Rashid was someone who would care less about others’ existence besides the other princes. The only things he would remember would be their positions and titles. To think that someone like him had addressed Catherine by her name a couple of times.

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“M, Miss Catherine.”

“Duchess.” He didn’t forget to correct others’ mistakes either.

“Yes, Your Highness. There hasn’t been any news from both the Duchess and her residence.”

“Is that so?” It didn’t seem like it was the answer he was expecting as he put down the cup in hand. Everyone had finished their meal just then, yet Tenon had to butt in tactlessly.

“But I’m quite worried about the dog. It’s still the descendant of an ancient magical beast. Though it couldn’t be compared to those endangered magical beasts, we can’t control its wild nature. Regardless how well the Duchess had tamed it, if there was some unexpected incident…”

“I am concerned about that as well.” Peyton fiddled with his teacup as he agreed with Tenon’s words.

Though he could not stop the situation yesterday since his brother His Highness had given his approval and the dog too followed the Duchess without looking back, it was highly dangerous to decide solely based on the animal’s actions. This was especially so for the pair of weak and powerless mother and daughter.

“I was the same, so I went over to the area while I’m out for my training at dawn.”

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“Near the Duchess’s residence?”

“How could I enter her premises without permission as the prince? I stayed around for a while just to hear if there were any loud noises on my way back…” And met His Highness there.

“…What’s wrong, Peyton?”

“Ah, it’s nothing. I was wondering if you’re done with the meal.” Peyton’s face flushed as he recalled the face Rashid had when he saw him at dawn.

Rashid usually had an expressionless face on and since Peyton thought he must have ended his training at dawn, he decided to follow him but the worrisome look on his face then…

“Umm, Your Highness.”

“We should bring the dog back, right?”


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However much he tried to guess what was on Rashid’s mind, even a guy like Peyton who was the most sensitive amongst the brothers, could only remain at a loss when Rashid puts out his conclusions randomly like that.

“Why would you say that? There wasn’t much of an issue and the Duchess did say that she would bring it back.”

“How could I trust her?” Rashid still felt thirsty after downing the rest of his cup. The longing in his eyes that were never lit before started glowing.

“Your Highness, if the Duchess was indeed using black magic…”

“Stop.” Whether it was the absence of the dog or the person, he would only thirst for them more.

Moreover, he had spoken too quickly, which also caused him the most damage.

“I misspoke. Don’t worry about it.”

“…But, we should know of Your Highness’s suspicions…”

“It’s not something for you to know.” Clack. Rashid placed down the teacup significantly.

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His outfit was by no means inferior if he were to leave for some other place right now. Although it was questionable that he did not have his guardian power or sword with him, he wasn’t one to be relying on them either.

“Where is Your Highness heading to at this hour? We will accompany you.”

“You guys should just do your job well.”

“We’re still searching for Haniel as we speak…”

“Not that.” Rashid glared lightly at Tenon as he turned back. Instead, he glared closely at each of his brothers, as if about to label whatever wrongdoings he could find on them.

“…What are you referring to then?”

“The hunting competition is around the corner. If neither of you could make a cut for yourselves, wherein lies the dignity of the royals?”

“Ah, but…” Tenon could only scratch the back of his head apologetically as he had completely forgotten about the upcoming event. Rashid placed his sword back into its sheath as he watched his unreliable brother. There was no one else who would give their all into the hunting competition besides Tenon’s resoluteness.

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“It’s been a while since we came to the Northern lands, so don’t think about returning if the royal family’s reputation gets tarnished here.”

“Of course. I’ll be meeting the magicians at the borders of the forest so…”

“Bring the dog along.” It seemed to be both a natural and unnatural response.

It was natural to bring the dog along on a hunt, but Tenon was taken aback since the dog wasn’t with them right now. It was even more so when it was the very same person who agreed to let the dog spend the night with the Duchess.

“Your Highness, as you know, the dog is currently with the Duchess…”

“I’ll get it back then.” Annoying.

Rashid then buckled the remaining buckles on his gloves with an annoyed face. His cape fluttered as the tension in the air turned serious.

“Until when do I have to do these things myself!”

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