[B, bwother did? Why did bwother?]

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Our baby princess, the drama queen, was overtaken by panic once more.

But perhaps because she knew instinctively that this was not a bad thing, she didn’t burst into tears.

[Bwother didn’t go yet? Why ish he hea?]

“Haniel, would you like your brother to go back?]

[Ye-esh! Hea ish mommy and Haniel’s house. Ish Haniel’s house foweva.]


However, maybe even the sudden increase of anxiousness was also instinctual; she was soon sullen and shook her head. Even though it wasn’t like I’d told her to go meet him right this moment, she tucked in her wings and burrowed into my arms.

“Yes, you’re right. This is Haniel and mommy’s house.”

[Then, then whyy? Why bwother come?]

Haniel’s little white face popped up above my skirts.

[He didn’t come to take Haniel away?]

“Yes. It’s nothing like that.”

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Not at this moment. Not for now, at least.

In actuality, it could be that I was the one more anxious than this child.

So while this hand was patting Haniel comfortingly, nervous as she was, I might be the one wanting to be pat in comfort.

Though of course, I wouldn’t have anyone to pat me like this anyways.

[…..Then why did big bwother go talk to Teacher Merong?]

“I wonder. Why did he do that?”

Acting oblivious on purpose, I drew out the time thoughtfully. Seeing the way Haniel’s squirming beak was pecking me in between my fingers, she might have had an idea of her own.

“But mommy thinks that it wasn’t because he doesn’t like you, Haniel.”

[Big, big bwother doeshn’t?]


I couldn’t bring myself to say that it was because he liked her, but I tried to explain as closely as I could to the truth while I gently scratched the back of Haniel’s neck.

“Who would come all the way to the school to see a child they didn’t like?”

[But…. Big bwother ish scawy?]

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“And your scary brother talked so nicely, too. He didn’t take out his sword, he didn’t tell his doggy to bite, and he said ‘Please take care of our Haniel in the future’ to Lady Melleo. That’s what he said.”


As I thought, I’d gone too far.

Haniel’s red eyes were challenging as she showed great distrust in her mom for the first time.

But even those eyes were so similar to that man’s eyes that I could have almost mistaken myself for having him in my arms, not her.

“Or do you want to try meeting your oldest brother, Haniel?”

[B-bwother? Emperow bwother?]

“Mm. You can go with mommy and see if he really doesn’t like Haniel or not.”

My soft coaxing voice was as tempting as a witch’s. At my attempt to completely deceive a child like this, Selene clucked her tongue as if to say that was an appalling thing to do.

‘Oi, if you’re not going to help, then leave.’

I slid out my foot to push her away and went back to twinkling my eyes as innocently as I could.

Still seemingly conflicted, Haniel would rub her beak or spin around in place.

“If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to. Mommy will meet Haniel’s brother and tell him that he can’t see you yet.”

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[….Mommy will? Only mommy?]

When I’d asked her to go with me, she’d only been hesitant, but as soon as I said I’d go by myself, Haniel was trembling in horror.

What was bothering our princess now, I wonder.

I tried to soothe her down once more, but it was impossible for me to understand the capricious heart of a three-year-old baby.

“If you meet your oldest brother, then you’ll know everything.”


“Of course, not everything. But gradually.”

Even when we reached the front of our house, Haniel’s indecisive pondering did not end.

She would smile when she saw the ends of the ribbon I’d tied around her, then sniff at the dried filefish Lady Melleo had given her; but when she looked at the palace across the lake, she faltered like she was ill.

‘But this isn’t something I can pressure her into with forceforcefully.’

While waiting for the baby princess to make a decision, seated in front of the door, the sun was now already tilting towards the edge of the west.

But if it meant Haniel would make up her mind, I was resolved to wait for her all night long.

What of it. All I had left over was time and affection anyways.

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“Yes, yes. Have you thought about it?”

I brought my ear down towards Haniel’s beak so that it wasn’t obvious how long I’d waited. I automatically began smiling at her whispering voice before I stopped momentarily.



“Go inside first. Hurry.”

Perhaps surprised by my firmness, Haniel didn’t even pester me to let her stay with me.

The poor thing, how much she must have walked on eggshells back in the palace to not be able to be stubborn.

I felt sympathetic for that side of her as well, but right now safety came first.

‘I’m sure I heard a sound.’

While I had Haniel in my arms, I noticed a rustling behind the villa.

I could count on one hand the number of possible guests who’d come here, but all of them were not welcome. Lania and Rebecca, whoever it was between the two, they had nothing to do but be violent.

“Quick. Hurry on inside.”

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