I comforted Haniel with one hand and lifted my head slightly but could not understand its words entirely.

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“Slow down. Right, we can’t communicate.”

Honestly, those like me who were originally human turned animals are able to communicate freely. But there was a limit to communicating with pure animals. I was only able to spot their most simplest of moods and ask for directions.

Sniff sniff!

This dog felt wronged in this case. But I was quite frustrated since I couldn’t find out what caused it, and eventually, Selene stepped forward after our meal.

[Sigh, Madam. I seriously hate talking to it.]


[Please come over. Tell it to stay there.] Selene hid behind me, glaring at the dog. She then rolled her foot and tilted her head, made an indescribable sound, which the dog barked and flapped its ears in response. Eventually, various body languages were exchanged such as digging the ground.

“What are both of you doing? What’s wrong? Is the feed spoiled?”

[Oh right!]

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“What? What did you understand?”

[Now that I’ve heard from it, it definitely felt wronged from its perspective.]

Selene looked at me as she let out a sigh. She circled her wings in the air as I watched her in frustration.

[It didn’t want to do that either. The princess wasn’t food, and was suddenly ordered to accompany them to see Haniel, so what else could it do?]

“…Then, what did it do?”

[It went on orders, since they were ordered to stick by their side.]

“Who?” At my question, Selene turned to the dog once more with a chirp. The dog then lowered and wicked its fourth toe.

[The fourth prince.]

“Gah, seriously!” Forget who he was, why was he causing so much trouble!

There was no reason for it to lie anymore if it wasn’t out of desperation after getting threatened so much last night.

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Even at a glance, I could see that it responded quite enthusiastically towards Selene, as she conveyed our words.

[It didn’t bark either. It was just sneezing.]


[It kept sneezing that day due to its nervousness with His Highness around.]

“Then why did it shake the crib?”

[His Highness ordered it to check if Haniel was doing well since she would cry if he approached her.]

[Mommy…?] Haniel, who was lying in the sickbed, looked up with pouting lips. She must have heard our conversation as well.

But the moment she met eyes with the dog, she hid under the blanket immediately.


[Is that so? Madam. And it wanted to say this.]

That’s good, continue.

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Selene spread her wings and started a body language battle with the dog. Regardless of how I couldn’t understand the animal language, I could guess what it wanted to say when it pointed at Haniel’s crib and rubbed its paws softly.

[I thought the princess was very cute when they first met!]

[Though I wasn’t particularly inclined to, but was surprised to see Haniel so small and cute.]

Bark! It raised its two front paws in surprise, as if wanting to show its reaction back then.

Oh my. I covered my mouth in surprise. Selene then looked at Haniel, who was still hiding in the crib.

[But now that it saw her again, it thinks she’s grown cuter.]


What kind of response was that? Your tail was already wagging.

I carried Haniel out of the crib since she was now looking out. It was better for her to see it personally since there was no need for Selene to convey the message.

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[M, mommy.]

“Haniel, you heard them, right?”

Haniel remained silent.

“Now, do you still think that dog wanted to bite you?”

You too know that it didn’t want to.

Even the dried slices of bread melted in my mouth as the heart-warming scene melted my heart. I smiled widely while savouring the taste of the dried bread, watching the harmonious atmosphere in the room. Breakfast had never been this splendid.

[Ahem, Madam. Is there nothing else you wish to say to me? Or a gift?]


As the situation had almost come to a positive close, Selene had to start coveting the bag of feed. She always seemed to be eating with her words.

I quite admire Selene’s ability, though she was at times frivolous. She could be truly the best when it came to understanding the animal language, similarly to when we first encountered Haniel.

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