I couldn’t contain my trembling heart, and something rustled next to me as I turned around.

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[It was the Duchess. I was wondering why the children had all gathered here.]

“Sir Darren!” He must have been observing at a distance seeing how he wasn’t anxious. I shouldn’t make a mess out of myself as a parent. I then quickly lowered my arms and stepped aside.

“I hope you’ve been well? What a coincidence, I wanted to meet you too.”

[Me? What is it about?]

“It’s nothing.” One would want to look at gorgeous-looking men whenever possible.

Mr. Darren looked comfortable after exchanging a few lines. Were teachers usually like this? I wanted to believe that they usually act this way even though it wasn’t true for Lady Melleo.

[It’s reassuring to see how well Reina is mingling with her friends.]

“Is that so?” I replied in surprise.

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[She is a kind-hearted child after all.]

“Oh my.” Such a compliment! Selene and I patted each other’s shoulders as we laughed brightly. Had I met such a teacher back in my school days, I’m sure I would have started a student-teacher romance chapter as well.

[But Duchess, why did you bring that dog here…]

“Ah, somehow I brought him along with me when in fact his master is someone else…”

Woof woof!

The dog, no. Oppa, who was originally beside Haniel ran towards Sir Darren in a heartbeat. No matter what the matter was, anyone would flinch if he dashed over with that build.

“What’s wrong with you!” Anyone would be scared by him, even me. I quickly knelt down and wrapped its face, trying to calm him down. An accident could have occurred had I not stopped him, since he was a descendant of an ancient bloodline.

“How dare you misbehave at a school!”

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The dog laid down on his own before I could reprimand him. He continued to wag its tail, and I was embarrassed trying to stop him from doing that.

“Haha, seriously.” Are you a female in actuality?

As the dog became calm like a sheep, Mr. Darren came forward and stroked his head awkwardly. Just where had his ancient blood gone to?

I thought it was better that the dog had jumped at Mr. Darren, as Haniel and the other kids gathered around us laughing.

[Duchess, may we ride the dog with Reina?]


[Can we ride on you, nice Oppa? Can we?]


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The dog’s tail wagged even harder as his attention was returned to Haniel. Oppa was getting really excited. Oppa lowered himself and allowed Haniel with a few of her friends on his back.

As the kids exclaimed in fascination, I raised my fists at the same time. “Now kids, please hang on! The school bus is setting off now!”


“…Your Majesty.” It was Tenon who spoke as they stood on the hill, and Peyton’s jaws dropped wide open.

They watched as the Duchess whistled to the dog, which was carrying a few baby birds on its back. Just how could anyone explain this bizarre sight?

They were speechless at the scene, but it was indeed far from their worry of the ‘poor mother and daughter getting involved in a catastrophe’.

“What the…”

“She must have used some sort of black magic!” Tenon expressed his opinion confidently as he watched his brother murmur under his breath.

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Rashid was the owner of the dog, and third brother Peyton, possessed a magical artifact like any prince would, thus even the descendant of an ancient bloodline would not attack hastily.

Eventually, the three brothers must have thought they knew the dog’s violent side the best, and it must be natural to feel excited.

“I thought it was weird yesterday, it must have started since then. Since the dog was originally a magical beast, wouldn’t it feel closer to black magic?”

But unlike the excited brother, Rashid showed no response whatsoever. No, he had no time to respond at all.

He watched on speechless and was already halfway down the hill before Tenon could even turn around.

“Y, your Majesty! How could you just leave…”

“Leave them.”

“…Third brother.” Peyton walked up to Tenon, who was still engulfed in shock as he continued staring at the sight happening in the distance, and finally woke up from the trance as if finally meeting someone who could understand himself.

“Isn’t it our first time seeing the dog act that way since we’ve seen all sides of it all this time on the battlefield?”

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