Chapter 18: Officer Evil Star (Part 4)

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March 20, 2023Ai Hrist

“Speak up if you have something to say.”

Xiao Zhou immediately started blowing rainbow farts: “It’s worthy to follow Sister Sang. You have endless charm, even the three golden actresses have been won by you!”

Gu Zhisang: “???”

Xiao Zhou: “Look at the trending searches, Yu Tongqiu has followed you!”

After clicking on Big Eye Boy, Gu Zhisang found out that she was blown away by @. Apart from her divination to “Blue Moon” which became a hot search, the most important reason was Yu Tongqiu.

The cold actress who doesn’t like socializing in the entertainment circle and doesn’t take part in variety shows very much posted several posts today for the first time.

First, she sued various marketing accounts that divulged and sold her information for illegal activities. And then her status was rejuvenated, Director Liu of “Floating Sea” came out to refute the rumor that she was playing big names, saying that the reason why she asked for leave was that she fell off the horse.

For a while, many angry fans and passers-by scolded the black fans and the marketing account, expressing their love for the actress.

At the same time, Yu Tongqiu, who was on the cusp of the storm, took the initiative to pay attention to a star, a female star who was promoted to the front line because of too much scandal – Gu Zhisang.

Fans carefully guessed whether the movie queen had made a mistake, so Yu Tongqiu reposted the high-energy editing of the first issue of Gu Zhisang released by the “Spiritual Affairs” program group.

V Yu Tongqiu: It’s very exciting, everyone goes to watch it! @Spiritual Affai

An opponent’s black fan immediately jumped out, accusing Gu Zhisang of playing big names, the senior movie queens took the initiative to follow her but deliberately pretended not to see her, and did not return or post, trying to provoke Yu Tongqiu’s fans and passers-by.

However, even the sparks didn’t rise, and they were once again trampled out by the actress herself.

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V Yu Tongqiu: Sangsang is a friend I value very much. She is a very good person and has helped me a lot. I am very grateful to her and hope that my fans will not end up like that person.

[Qiuqiu has finally made friends in the circle. The person who can make you write such a paragraph must have a good relationship.]

[Listen to the goddess, I will have a good evaluation of Gu Zhisang in the future, and I hope that some people will not come to stir up trouble. Do you think we can’t see it?]

[I’m the only one who is curious about how the two beauties met?]

Black fan: “Numb.”

For this reason, Gu Zhisang’s fans of big-eyed boy exploded by hundreds of thousands in the morning, and now it has broken through five million. She found that she still has a serious fan group, which has reached four groups.

The group headlines were also quite interesting: “Don’t pick up black material and don’t hit the rankings. The Buddha is a holy place for chasing stars and dogs. As long as Sang’s face doesn’t collapse, we won’t retreat!”

After looking around, Gu Zhisang was happy, and turned her attention to Yu Tongqiu, and then picked the angriest black fan to reply slowly:

After a break in the afternoon, Gu Zhisang and the other contestants were called together by the program team.

Host Liu, who was holding a loudspeaker, said with a smile: “Dear viewers and friends, good afternoon, the second half of this program is about to start. One of the 9 contestants who are standing in front of you will be eliminated after the show. Who will win and pass the level, and who will be eliminated with regret? Everyone, just wait and see!”

After speaking, a total of nine cars drove out of the hotel garage and stopped at the edge of the open space.

Host Liu said: “The filming location for the second half of the show is not in the town, but in the stretching and towering mountains behind us. We will send you to the entry point first. I will remind everyone, that is, although there are cameras throughout the filming area and drone aerial photography following you, there are still certain dangers in the mountains. If there are contestants who cannot walk the mountain road, or decide to quit temporarily, you can raise your hand now.”

This was the process that the program group told the audience. The program script for this episode has already been sent to the contestants. Everyone came here only after they were sure they could enter the mountain.

“Next, all contestants, please draw the number plate in the box in turn, which represents the entry point of each of you.”

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Like the previous program, this time to prevent the players from helping each other, the players still have to be broken up.

After Gu Zhisang finished drawing the number plate, she got into the corresponding car and was sent to the entry point at the foot of the mountain.

Some staff members have already set up a shed here, and when they saw her coming, they sent the sealed envelope prepared in advance to Gu Zhisang.

After opening, it says the mission introduction of the second half.

“There is a well-known sacred mountain in the southern part of the province, named ‘Popo Mountain’. It is said that it’s the mountain goddess who guards here to protect the people on the mountain and control the change of seasons and harvest. Among all the villages in the mountains, there is one village that is the most famous, that is, the guardian mountain god ‘Poshi Village’. Their ethnic group has been passed down in the mountains for hundreds of years, leaving many legends behind.”

“This mission invites all contestants to enter the mountains, find the real guardians in the mountains where the ethnic groups are scattered, and explore the secrets hidden in them. To facilitate the contestants find the village, the program team will give you some hints: Poshi Village is located on the shady side of Popo Mountain. Contestants who fail to reach the real Poshi Village before sunset will be deducted certain points, which will have a certain impact on ranking and staying in the program!”

After reading the contents of the envelope, Gu Zhisang raised her head to look at the mountain in front of her, with a slight interest in her eyes.

After some instructions from the staff, she walked towards the entrance…

As written on the envelope, Popo Mountain was not blocked, on the contrary, at every distance, Gu Zhisang can see artificially mined paths in the mountains, and wooden houses and stone houses were indistinct, which was a characteristic of this place.

After walking a few steps, she, the camera, and another staff member ran into a young man carrying a basket, black and thin, looking about fourteen or fifteen years old.

When he saw Gu Zhisang, the skinny child suddenly widened his eyes. He had never seen such a good-looking person in the mountains.

Looking at the camera on the shoulder of the camera, he looked excited and curious, and asked in broken Mandarin:

“Are you here to shoot a show? Is this a camera?”

Southern Province has many mountains and rivers and beautiful scenery, and this was the most remote and secretive border area. There have always been various legends circulating here, especially the mountain range of Popo Mountain, which was regarded as a sacred mountain by the local people.

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The origins of ‘Shaman’ and ‘Wizard’ both come from here.

As a mountain range that has hardly been exploited commercially, many great scientists from various provinces and even the capital have come to Popo Mountain to explore the geology, collect plant specimens and shoot documentaries, etc.;

It was said that there was also a large tomb on this mountain.

In the early years, the villagers could still encounter tomb robbers who entered the mountain and asked for routines. It was just, even after so many years have passed, no one has ever found the legendary tomb.

With the development of the times, the villages in the mountains have been connected to electricity and network cables one after another, and they have seen the outside world and novelty. This kind of black camera, the boy has seen it on TV, but he has never seen the real thing.

“Am I on TV now?” He moved closer to the camera but didn’t touch it directly.

“Yes. Hundreds of thousands of people are watching you now. Let’s say hello to everyone.” Seeing this, the cameraman took out his phone and showed him.

The screen was Gu Zhisang’s live broadcast room, with the boy’s curious face and bullet chatting all over the screen, and the audience in the live broadcast room swiped the screen to greet him;

At first sight of himself, the boy was taken aback.

[This younger brother’s eyes are so dark and bright, the mountain kid is so innocent and cute!]

[It looks like an animal, it’s also quite polite, and it’s really cute.]

[Wow, the scenery of this mountain looks really good, it is so beautiful without a filter, the air must be very good!]

Gu Zhisang had no choice but to ask, “What’s your name?”

After the beautiful fairy asked his name, the boy said cautiously: “My name is Wa. I live in Daliang Village, Shandong. I went down the mountain to dig bamboo shoots for my grandmother. There is nothing I don’t know about the nearby mountains and villages. I can help you find the place wherever you want to go!”

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“Your name is quite cute.” Gu Zhisang’s lips curled up, “Since you know where it is, let’s ask you about it…”

Being praised by the beautiful fairy, Wa touched the back of her head: “Just ask! “

“Which direction is Poshi Village?”

Hearing those words, the expression on Wa’s shy smiling face suddenly changed. He stared at Gu Zhisang and her party, and he retreated. After retreating a few steps, he ran up the mountain very fast as if he was walking on flat ground.

Within a few seconds, there was only a barely visible figure left in the camera lens.


The cameraman and the staff looked at each other in blank dismay, and the audience in the live broadcast room was also confused, wondering why did the little boy react so strongly.

Gu Zhisang narrowed her eyes slightly, “It’s okay, let’s go up first.”

Popo Mountain was the shady side. This sentence has many meanings. The mountain was shady the bottom valley where the sun cannot reach can be called the shady side. But if people want to distinguish yin and yang from Feng Shui acupoints, people need to go to a relatively high place to observe the ‘qi’.

After walking up for a short distance, a fist-sized stone suddenly rolled down from the slope above and brushed past Gu Zhisang.

 She looked up towards the direction where the stone fell, and saw that skinny little boy standing far behind a tree, with a dark face and complicated expressions.

“Hey, don’t go to that place!”

Gu Zhisang asked: “Why?”

“It’s a place abandoned by the mountain goddess. No one in it can get the protection of the goddess. If you go there, you will be in bad luck!”

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