“It’s just that Catherine you…”

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“T, thank you. For returning my daughter.” Nothing else mattered to me right now as I quickly reached out for my white baby swan. Regardless of what his reasons were, I was thankful if he returned Haniel to me.

“Ah…” My heart was full as soon as I held Haniel in my arms. My brain was able to run normally, me finding back my smile and laughter was all possible because of her.

“…I’m really grateful. Really, really…”

“Stop it.” I felt like a piece of garbage. Rashid’s monotone voice suddenly calmed down. He might not like everything that’s happening now and thus spoke in a deep voice but he kept his usual composure.

“…Catherine.” I wasn’t afraid of him getting angry, yelling at, or threatening me by now since I was used to it, but he didn’t look like he was just purely looking at me. I thought it would be better if he had exploded there and there, but stings in my heart. I should say something to ease the tension, when something else popped into my mind.

“I was about to return, but why did Your Majesty come out here? Did you have something to say to me?”

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“Do I have to have something to say to you?”

“…If not?” He was asking the obvious.

I shook my head but had my eyes back on Haniel. I was hurt seeing that Haniel had her head buried in the basket, and couldn’t see her face. Rashid’s indifference voice that sounded above my head like the wind.

“I heard that the hunting competition in the Northern Lands will commence soon…”

“Ah, the hunting competition? I dislike those events.”

“…You dislike them?”

“Yes, and truthfully, the animals are innocent. If it’s for our survival, then there’s no choice but its purely for entertainment, that’s quite cruel… They’re quite pitiful.” I replied hesitantly with whatever came to mind, but I couldn’t make sense of what I had just said either.

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However, Rashid seemed have something else in mind as he let out a light sigh. “Not just the hunting compeition, there’s also the banquet and parties after that…”

“I hate them even more. Your Majesty had seen it the other day too. The looks everyone had when I appeared.” Rashid remained silent at my reply.

“I’m not saying that to earn your pity. I’m really content with my situation right now, look.” I smiled as I fluffed up the once again puffy feathers on Haniel’s cheeks. However, it made my heart sting when I saw the subtle expression on Rashid’s face.

He wasn’t asking if I actually liked or disliked the event, but I kept forgetting about my situation. “Ah, if Your Majesty has to attend for some reason…”

“No,” he paused for a moment and continued, “I dislike those events too.” It couldn’t get any more true than this as the strict Rashid cut me off like that. But he seemed to have thought that this wasn’t persuasive enough that he even gestured with his chin.

“I hate and despise it. It’s savage and disgusting.”

“Ah… I see.” There’s no need to go to that extent. But a tingling feeling crept up from within as I heard those words. This must be due to my guilt, right?

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I put a smile back on my face as I hurriedly placed the still shivering  Haniel back in her basket. “Anyway, since you’ve invited us… Thanks for sending us back here. We’ll take our leave now.”

Was he feeling apologetic for his actions earlier while neglecting Haniel?

I couldn’t get used to him being all quiet and serious like that. Seeing how he was hesitating right now was a good opportunity to part ways.

As I was about to turn around to leave, Rashid clutched the end of my dress, “Wait.”

It didn’t mean that everything froze when he had stopped there. “…Who is Darren?”


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“You said so earlier. Something about Mr. Darren.”

“…W, what?” I tried to avoid this topic but he still managed to come at me like this. When did he hear me? His hearing must be great.

It was tough for me to fool him today as his eyes looked extremely sharp. “…Isn’t it that man’s name?”

“T, that man’s name?” I tilted my head instinctively upon hearing words that didn’t have anything to do with me from him. But Rashid wasn’t one to give up easily.

“Don’t pretend. I definitely heard the name Darren. Regardless of who he was…”

“No. Why would there be any other man…” I denied.

“Are you sure?” He questioned in disbelief.

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