“Tenon.” Peyton mumbled beside him.

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“How could it wag its tail like that and even submit to her? How is that even possible? It’s my first time seeing such a thing.” Tenon continued.

“That’s true.” Peyton agreed. He let go of the muzzle in his hands which he had brought along just in case of emergency.

But in the distance, the Duchess was still clapping, the dog was still wagging its tail, the baby swan on its back…, and even Rashid had somehow arrived by their side.

“I never knew I would see such a sight in this lifetime.”


“Kids, you should stay in line.” I picked up the twin mallards, who are fussing to go for another time, down to the ground. Look at how long the line was!

It was the first time seeing Haniel this excited, so I’m in the mood as well. I made a line for it in hopes to help Haniel make even one more new friend before Lady Melleo came.

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“Now, let’s all keep to the line…”

“What’s all this?” A voice boomed from behind.

“Your Highness!” I had wondered why the kids were suddenly so obedient, they must have seen him approaching first. The ultimate predator amongst the nobles.

The kids might not know what charisma was, but Rashid was the type of person nearest to what their parents would have described them to be, ‘My mom said to not go near that kind of person!’

Rashid didn’t even bat a single eyelid when he saw the kids running towards the lake and instead crossed his arms over his chest. “Catherine, I asked what are you doing here.”

“Why did you ruin the atmosphere?” To me, he was just an ‘alright’ man now. I looked back at him with a smile, not feeling scared at all.

“Ahem.” He let out an awkward cough with that cold expression and turned around. But as he saw the basket tied onto the dog’s back, no more sound could be heard from him. “This…”

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“I was about to tell you.” Sigh, I can’t tell him that the dog was Haniel’s exclusive school bus. I pursed my lips that were itching to tell the truth as I observed his expression. He must be angry seeing his own dog being used as a child’s ride.

I broke out in cold sweat as I knew that his reaction was most likely a joke. “…Your Highness.”

“What is this.”

“It’s nothing much, just a change in atmosphere. It’s fate that we got to spend a night together under one roof so I tried to get my daughter closer to the dog. But I never forced it to do so, it’s all for everyone’s enjoyment…”

“Ahem.” Hmm? I looked up after explaining myself as fast as I could. But Rashid had already turned around. I subconsciously looked over  to face him as he had one hand by the corner of his mouth.

“…Did Your Highness just…”

“I didn’t smile.”

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“Ah, sure.” Of course he didn’t. He turned quiet as he let go of his bite against the insides of his cheeks.

Sure, he didn’t smile. I tried to go with his excuse but couldn’t help myself and turned back. “Look, you smiled.”

“…Mm!” This time, the distance between us had closed even more, so much that he could not avoid my hand which reached out to his hand that was covering his mouth.

“So what?”

“…It’s not that you shouldn’t.” What should I call this? I pestered him further just to tease him more, but this awkward atmosphere was affecting me as well.

“If not?” I remained silent at his question.

“What should I do then?” His deeper than usual toned voice made my bangs flutter a little. I felt restrained, though I wasn’t. Strictly speaking, we aren’t alone but why….

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“Ah, right!” Mr. Darren! I belatedly released myself from the awkward atmosphere as I recalled what I was doing before all this happened. Why did I leave him alone after getting him all the way here?

Though nothing had really happened with Rashid, I couldn’t help but feel guilty. “There’s someone I want to, no. It’s because there’s a bird here.”

“Who is it this time?” But unlike me who was looking around, Rashid was laid back and had closed in the gap between us once more.

“Uh… Why’s he not here? He was definitely here a moment ago.”

“Who? Your daughter?” He stepped forward as I took a step back.

“Or is it your son?”

“W, wait!” Stop!

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