Chapter 19: Dragon Hunting (Part 1)

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March 21, 2023Ai Hrist

“Thank you for the reminder, but we must go to Poshi Village.” Gu Zhisang waved her hand, thanked Little Boy Wa for his kindness, and then continued toward the top of the mountain.

Seeing that they didn’t listen to persuasion, Little Boy Wa was a little anxious, but thinking of the legends of the older generation in the mountain, he didn’t follow up.

After this little episode, Poshi Village, a place that sounded a bit weird, was covered with a layer of mystery in the hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room.

In the last episode of the program, the cameraman who was in charge of filming Gu Zhisang had a certain understanding of her speed and physical strength, but he never thought that he still underestimated it. On such a difficult mountain road, this seems weak female star still has the wind on her feet, like walking on flat ground.

It took less than an hour for them to climb to the viewing platform of the main peak of Popo Mountain.

When the other two sat on the stone bench panting, Gu Zhisang, whose breathing hardly fluctuated, walked to the edge of the viewing platform. She found that the view here was surprisingly good as if it was built for the convenience of people to “observe the breath”.

The side peaks stretching on both sides can be seen at a glance, and the whole mountain looks like…

Like a churning dragon!

The undulating mountain was the ‘Dragon’s Back’, and at the end of the field of vision shrouded in clouds and mist, a little lake can be vaguely seen, and the ‘Dragon’s Tail’ was submerged in it.

It was mid-afternoon at this time, and the golden sun shone on the sunny side of Popo Mountain.

Gu Zhisang could tell at a glance that this mountain had dragon veins.

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And it was also a living vein with a particularly prosperous fortune!

From her point of view, the qi and luck of this dragon vein have been formed for at least a thousand years, and China was still a feudal society a few hundred years ago, with princes and generals.

Generally, this kind of momentum was excellent. The geomantic treasures with dragon veins inside were recorded by Feng Shui Masters. Especially those who were responsible for finding the location of the Emperor’s tomb. Such a place was used as the location of the royal tomb.

From the perspective of a Feng Shui Master, the dragon veins of Popo Mountain were one of the best terrains in a hundred, and it was impossible for this not to be occupied.

In other words, there should be a large tomb here.

Gu Zhisang’s expression became more serious. She took out an old golden and copper-colored compass from the backpack behind her back. This was bought by Xing Lan at the incense shop as a present to her.

At this time, the cameraman who was slowly breathing was a little embarrassed, and he came over to shoot with the machine on his shoulders:

[The anchor is in good physical strength. She didn’t sweat at all.]

[Is this a compass? This is the first time I see clearly what the real thing looks like. What do the patterns and words on it mean?]

[Why don’t you go to the village but climb the mountain? I saw from other contestants that they have found several wrong places. The village seems to be in a remote location and it is very difficult to find. The anchor is not in a hurry…]

At this moment, Gu Zhisang said:

“The mission in the second half needs to find the Poshi village first. The program team has given us a very clear reminder to find the shadiest place in Popo Mountain. Popo Mountain is interspersed by a whole dragon vein, with the south as the head and the north as the tail. Facing the sun soaring into the sky, surrounding the sand, and embracing the water. You only need to find the air inlet of the dragon vein, and you can find the shadiest place of Popo Mountain.”

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What was the air inlet? It was believed in Fengshui that mountains have dragon veins to gather energy and nourish energy, while dragons have “dragon heads”. The more active dragon veins sometimes swallow clouds and spit out mist, and sometimes inhale and spray wind waves;

Some mysterious masters call it “Long Tunfeng” and “Dragon Chewing”.

That location was the most unstable place in the whole mountain, and it changes frequently, and the ‘mountain atmosphere’ will change according to the weather and wind direction of the day.

Fans who often climb mountains have this experience:

When entering the mountain, the mountain was cloudy and cold, but the temperature rises not long after, or when climbing the mountain, it suddenly rains and mist… This was because the ‘qi’ at the air inlet has changed.

As long as people find the air inlet, people can find the shadiest place on the whole mountain in Feng Shui.

Gu Zhisang opened the dial, fixed the cross fishing line on the compass, dragged the compass with the palm of her hand, and gently flicked the dial with her fingertips, and the copper-colored magnetic needle on the dial began to drip rotate.

When it stopped slowly, it overlapped with the red line of Tianchi, pointing in a certain direction.

The audience didn’t understand anything, but then, they heard Gu Zhisang say: “I found it.”

After putting away the compass, Gu Zhisang raised her feet and walked towards a certain direction in the mountain. The cameraman behind her picked up his camera and followed quickly.

The further they went, the worse the surrounding environment became. There were no stone slabs under their feet, and the road was covered with dirt. After walking for a long time, they didn’t see anyone.

For a while, the audience in the live broadcast room questioned that Gu Zhisang had found the wrong direction, and some worried that they would get lost if they went too deep into the mountain.

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After another ten minutes, the earth and stone houses finally appeared in the line of sight of Gu Zhisang and the others through the shade of trees in the mountains.

[Holy shit, the roads in this mountain look the same everywhere, even if you give me a map, I can’t find the place, but Gu Zhisang finds the road to Poshi Village!]

[Not sure if she found the right one, is Gu Zhisang the first?]

[Who is that in front? Did you run into a player?]

[Ah, it’s Xiaoci, my two favorites among the male and female contestants have met by such a coincidence, and this is in the mountains!]

[… …]

The barrage suddenly surged. Gu Zhisang also saw figures in another narrow path. Three persons walking with a medium-sized video camera. The young man leading them was wearing a gray shirt. After pushing aside the bushes, the young man also saw them. a

When the young man met Gu Zhisang’s gaze, he trembled in shock.

Contestant No. #2, Bai Ci.

Gu Zhisang waved her hand, and moved her smiling gaze down to Bai Ci’s feet, “Number 2, what a coincidence.”

She saw a few hedgehogs around the feet of the young man. The biggest one was as fat as half a football, and it was a bit scary to look at;

There were also a few small clumsy ones around.

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One of the little hedgehogs poked a few red wild fruits with sharp thorns on its back and crawled forward two meters by itself with its nose raised. When it realized that none of its companions were following, it raised its head and was instantly terrified when it saw Gu Zhisang. With all four feet raised, he fell back and shrunk into a ball.

Bai Ci’s voice was very low, “You, hello…”

Gu Zhisang: “… …”

Was she that scary?

After looking at the huge hedgehog at the young man’s feet, with dark eyes and a bit of humane vigilance, she walked towards the village gate without saying anything.

[Oh my god, this hedgehog immortal is sure smart. That big hedgehog is not easy at first glance, and they all follow him!]

[Xiao Ci and the ‘hedgehog’ are so cute. Gu Zhisang is also really awesome, she was the first to arrive, right?]

[After Bai Ci entered the mountain, the hedgehog immortal lead the way. He never stopped, so he collide with Contestant No. #7, which shows that Contestant No. #7 is really fast and accurate.]

Among the few uncontroversial contestants in the third season of “Spiritual Affairs”, Bai Ci was among the contestants who were recognized by everyone as being psychic.

He has shown his amazing ability to “invite immortals” since the first issue, and there were hedgehogs around him in each issue. Although he bluntly said that he doesn’t know how to tell fortunes, his popularity has always been very high.

Especially in this team match right now.

From the moment Bai Ci entered the mountain, the gigantic hedgehog came out with a group of smaller hedgehogs, leading the way in front of him along the way. This scene which cannot be explained by science made the popularity of his live broadcast skyrocket. After they appeared, the program jumped into second place.

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