Note: This chapter has not been edited yet (editor is on hiatus)

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“But how can you understand everything? What’s the secret? The others can’t seem to do the same.”

[The ones who were cursed had been living together in the lake, so they rarely mixed with other animals.]

“What about you then? Why do you understand animals?”

[I just understood them naturally. If you asked me in this way… Hmm, maybe I was cursed more harshly than the others? To be honest, now that we’re on the topic, I was cursed twice back then. There’s a story behind it…]

“Forget it.” I could roughly guess the reason behind it. Since she could even reveal others hidden secrets, it was obvious regardless if she was cursed twice or ten times.

Either way, it was thanks to Selene that Haniel could overcome her ‘trauma’ for dogs.

[…Mommy, put me down.]

“Really?” Seeing how she was fidgeting in my arms, it seemed that she had really cleared the misunderstanding.

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Even though did not open up entirely to the dog nor approach it right now, neither did she start shouting, “Mommy, ang! Scary!”


Tap tap.

It was surprising to see her take two steps out as I let her onto the ground. She could barely take even a step towards her own brother, but instead took two steps towards the dog right off the bat.

“Oh my.”

Bark bark!

The dog seemed to be excited as well as it jumped and barked, causing both Selene and Haniel to get knocked over by the impact through the wooden floor. It must be tough for you guys to play together.

Either way, Haniel was still trembling in fear last night, but now that she had understood the dog’s intention, there was more to it. Almost like its master.

[…Madam, the princess should head to school now.]

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“Oh, yes.”

Selene stood up first and helped Haniel up, patting her white feathers. The dog circled them, seemingly wanting to help as well, but Selene refused adamantly as it was her job.

[Hey, don’t cross the line. We’re not family even though I’ve helped you convey your words.]

Whimper. It could be due to its size, that it was obvious when its tail dropped in disappointment.

Ah, I really couldn’t stand those. I’m unsure what issue this was, but I would always turn stiff whenever I see someone getting bullied or outcast.


[Madam, I understand what you’re trying to say, but no. I’m the princess’s nanny!]

“I haven’t said anything.”

[It might injure the princess with those large paws, and so would I. Did you think that the dog has good control over its own strength?]

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“Selene, how can you say those words? Can’t we live harmoniously? What else would be left in it if you discourage it like that!”


As unexpected silence swept through the room, the dog returned to its spot by the door once more and laid there. Did they get hurt easier with a larger body?

I might not like his look as if it was demonstrating to me, but I couldn’t let it touch Haniel as it wished.

[Mommy, why?]

“Hmm? It’s nothing. Haniel is still small and weak, so there’s nothing… Ah!”

I exclaimed out of the blue as an idea came into mind. The dog raised its droopy tail, and Selene dropped the ribbon in hand. I then lifted the basket right up.

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“I’ve got a great idea!”

“Brother, you look unwell.”

“Do I look worried?” Rashid did not raise his voice at Payton like usual, who was worried about himself. Rashid wouldn’t usually worry about others, but he could not hide the worry on his face this time.

“I guess it’s because I didn’t get to sleep well.” But it was to the extent that one would feel quite apologetic to be asking Rashid if he had slept well last night.

Having a sleepless night wasn’t an issue to Rashid since he had even gone through war without sleeping for a week straight. The real issue was how much it showed on his face for just having one sleepless night.

“Don’t worry about me.”


“Anyway, is there any news from Catherine?” It was also unusual to hear him call out a lady’s name as if it was second nature.

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