“It looks quite suitable for you.” Tap, Rashid’s finger lightly brushed Haniel’s cheek. But this time, it wasn’t painful like how she had remembered it to be. Rather, it felt quite ticklish, and Rashid held back his chuckle as he brushed against her other cheek.

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“You seem to like it.”

[N, no! I don’t like it!] Haniel fell down again once more. Though her reaction was late, but she remembered what Mr. Darren had said.

‘I shouldn’t be lying though.’ She had found it slightly interesting, but not most of the time. Mr. Darren’s words about her not being able to be a virtuous lady if she lied rang by her ears, and her face turned anxious.


“What are you upset with this time?” Rashid put a hand to his chin while holding back a sigh. Haniel couldn’t overcome the weight of the jewel hung at one end of the ribbon and hit her head heavily, which Rashid then wound it up for her.

“Do you not like this?”

[N, no, that’s not it!] She started chirping back as she had no intentions of lying any longer. Even so, the expression on Rashid’s face hadn’t changed one bit. Instead, he continued to stare intently at Haniel with his hand still supporting his chin.

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“Alright, if so, I’ll let you have until this part…”


Rashid made a gesture with his hands like a scissors and grabbed that end of the ribbon. Though she still didn’t like his voice, it wasn’t as detestful as before.


“…I’ll give the rest to your mother.”


“Mr. Darrennnnn”! I yelled at the top of my lungs, almost ruining my vocal cords. I could feel fire burning at my throat just as the school came into sight.

“Mr. Darrn! Where are you!”

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[…Cough.] Whilst I was shouting, Selene on the other hand, seemed to be in a huge shock as her beak twitched non-stop.

Anyone would think that her husband had died if they saw her state. Her flurried body was shaking, and her head drooped.

“Ahh, what should we do! You saw it earlier right? That size and shape, the way it looked after all its feathers were plucked out, and its shiny luster, it definitely looked like someone from our lake…”

[Your Ladyship?]

“…Mr. Darren?” I turned around with the still shaking Selene in my arms. Mr. Darren, with his soft silver feathers shone neatly, was here where he should be.

“H, how are you here…”

[Pardon? I came after hearing you call for me so desperately… What is the matter?] Mr. Darren folded back his wings with a slightly flustered look. Now that I had a closer look, the one laid on the table at the Winter Palace had a different build and size.

After confirming with my own two eyes that Mr. Darren was well and alive, my legs had given way and I plopped to the ground. “Ahh, what a relief, really.”

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[Just what’s the matter? And why has Ms. Selene fainted?] The kind Mr. Darren expressed his concern towards Selene who was just about to step foot into her grave. However, seeing that he didn’t approach any further, it seems that Selene’s one-sided love would just end at a crush.

“Ah… Don’t worry about her. I’ve misunderstood something earlier.”

[What kind of misunderstanding was it? Are you both all right?]

“Of, of course.” I couldn’t bring myself to explain that we reacted in this manner after seeing ‘him’ lay motionless in a grilled form on the table. However, I wasn’t fully relieved just yet.

“Um, are there any missing animals from the lake?”

[Missing animals…]

“The ones who are cursed. Are there any who suddenly disappeared today or reported missing?”

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[No. I’m not sure about wild animals, but as you know, those who are from the lake don’t venture too far out on their own.]

“Ah…” That’s right. Though I knew about that, it was only now when I heard from Mr. Darren that I felt totally relieved and nodded my head.

As per his words, the animals at the lake there were rarely any animals who would venture out of the boundary from the Duke’s residences. It was for the first time I felt relieved that we’re scared of Lania.

“Um…” How did Mr. Darren end up here at the lake? I thought to myself as I stared blankly at him.

I heard that Lady Melleo had invited him to the lake so I hadn’t suspect much but I never thought that a handsome looking teacher would appear so randomly.

[Your Ladyship, are you alright?]

“…Yes.” Why do you bother? Just be thankful that a handsome looking teacher appeared.

I felt my cheeks flush as Mr. Darren tapped his wings on the back on my hand, comforting me.

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