I shouldn’t be involved with my child’s teacher, but I didn’t want to shake off this feeling either. I was grateful when Selene had fainted at just the right time.

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“I’m sorry Mr. Darren, for kicking up such a big fuss.”

[It’s alright. You must have been quite shocked seeing that you’re usually quite composed yourself.]

“Ah…” What a kind tone coming from a teacher. I covered my mouth with one hand, at the same time concealing the blush on my face.

However, I startled myself as someone else’s face surfaced in my mind while thinking to myself that if only they possessed at least a quarter of Mr. Darren’s mannerism. My startled reaction had made me unintentionally smack Mr. Darren’s wings away.

“S, sweetie! My sweetie!”

[Your Ladyship, are you possibly looking for Reina?]

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“Yes. I, I’ll see you again!” I picked up Selene in my arms and started climbing up the hill. What kind of mother am I!

No matter how much in a hurry I was, I shouldn’t have left her there alone! I have no words if I was turned into a grilled dish instead.

“Right, Mr. Darren. Please be careful! Don’t venture out carelessly!” I shouted out randomly as the thought popped up in my mind. Though he was safe today, there was no saying when another hunter would decide to hunt him on another day. I then continued on with the climb and kept my eyes on Mr. Darren while all sorts of complicated feelings got tangled within.

“It’s dangerous so don’t…”

“…Don’t what?”

Gasp! He gave me a shock! I was running forward without looking where I was heading. To think that I was fully adapted to his random appearances.

“Whew.” But since Rashid was here, it meant that Haniel was safe. After feeling relieved with this fact, I lowered my head but my eyes opened wide. […Mommyyy!]

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“S, sweetie!” It was then that I finally looked at the basket held in his hands. Haniel’s sniffling voice made me choke as well.

“Sweetie, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

[Mommy, why did you leave Haniel alone. I called for you. Sob.]

“I’m really sorry. Quick, come into…” Come to think of it, why was he carrying Haniel?

It was my first time seeing such an incompatible combination where Rashid was carrying a basket with a white baby swan in it. Seeing a watering Thanos wouldn’t even give such a sense of incompatibility.

“Uh…” The ideal situation I had hoped for was that this man hadn’t discovered Haniel who was left all alone. Even if he had seen her, I hoped that he would have turned a blind eye, or if that was tough, he wouldn’t have approached her at the very least. I had put all hopes on his indifference….

“I won’t throw, hit, or ditch.”

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“…Your Majesty.” He looked so cool when he repeated the exact words that I wanted to emphasize to him. My eyes sparkled unconsciously as I looked up to him, and Rashid looked down at me with a cold gaze.

“If you treasured your daughter so much, you shouldn’t have left her alone with others. You’re a disappointment.”

“But you aren’t just anyone.”

Rashid’s face trembled so very slightly. “…Then?”

“You’re the Emperor.” And Haniel’s eldest brother.

Haniel reached out her hands towards me as Rashid hesitated, but instead, Rashid took a step back for the first time.

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“Say it again.”


“Who… am I to you.” Though he had just taken a step back, he was also determined. Regardless of how I tried, I couldn’t take Haniel back. My heart fell since I could relate to his feelings right now.

“I won’t return her to you until you answer me…”

“Uh…” Will he take Haniel away from me?

I knew he was being difficult but I was dumbfounded at that instant and broke into tears. The tears in my eyes felt hot at the thought of him taking Haniel away from me.


“Stop,” Rashid cut me off and said, “I didn’t intend to make you cry.” I stared at Rashid’s face blankly as he approached me. While tears were brimming in my eyes, Rashid didn’t seem to be his usual self. His slightly messed-up white hair was similar to his unsettling emotions.

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