“We don’t have much time, so can you relax?”

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“That is because Her Highness is so beautiful…….”

Oh my. You’re being honest again.

I looked at the young man who was making all sorts of excuses and annoyedly ordered him to lie down on the bed. Tony, with a dejected look, slowly crawled under the covers.

Then, when I looked at Mary, who was standing next to me, she nodded and quickly left the room.

As I looked around the silent room without saying anything, I found this whole situation so ridiculous.

How did I get to this point?

I was absent-minded for a moment, but I quickly brushed it off. I had no choice but to get away from the male lead who would make me endlessly miserable by flirting with the female lead.

As I climbed onto the bed, a nervous Antonio stiffened. After taking one look at him, I forcibly pulled his right arm and used it as an arm pillow.

“That, y, you’re too close……”

“Are you kidding me? I’m supposed to hold you, but then you want me to put a pillow between us to make space?”


I managed to hold back hitting his mouth and found a position that was as comfortable as possible. I didn’t forget to glare at Antonio as if to warn him every time he squirmed.

“Just pretend to be asleep for now. When Evandel comes in, don’t talk to him and leave right away.”

“…… Yes.”

I could feel his heartbeat thumping in his arms. His face, ripe like a tomato, was unsightly.

I hope Evandel returns in the dark of night, but if it had been daytime, I don’t know if this play could have started.

I tried to suppress my temper and closed my eyes. Now is the time to focus on the signals Mary will give.


“Your Excellency!”

Mary’s voice, louder than usual, crossed the threshold, as if Evandel had arrived just in time.

“What’s going on?”

His puzzled voice followed.

It was understandable because a maid, whose rule was to serve a person like a ghost, was now standing in front of his bedroom.

Antonio’s snoring rose in the young man’s voice. I whispered through my teeth hearing the sound of his breathing that anyone would mistake for a rhinoceros.

“Calm down and pretend to be asleep.”

“I, I’m sorry.”

As I closed my eyes again and quietly examined the situation, I heard Mary, who was also versatile, performing passionately.

“It’s difficult right now. Can you please come in a little later? I ask of you, Your Excellency.”

“This is my bedroom.”

“T, then I’ll go in first….”

Feeling something unusual, Evandel stopped the altercation.


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There was a noise as strong force was applied to the handle. Soon the door swung open.


I had my eyes closed, but I noticed that Evandel had witnessed my affair. In the first place, when the door opened, the bed was immediately visible, so no matter how dark it was, one couldn’t help but notice it.


The sound of things he might have been carrying fell to the floor.

Not waking up to such sounds would be too unnatural. I looked around and pretended to have just woken up.

But before I could even raise my upper body up. Evandel strode over and strangled Antonio.


Startled, I jumped up and exclaimed.


“…… Toni? Is that the name of this man?”

“Are you crazy? Quickly let go of that hand.”

But he didn’t let go right away. It wasn’t until the other party almost rolled his eyes that he let go of his hand.

Cough. Cough.

In the silent room, all I could hear was Toni’s frantic coughing. Even in the awkward silence, Evandel didn’t take his gaze away from me.

“Are you okay? Toni, look at me.”

“I’m okay…… Cough, cough. I’m okay.”

“Get out now.”

“B, but…….”

Upon discovering Evandel’s murderous look, Toni shrank as much as he could.

He looked at me with worried eyes. Should I say it’s admirable that he cares about me even when he’s trembling with fear?

“I’ll get back to you later. First of all, get out…….”

“There’s no later. Princess, you need to talk to me now.”

Evandel cut off my words and let out a low growl.

Mary, who had come in to assess the situation, hurriedly assisted Toni and left. The door closed again and what filled the room was a cold silence.

He closed his mouth shut and didn’t talk, so I opened my mouth first because it was suffocating.

“You came earlier than I thought…….”

“Did you send me out to do this?”

As soon as I started talking, he questioned me with fierce momentum.

…… why are you cutting me off annoyingly since earlier?

“Did I do something I couldn’t do? We’re just a married couple on paper1 anyway.”

“Letting an intruder in and you’re still standing tall.”

I laughed at the word intruder. Who calls a lover that way?

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“At least you shouldn’t have done that in this house. And in my bedroom, too.”

Perhaps I was stupid for doing it. His reaction was so strong that I subtly foresaw the possibility of jealousy, but this man was just mad at me for doing this in his bed.

But if it had been my bedroom, would you have known I had another man with me?

The anticipation that had risen implicitly was extinguished in an instant. In addition, the sympathy I had for the Imperial Princess grew even more.

Attila, I feel sorry for you. How can you love such a husband so much?

“I’m sorry about that. I didn’t expect you to return earlier. It’s more comfortable here than in my bed.”


“But what do you mean, don’t do that in this house? So you’re telling me to settle it outside? Like you?”

There is no way I have my own house in Listane territory, far from the capital of the Empire. That’s a pretty harsh thing to say knowing that. Can’t a person who has nothing even have an affair?

But he furrowed his eyebrows in displeasure.

“Please refrain from making offensive assumptions. I’ve never committed infidelity.”


That’s funny. Even if that’s true, when the female lead comes, he will break that.

“That’s unexpected. You’re in the prime of your life.”


“Or does our great Lord Listane have a secret that he cannot tell?”

I hung a long smile from the corner of my mouth and folded my eyes as if I were teasing him.

“Do you not have2……”


Thinking I had teased him enough, I quickly withdrew my smile. It seemed like this was enough stimulation, so I thought it would be good to expect good news in a few days.

But just as I was about to get off the bed. Suddenly, a strong force pressed down on me.


A large shadow covered me. Evandel was on top of me, looking down at me with eyes that I couldn’t understand.

Damn it, did I tease you too much?

It’s a big deal if his pride is hurt and he suddenly does something that isn’t like him.

It was time to think hard about how to deal with this situation. He looked down at me like he was looking at a mouse in a jar and then spoke.

“I wonder if you want something like this……”


“Looking at Your Highness’s face, even a thousand years of lust will cool down.”

…… what is this bastard?

I know this is wrong but I want to insert a leg-screw stick3 in his mouth instead of his leg.

I glared at him with a stunned face, but he slowly withdrew. My wrist, which had been held tightly, ached.


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“I was going to go anyway.”

After getting out of bed with a huff, I turned around instead of leaving.

“And don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to sleep with you either.”


“You’re the one who ruined my fun, Marquis Listane. If you threaten my lover one more time, I won’t stand for it.”

I warned the bastard and left the room. Fortunately, there was not much commotion, so there were no onlookers gathered.

Mary, who was waiting outside, draped a shawl over my shoulder. As I started walking, she followed with a hurried stride.


End of Chapter 1. Being Alone


He was alone again.

Evandel sighed and sat down on the bed. When he touched the place where the sheet was pressed, he could still feel the warmth.


‘Are you okay? Toni, look at me.’


Was he anxious4?

It has been a long time since that selfish woman who knows nothing but herself spoke in such a worried tone.


‘Van, who made you like this?’


Maybe it was the same as back then.

The hand that dug into the sheet clenched into a fist, and wrinkles bloomed on the pure white fabric.

Lately, he has often seen her appearance for the first time in a long time.


‘I will give you freedom. Let’s get a divorce.’


It was the same when she said that.

When he was thinking about how long it had been since he had seen her flawless smile, he threw such a joke at that time. As if it had been calculated.

Come to think of it, the Imperial Princess seemed to have just returned to the way she was in the past. When he first met her, she was out of reach for him as he was shabby and unsightly.

Since when?

Ah, it must have been that night. The day she came to his room with all her malice gone which was different than usual.

What did she ask?

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Was it his relationship with another woman that she had been asking about every day?

No, it was not. That was not the case that day.


‘You know, Van.’


It was the night when he thought that her calm and subdued voice was not like her.


‘Was what we did love?’


He couldn’t give an answer. Because he didn’t even have the right to enjoy that kind of devotion in the first place.

However, if she showed that kind of personality at the beginning, would he be determined to end this tough ill-fated relationship?


‘If you threaten my lover one more time, I won’t stand for it.’


Are you really ready to leave me?



The man, who had been hiding like a shadow, emerged through the moonlight. The faithful aide patiently waited for him even if he did not say anything for a long time.

“Find out who Toni is.”



‘Or, do you have any lingering feelings for me?’


Her question echoed once again.

Evandel smiled and slowly shook his head.

“I have to get ready.”

It’s just that I’m not ready. I wanted to say that it could not be lingering feelings.



A married couple but the actual relationship between her and him has less than a platonic friendship would.


She’s basically asking if he has no external genitalia i.e. a eunuch who has been castrated and cannot perform.


주릿대 is a wooden stick used for leg-screw torture.


Anxious + missing + love when you separate or break up with your lover/boyfriend.

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