First, I opened the door and let Haniel and Selene in. It was quiet now, like nothing had happened, but I needed to be all the more careful because of that.

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In order to confirm that there was no one around, I approached the forest that was in proximity with the villa.

“Is anybody there?”


Was I wrong?

True—if it was Lania and Rebecca, that pair of sisters could rush towards me and tear the door down right this moment, and then some. There was no way those people who forced down their desire to end me multiple times a day would be hiding like this.

“…..You really have no fear.”

“Oh- oh my gosh!”

As soon as I let myself feel relieved that there was nobody here, all the strength left my knees at the shadow that popped up without warning behind me.

And what was this! I wasn’t sure if it was fortunate or unfortunate, but thanks to a hand stretching out and supporting my body, I didn’t collapse onto the ground pathetically.

“To think you’d come all the way out here alone.”

“Your, Your Highness!”

Wouldn’t this be closer to unfortunate, I wonder?

Startled by the hand supporting my back, I drew back.

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Just think of what happened to me when this happened last time!

Inspecting his reaction, I looked up at him, but Rashid didn’t particularly seem like he wanted to put me in debt.

“…..Why do you, to me…”

“Excuse me?”

Not that this meant I knew what he was thinking, however.

What was he trying to say, staring at me so intently.

Don’t tell me—he wouldn’t be doing this because I left first earlier, right?

I gingerly tucked my hair behind my ear and tried smiling like I didn’t know anything.

“I didn’t run away. I looked for you but you weren’t there, so I just went out first.”

“……Is that all you always have to say?”


Then what am I supposed to say.

Up until now with this man, it had been a repetition of being helped by him and then running away. Because of that, it was just habitual for an excuse to pop out of my mouth the moment I saw his face.

Narrowing one eye fiercely, he shook his head multiple times.

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“It, it’s the truth.”

“I’m sure it is.”


“Since you wouldn’t be able to do as you like just because you want to leave.”

It was great that he was saying what I wanted to say for me, but hearing him say that in a lowered voice made me feel like my whole body was wound up in coils.

Even without him saying as much, I already knew my place as one who couldn’t escape.

Fortunately, he only looked down at me without saying anything else.


The eyes that had been filled with vexed dissatisfaction and suspicion when I was luring him onto the hill were now as bright as the setting sun.

Reminded of Haniel’s contemplating eyes that I’d seen up until a moment ago, I clapped my hands together loudly without meaning to.

“Oh right! I have some good news!”


“It seems like my baby is feeling better! I think I can really bring her to the royal villa this time!”


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I’d thought that he might be sarcastic and scoff, saying that it wasn’t something to make a fuss about, but Rashid was silent.

Was he like that because he was so incredulous?

He didn’t know how much I’d clung to that one child to persuade her up until now!

I pounded at my stiff shoulders that I’d gotten from resting my chin on my hand for a long time in front of Haniel.

“It was really, really difficult to get her to come along. This may not seem like much, but swans are very cautious, you know.”

“I know.”

“Um….. I’m glad you know. Baby swans are especially more fearful, and our baby is more like that so I was very worried, but the child so admirably made up her mind and said she’d go….”


Rashid’s hand, which was slowly approaching me, came to a sudden stop in front of my face.

Just like that moment on top of the hill when he had hesitated in front of my outstretched hand, I forcefully avoided this feeling of almost-but-not-actually touching.

Because after all, this was a feeling that would soon disappear.

“Ah…… where was I again.”

“Made up her mind.”

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“Yes, that’s right. Anyways, this child really did make up her mind firmly. I didn’t even have any expectations, but……. oh.”

But this time, the feeling reached my cheek directly. The careful brush of his hand from beneath the leather glove was definitely not an illusion.

“…..Y-Your Highness!”

Was this man touching my cheek right now?

I couldn’t move an inch, like I’d been hypnotized. Even though he wasn’t pressing hard, or pinching me at all. That was why it felt even less real.

It seemed like he was remembering and following the demonstration from the hill exactly, his touch impossibly attentive.

“Was this the way you told me.”

But what felt most out of touch with reality was the man I was standing face-to-face with now.


Powerful yet aimless eyes only returned to their original forms after deeply furrowing his brows. Only then did the hand that had touched my cheek come down, but the burning heat remained and even heated my untouched lips.

“Ohh, ye-es. Th-that’s how.”


“Good, good job.”

Though I had no clue what was going through Rashid’s mind that he couldn’t do it when I asked him to and only did it now, I couldn’t bring myself to reproach him.

I mean, I hadn’t known that he would be this serious, nor that he would be this good at it after all.

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