Nikolai Rojas. In previous life, Han So-yi’s relationship with her brother was hopeless.

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Commonly referred to as siblings in real life were heavenly by my standards. A close relationship that can only be seen in a harmonious family.

“It’s not like I wanted to come.”

“This girl still talks the same even after seeing her for the first time in a while.”

Attila’s mother, now the empress, was the handmaiden of the previous empress. To make a long story short, it is a case where a rolling stone takes out the embedded stone1.

This is why Nikolai, born from the former empress, cannot see Attila favorably. Of course, Attila also hated the existence of her half-brother.

“I didn’t see your gift on the list. You came empty-handed, so did you leave your courtesy behind at Listane?”

“What are you talking about? I clearly brought it.”

Looking straight at the doubtful Nikolai, I arrogantly pointed at my face.


“…… What?”

“I personally attended.”


“Do you have a friend with your trashy personality? Why would they come to celebrate your birthday? You came here to see me.”


Honestly, when I think about it, what I said was a bit of a curse. But it’s not like I made up words that don’t exist.

His temper is also inherited.

Nikolai, the emperor’s son, also had a dog-like personality, and the only friends who stuck by his side were either people who were the same as the Crown Prince or who flocked to pick up the unexpected profits they could gain from him. Some of those jackals adored the Imperial Princess for her excellent looks. The fact that Attila was married didn’t have much of an impact. After all, infidelity was never considered a sin in high society.

“It seems like your personality has become more vulgar since we haven’t seen each other?”

“Your self-introduction skills have improved.”

“This is clearly a!”

Unable to control his anger, Nikolai threateningly raised his right hand.

I tried not to be scared. I was used to being hit, so I was confident enough to endure pain, and it was also my last pride.

However, it couldn’t stop my body from reflexively cowering after recalling the memory.


But even after waiting for a long time, I didn’t feel any pain. As I slowly lifted my eyelids, I noticed another arm blocking his arm.

“Big brother, a lot of people are watching. Be careful with how you act.”

Hair that is much darker than Attila, closer to black. Dark blue eyes reminiscent of the deep sea.

A vague fragment of memory stuck out, making me remember.

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“…… Who are you calling your big brother? You’re making me feel dirty.”

Nikolai glared alternately at him and me with a cold face and then turned his back. I was able to infer his identity from what he said.


Dexter Crest. The Countess of Crest, who was the emperor’s mistress, persistently insists that he is the blood of the emperor.

However, the Emperor adamantly denied it. In the end, Dexter, who was never recognized by him, could not use the surname Rojas. However, his appearance, which resembled the emperor even more than Nikolai, convinced the majority that he was the Emperor’s son.

“Why is big sister taking notice of me for some reason? You even called my name.”


Nikolai would curse at him, and Attila would take things even further and treat him like a ghost.

It’s not something I did, but I said it as if to make an excuse out of embarrassment.

“My personality is not that bad enough to ignore the person who helped me.”

“Is that so?”

At least he wasn’t as hostile as Nikolai. He responded moderately with a smile on his face and was the first person here to ask how I was doing.

“Have you been well?”

There is no way that the suicide disturbance Atilla committed could not have been rumored, regardless of how far the territory was from the imperial capital.

I wondered if he was asking without really knowing or because he knew but didn’t have anything to say.

“Me? What about you?”

I didn’t know what to answer, so I skipped the question and he smiled.

“Are you asking me how I am doing?”


Wasn’t it originally that if one side asked, the other side would also ask out of courtesy? Attila seemed to have lowered many expectations.

“If you don’t want to talk, then don’t.”

He burst into a small laugh when I replied coyly in embarrassment.

“I was in Qishan until recently.”


It’s a familiar place. Isn’t the country famous for tourism? I think it would be okay to get divorced and find peace of mind there.

“His Majesty has entrusted me with a task. The royal family of Qishan is also in the palace for an agreement.”

Come to think of it, I heard somewhere that Viscount Crest is a capable diplomat.

He doesn’t acknowledge him as a son even if he dies, but he makes him work very hard. A feeling of pity was born out of repulsion towards the Emperor.

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“Still, you must have seen a lot of pretty scenery. I’m thinking about going and living there.”


His eyes widened. He seemed surprised by my sudden remarks.

That’s probably sudden. Since it’s a plan I just came up with.

Whenever I was bored these days, I try to picture a life after a divorce. It would be nice to spend a quiet time enjoying the beauty of nature in Qishan.

“Did the King of Qishan recruit the Marquis of Listane? I didn’t hear anything like that.”

My impromptu nonsense made him look quite serious.

If Evandel, who holds the title of Swordmaster and Slayer, goes to another country, it would be a huge loss of power, so it’s understandable. In particular, as the person in charge of Qishan’s diplomacy, he would have been concerned.

I hurriedly waved my hands to alleviate his concerns.

“It’s not like that. I just said it because I wanted to go there after a divorce.”

“…… Divorce?”

How did I end up talking all this way?

With a frown on my nose, I spat out.

“It’s not easy, but I’m trying.”

“You’re even planning to do that?”

It seemed unbelievable that the great king of obsession was going to get a divorce first. I didn’t want to explain in detail, so I replied roughly.

“Uh-huh, well. If it turns out well, give me a list of attractions in Qishan. Then I’ll leave now.”


I urged my feet in case he followed me and talked to me.

I don’t have any ill feelings toward him as Attila did, but I was nervous about talking about a divorce that hadn’t happened yet.

It’s best to be quiet until it actually happens.

“Anyway, where should I go?”

It was good to come out gallantly, but I had nowhere to go.

I didn’t want to go back to the banquet hall where young men and women eagerly weighed each other. That doesn’t mean there are a lot of places to hang out, either.

In the end, I chose to just walk around. Although I would lose face as a member of the imperial family, it was the inevitable end for me.

It was when I went outside to the garden.

“Juliet, I think you’re even more erotic today.”

“Oh my gosh.”

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What I witnessed was a secret meeting between the Crown Prince and a woman.

I immediately turned my back, feeling like my eyes were going to rot. It felt like the champagne I drank earlier was rising up my throat.

“Damn it, it’s because I’m out of luck.”

Where is that fiancée of his, who has been around since they were kids, and why is he doing that with a stranger? In any case, he was just like the Emperor and indulged in useless things.

But it wasn’t long after I went to the other side that I regretted even coming out into the garden.


It was at that moment that I thought I had heard something worse than before. In the corridor leading to the garden, I found a couple engaged in a deep act of affection that was incomparable to that of the Crown Prince.

“…… Crazy.”

I forced a smile as I recited the Crown Prince’s lines from earlier. The person who was pushing the woman against the wall and kissing her intensely was none other than Dexter.

That dignified image from earlier was nowhere to be found, and he was devouring the woman as if he was going to strip her naked.

“That’s…… Carita, isn’t it?”

Moreover, the face of the woman I saw at first glance was very familiar.

Attila’s memory was telling me. That woman’s identity is Carita Opheliante.

The Crown Prince’s fiancée, whom I had wondered about her whereabouts earlier, was right here. She’s doing that with someone who might be her fiancé’s brother. It was just a disaster.

But Dexter, who was buried in the world of the two of them and couldn’t see his surroundings, suddenly turned his head in my direction.

“…… Ah.”

Eventually, our eyes met.

For a moment, it felt as if his blue eyes were turning black. But for some reason, he didn’t stop teasing Carita.

…… What the, why aren’t you looking away?

His behavior of not looking away or stopping touching her, even though it was clear that he had seen me, came across as strange.

“Ahh, Dexter!”

There was a series of moans that were embarrassing to hear continuously.

I had to turn my back first. As if I had forgotten my embarrassment, I had no intention of having a staring contest with him, and I didn’t want to see my sister-in-law-to-be’s deviation.

It was wrong to set foot in the garden in the first place. I hurried to the banquet hall, paying close attention to the direction I had encountered the Crown Prince.

“Where did Evandel go?”

After facing a series of exhausting situations, I became extremely tired. I wanted to go back quickly or get a room to rest.

Then I noticed a balcony on one side of the hallway.

“…… Shall I go over there?”

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It seemed better to spend time in a quiet place than to go back into the noisy banquet hall.

With somewhat lighter steps, I reached the balcony.

Leaning against the railing and facing the cool breeze, the discomfort accumulated by the shocking scenes from earlier seemed to be blown away.

“Ah, so good.”

I should have come out here earlier. The next time I have to attend another banquet at the palace, I have to charter from here.

But the peace I finally found did not last long.

“Whoa, what a killer beauty!”


A noble who was so drunk that he could not properly hold himself had invaded my resting place. He drank so much that even though he was a short distance away, the smell of alcohol wafted all the way here.

“Lady, have a drink with me!”

“Get lost.”

My blood pressure shot up, and I spoke harshly, but the drunkard didn’t seem to listen.

As he smiled, he struggled to come before me with legs that weren’t as good as his ability to judge.

Seeing the man getting closer and closer, I was conflicted.

I don’t think I’ll be able to fight back anyway, so should I hit him once?

“Uehehehe! Ladyyyy!”

He even shamelessly grabbed the hem of my dress. The drunken man grabbed my dress and knelt down, causing some of the dress decorations to fall off.

My hair stood on end at his excessive rudeness. Just as I was about to step on the shoes of this nobleman, a familiar silver hair was reflected in my peripheral vision.


It was Evandel. When I spotted him presumably on his way back to the banquet hall, I was instantly relieved.

Even if the drunkard was staggering on his feet, it was a little overwhelming to fight one-on-one. I was very glad to see him appear just in time.


Instead of helping, Evandel narrowed his brow and looked at me. I’m sure our eyes met, but why isn’t he coming this way?

I was puzzled because I couldn’t understand why, but the scene that took place immediately after was beyond my imagination.

“What in the…….”

Why is that crazy bastard walking back the way he came!


굴러 온 돌이 박힌 돌 빼낸다 means a person takes out/replaces another person or new blood replaces the old one. An English equivalent of this is “One nail drives out another.”

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