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2. Really Going To Get Divorced


I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but I must have been a puppy slayer in the distant past.

Not just one or two, but it seems well over a few hundred. Unless it’s that much of a sin, there’s no way the family I drew would be so bad until my second life.

I’ve always wondered.

If you don’t have money, you can earn it, and if you have a bad face, you can fix it,

Then, what should a trash family do?






“Mary, is this the face that makes a thousand years of lust cool down?”

The maid who was helping me with my hair stopped and made eye contact with me in the mirror. To describe her expression in one word, it was as if she had heard nonsense.

“Even Princess Aestra wouldn’t say such a thing.”

“Who is Aestra?”

“Your Highness tore the lady’s dress during the banquet, don’t you remember?”


An onion still appears even when I peel it off1, huh?

I clicked my tongue in admiration of Attila’s onion-like heroic story.

“Why did I tear off the dress that had no problem? Surely I didn’t do that in front of people, did I?”

“Of course it was in front of people. Probably because…… she asked why His Excellency didn’t ask you for a dance?”

At the moment, a sharp memory crept in, recalling the incident she had described.

Ah, right.

At the time, the banquet was hosted by Aestra’s family, the Duke of Danjork. And as it was a banquet for a princess, it was customary for unmarried men to dance with her.

However, if you are unmarried.

“It was worth tearing.”

“Honestly, yes. It was something that would make you angry even if you stayed still.”

Whether or not Princess Aestra was actually interested in Evandel was unknown. But obviously, her main intention was to taunt Attila.

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Perhaps she was probably one of the antis created by the princess’ temper.

“I hope I don’t get those bugs around today.”

But, as I spoke, I couldn’t help but feel how contradictory it was.

After all, the banquet I am attending today is the Crown Prince’s birthday banquet. In other words, I have to see Attila’s family, who belong to the Great King of Bugs, among the bugs.

“I can’t even get a divorce and we end up going to such a place like that together.”

The divorce papers never came in the end. He was truly like a Bodhisattva husband who overlooked even infidelity.

I know you don’t have any feelings, but shouldn’t you at least pretend to listen when I protest like this?

“Make it look good. Just in case I meet a nobleman today who will help me get a divorce.”

Of course, I’m not serious. It was impossible unless I met someone who would take me to another country and run away.

In the first place, no one would approach Attila, who is famous for her psychotic single-mindedness.

“It’s been a while since you had an official appearance. Which dress would you like to wear?”

Mary showed me about five of the dresses she had selected. At first, I looked at it seriously, but that only lasted for a moment. I quickly got tired of it and replied insincerely.

“Give me anything. Preferably something that isn’t pink. Why is it all pink?”

Personally, I like achromatic colors rather than primary colors. I don’t like bright and light colors, but four of the five were pink.

“You really have changed.”


At her words that I couldn’t understand, I looked at Mary and she said with a faint smile.

“You were famous for sticking to pink……..”

Ah. That’s right, I did.

The reason why Attila became a pink fanatic is simple. Because Evandel liked pink.

If I remember correctly, it was the color he praised as a suitable fit for Attila. This is why the princess, who wanted to win his favor, only wore pink day and night.

“I’ll never wear pink from now on, so don’t even take it out.”

I prefer achromatic colors, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like certain colors. But as of today, I’ve decided to hate pink.

I will not wear the color that bastard chose.

“How can you say that to this face, you jerk with eyes on the soles of your feet?”

“His Excellency must have said that because you look so holy.”

Mary said something ridiculous to soothe me. When I realized that I was being overly angry, my anger gradually cooled down.

It’s funny. Why would I care about the words of such a guy in the first place?

It was when I wrapped up my emotions and thought about this and that and wore the dress.

“The magic circle is ready.”

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Just at the right time, the butler announced. With one last spray of perfume, I went down to the first floor following his guidance.

Since the Imperial Palace is far from the territory, a magic circle is needed. After teleporting to the Imperial capital, I was going to enter the palace in a carriage prepared in advance.


But when I arrived, there was another face that I didn’t want to see besides the magician of Listane.

I rejected Evandel’s outstretched hand, and said harshly.

“Never mind. There’s no need to be polite.”

Why would a man who normally didn’t care if I went first or not suddenly want to escort me?

But as soon as I reached the magic circle, he gave me an unpleasant answer.

“It’s uncomfortable for both of us, but today is the Imperial Palace banquet, so we have to pretend to be a married couple.”


“It doesn’t matter now, but I hope you’ll be mindful of it later for Your Highness’s honor.”

That sounds like a face-saving thing. When did you care about me?

Isn’t the story of a princess being mistreated by her husband already established as a snack2 on the continent?

Of course, he didn’t care about that either. I sneered and burst out laughing at his words.

“You know I don’t care about that, right? What’s more, I’m going to put more shame on myself at this banquet. There must be a lot of young masters waiting for me.”


But what he said was unexpected.

“…… You must have broken up with Toni.”

“…… What?”

Just as I was asking back at the unexpected words, the magic circle suddenly activated with a wooing sound.

Startled by the unfamiliar phenomenon, I clung to the person next to me.



I was so shocked that I didn’t have time to think about whose chest I was holding. I was just busy grabbing his shirt and burying my face in it.

I felt dizzy and nauseous due to the influence of magic I had never experienced before. Even my field of vision was not in good condition and was shaking.

After a long time, I could barely stand on my own, and was limp like a mollusk.

“Ugh, I can’t do it twice.”

“…… Anyone who sees you will think it’s your first time teleporting with magic.”

Instead of holding me, my jerk husband muttered something like that and started walking in the lead.

I glared at the back of his white head and gritted my teeth.

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You rude bastard, just wait and see.


I was worried about what would happen if I had no memory of the Imperial Palace, but fortunately, it was just an unfounded worry.

When I first walked through the gate, it was a bit unfamiliar, but soon my memory began to clear like a fog.

“Oh my!”

“Oh my God…….”

And the baptism of gazes that began as soon as I stepped out of the carriage was unceasing.

Attila, whose husband was at the top of the list, was often stuck in the territory even during the social season, and when she visited the imperial capital, it was at most on an imperial birthday.

As a result, many people saw the real life princess who was full of rumors for the first time.

Everyone, from servants to nobles, approached with curious eyes and then walked away with gaping mouths. Even if the imperial family is not a celebrity, it felt rude in a way.

As the response continued, I couldn’t help but feel like a monkey in a zoo. Only then did I realize that the Marquis’ people had already adapted to Attila’s appearance.

“You must be proud to have a pretty wife.”

With a sorry heart, I cracked a joke at Evandel, who had been placed in the spotlight with me.

But is there anything to be sorry about? Perhaps I was getting more attention because a handsome figure like the male lead was next to me.

“I have nothing to do with Your Highness’s appearance, so why would I be proud?”


As usual, his tone of speaking has nothing good in it, but if you look at the content, it was correct.

Now that I hear it, that’s true. If I have to find someone who could be proud of it, it’s the empress who gave birth to this face. She was as indifferent to her daughter as the emperor is, so she couldn’t have felt any pride.

“I like how certain you are with calculations. I hope you do the same when dividing the property later.”


“Why don’t you have an answer? Don’t forget I brought a lot of dowry.”

“……just pay your gambling debts.”

“…… Wasn’t that already paid off?”

I grabbed his arm, feeling like I had missed some very important information. Noticing us in front of the banquet hall, the servant loudly announced our appearance.

“Her Highness the Imperial Princess and Marquis Listane!”

After calling our names, the eyes were on me again.

Is this really the kind of attention I’m going to get for the rest of my life? While I was bewildered by being able to unintentionally empathize with a celebrity’s life, the sound of people humming reached my ears.

“That’s Her Highness the Imperial Princess…….”

“She is undeserving of the rumors.”

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“If the Marquis is not shaken by such beauty……”

Listening to their talk of admiration and dismay made me even more uncomfortable in a position that I wasn’t originally happy about. In my mind, I just wanted to show my face to the Emperor and then go back.

“Captain, it’s new to see you dressed like this instead of in a uniform!”

Not long after entering, a young man came to Evandel. Judging from the fact that he was called Captain, it seemed that he was a subordinate who he shared with the joys and sorrows before he went down to the territory.

The young man who was approaching him with a smile suddenly spotted me and opened his eyes wide.

“Oh my God, this lady that I’ve only heard of……”

“Sir Roin, you should show courtesy to Her Highness.”

“Ah, of course.”

The man, called Roin, hurriedly greeted me. I didn’t know how to react, so I just gave a slight nod.

He kept glancing at me and whispering to Evandel.

“I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman like this before!”

“…… Sir Roin.”

Are you really whispering that?

I don’t know if it was because he swallowed a train smokestack3, but it wasn’t even funny because I heard it all.

Evandel, who seemed uncomfortable throughout the conversation, eventually dragged him away and disappeared. At first, I was relieved to be without him, but I soon changed my mind.

Being left alone was awkward enough to the point of death.

“I feel sorry for His Excellency.”

“She is so obsessed with her husband…….”

“Before they got married, she personally punished her rivals in love.”

And the whispers got worse. Due to her4 personality, she didn’t have any friends with anyone, and I started to feel a little sore trying to stand still by myself.

While fiddling with my hair, I repeatedly straightened the hem of the dress without wrinkles. I was worried about where to put my hands, where my eyes should look, and everything else.

So I forgot. Who this banquet was for.

“Who is this, isn’t your face so precious? How come you show up at the right time when people start to forget you?”


I wanted anyone to come and talk to me, but not this person.


There is always a new suspicion about her popping up just like there is always a new layer inside an onion after its outer layer is peeled off.


In this situation, it means it is a favorite topic to talk about while eating a snack with alcohol (안줏거리).


기차 화통을 삶아 먹은 meaning he talks loudly (even when he is whispering).


She is talking about the original Atilla.

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