senses and glared at the servants.

“How presumptuous…….”

He withdrew his hand as soon as he achieved his purpose, but this is disrespectful and tantamount to blasphemy.

I am still a member of the royal family and the hostess of this house, and you treat me like a criminal?

“How dare you put your hands on the body of a noble princess like this?”


After slapping the cheeks of the two servants in turn, I took a small breath.

……was it supposed to go this far?

I was the one who hit them, but I was more surprised than those who were hit.

I was stunned by the violence that came out strangely naturally, but I soon came to my senses. Now is the time to act strictly to set an example.

I lowered my voice to hide my fluster.

“Do you know who it is that dragged you out like a vagrant[3]?”


“I am the one and only princess of the great empire. Know that it won’t end with a slap next time.”

The servants looked calm as if they had been subjected to this a lot.

Indeed, the only way to get rid of the princess, who was not usually vicious, would have been by force. It was clear from the efficient movement that this was often the case, sadly.

“Anyway, why won’t this jerk give me a divorce?”

I felt terribly awful. First, I’ll go back to my room and make a complete revision of my plan.

Stomp. Stomp.

Putting all the accumulated anger on my feet, I headed to the bedroom.


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* * *




I thought about it for a long time, but I couldn’t come up with an answer.

If you’re going to treat me like this anyway, why won’t you give me a divorce?

“Don’t tell me you have any lingering feelings……”

Surprisingly, the princess did not have only unrequited love throughout her life. I can’t even call it a relationship, but there was a time when the two felt the same.

Of course, it was a very long time ago, and as the love of the princess turned into an obsession, it all went wrong.

“You, come here.”

The woman who had initially looked around wondering if I had called her, noticed that my fingers were pointing at her, so she approached me with a frightened face.

How badly did she treat her employees that they would react like that every time?

I suppressed my frustration and showed as much patience as I could until she came close.

“W, w, what brings you…….”

“The Marquis won’t divorce me.”

“…… yes?”

Her originally pale face turned even paler.

“He won’t divorce me. I thought he’d like it.”


“Why is that? Think carefully. If it’s plausible, I’ll give you a salary increase.”

The maid’s face suddenly changed when money was mentioned. Unlike earlier, when she trembled with fear, she began to think deeply.

“Isn’t it a bit of a burden to cast away the imperial family?”


That alone doesn’t explain it enough.

Unless there was an objection from the princess? But, there was no reason to ignore the request of the princess.

“Or, he is unknowingly seeking the right of succession?”

“Right of succession?”

The maid, who lowered her voice, afraid that someone might hear, came closer to me and whispered:

“His Highness the Crown Prince…… has a lot of scandals.”

Crown Prince Nikolai Rojas, the half-brother of the princess.

Unlike the current emperor, who led the country to its peaceful era, he was a person who created scandals every day without distinguishing between public and private matters.

No wonder he was the successor in the emperor’s eyes.

There were even rumors that the princess’s husband might become the next emperor.

“Did Van have that ambition?”

I muttered subconsciously and was stunned.

What did I just say? Van?

His nickname, which flowed so naturally, almost made me vomit.

When I saw the maid who looked like a discouraged puppy when she saw my twisted face, I immediately relaxed my expression. If I continued expressing my current awful feelings, this woman would begin to tremble with fear again.

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“Yes, maybe. Then one more. Is there a way to get a divorce without an agreement?”

The maid rolled her eyes and smiled sheepishly.

“That, the imperial law is a little bit…….”

“As expected, huh?”

Imperial law would not change.

The reason why the king’s son-in-law is mentioned as the next emperor instead of the princess is not because of her temper or gender. It was because the princess gave up her right to succeed.

Divorce was also originally prohibited. However, like the current emperor, the predecessors who wanted to change their wife pushed for it, and it was barely revised.

However, a condition was attached that there must be an agreement between the two parties. In other words, it was a useless bill for those who really need a divorce.

“It means I have to get his agreement somehow……”

When I glanced at the maid, the intelligent woman’s eyes immediately changed. As if plotting, her narrowed eyes turned in my direction, as if seeking confirmation.

“So…… Does Her Excellency need someone to play as the Lord?”

“That’s it.”

When I put my head together with a maid who could endure a frightening master for the sake of money, various ideas poured out. So we continued our discussion until the sun went down.



* * *



“From here to there.”

This is probably the most spoken line in this shopping trip.

“Give me both. No, all three.”

There was no such thing as a choice disorder. If it slightly caught my eye, I bought all of it. After going around some of the dressing rooms like that, I didn’t have enough space to put my luggage in.

“What else should I buy?”

“……Do you still have something to buy?”

The Marquis’s aide, who had been dragged along for shopping, complained with an exhausted face.

“We’ve already filled two carriages. If you buy more, Your Excellency will have to be a mercenary[4]!”

“You told me to buy it because you were confident.”

Even when the aide cried, I didn’t blink an eye.

You shouldn’t have thoughtlessly said it arrogantly.



‘What kind of protest is it this time? If you want to buy something, just buy it.’



At first I thought he was crazy. There was no way Attila, a member of the royal family, was in need of money, so what kind of nonsense was that?

But when I heard a shocking story from the maid with whom I had conspired with the plan the other day, everything soon made sense.



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‘His Majesty blocked you last year because…… of your gambling debt. Don’t you remember?’



Here’s what she stammered out:

Some of Attila’s unanswered actions included gambling. Her all-in disease flared up, screaming without looking at the amount, and ended up with astronomical debts.

The details were billed directly to the imperial family, and the emperor who discovered the enormous debt paid it back. Without a word of warning, he cut her source of money.

In the end, she was in a position where she had no choice but to be financially dependent on her husband.

“Ugh! I’m so angry!”

I can’t forget that arrogant voice! I can’t even refute it!

As I slammed my shoes down on the floor, the aide slipped away from me. There was another look on his face that seemed to be starting.

What, what was the original Atilla’s usual facial expression?

It was unpleasant to think about. I’ve entered the body of the princess, who has the dirtiest personality in the novel, so why doesn’t anyone feel a sense of disharmony[5]?

“Sir, don’t you think I’ve changed a bit lately?”

“Yes? What are you talking about…….”

“……forget it.”

It’s really annoying.

“I’m not in a mood, so lower your eyes.”


Looking at the aide who obediently stared at the ground, I annoyedly swept my hair.

Right, for now, let’s focus on getting divorced.

No matter how penniless I am, I am still a member of the imperial family, so there’s no way I’d starve to death.



“You filled four carriages with clothes and jewelry. In one day.”

“I have a rich husband, so I should take advantage of it.”


The only time of the day the couple has a meal together is during dinner.

Of course, even that was often skipped under the pretext of work, but compared to other times when he doesn’t show his face once, they still tended to eat dinner together.

Evandel, who looked at me for a moment at my brazen answer, sighed lightly.

“If Her Highness is satisfied, then it is enough.”


It wasn’t like the feeling of a loving lover saying, ‘As long as you’re happy.’ Rather, the feeling that ‘I won’t be involved in whatever mess you make,’ was stronger.

Indeed, he called me ‘Your Highness’ just like before marriage. But, I think I used a nickname at one point.


At first, I thought it was disgusting, but it came out surprisingly easily, perhaps because it was a familiar nickname for the princess.

I put the fork down and rested my chin on my interlocked fingers.

“Do you want to be emperor?”


He, who hadn’t even made eye contact except for a brief moment before, suddenly raised his head. At least he looked more surprised than when he was told to divorce.

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“What do you mean?”

“You know. You won’t love me and you won’t divorce me. I have no choice but to think that you have another ulterior motive.”

“Are you talking about that again?”

It was noticeable that his interest faded immediately at the word divorce. I didn’t understand how he couldn’t listen to me like this.

Did the princess ever ask for a divorce?

I don’t remember it, but seeing as there are some memories that I haven’t recovered yet, it wasn’t impossible. There are quite a few people who try to break up when things don’t go their way.

However, if that was the case, wouldn’t it be a welcome thing for this person? But what the hell is this reaction?

“If we don’t get divorced, I’ll live every day just like today. I’m only buying a small amount of clothes now, but later I might buy a carriage or a house.”


“I don’t think you can handle it unless you empty off three or four more dragon lairs, don’t you agree?”

He was silent. He kept moving his knife as if saying, ‘You bark. I’m going to eat.’

“Or, do you have any lingering feelings for me?”

“It’s funny that you’re discussing that between us.”

Look at how fast he’s answering questions like this again.

He was a truly filthy, unlucky human being.

“Then why don’t you divorce me?”

If the female lead appears, you’ll treat me like a villain.


“……we!” (Evandel)

When the topic of divorce came up, I didn’t want him to be silent again, so I pushed him, but then he suddenly shouted.

My eyes widened at his dramatic reaction I saw for the first time. I kept staring at him curiously, but he threw his knife down in anger.

“I don’t think I can eat any more. I’ll get up first.”

“…… What? Wait a minute.”

Even when I grabbed him, he didn’t stop. In the end, Evandel said nothing and disappeared like that.


When asked if he had any lingering feelings, why is that bastard mentioning about ‘we’ contradictorily again after talking about the relationship ‘between us’, which he doesn’t even care about?

“This didn’t come out in the novel.”

Later on, even if I grabbed his trouser leg and begged, it seemed like he would still throw me out.

I want to leave on my own before I get kicked out. Is it that hard for you to listen to that?

If the threat to extort property doesn’t work, it can’t be done. It was time to push for something stronger.



TL Notes:

[1] 말이야 방구야 = This means, “Your words make no sense at all.”

[2] To burst into laughter in spite of oneself because of some nonsense.

[3] 시정잡배 = a group of people that idle around all day (often bullying others) and don’t have a proper job. Mainly used to refer to gangsters.

[4] She is being greedy, is what he means.

[5] She acts differently but why doesn’t anyone feel that something is out of place, is what she means.

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