I wrapped the ribbon once around my finger and the slippery feeling ran along with it.

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“It’s making me curious about what she likes and how much she likes it.”

* * *

“Your Majesty, what should we do about the hunting competition?” Viscount Dion asked for Rashid’s opinion as he sat in the center of the gigantic hall. Although he was aware that Rashid would not be satisfied with such issues, considering Rashid’s reaction previously, as the royal villa’s manager, he had to fully comprehend His Majesty’s intentions.

“Aren’t there still a few days left?”

“The hunting festival in the Northern Lands marks the beginning of their society debut. Though the former Majesty’s mourning period had ended, it has yet been a full year since the Northern Lands’ former Duke, His Excellency’s death; you could say that they’re still in commemoration.”

“. . . That’s fine, then.” He mumbled in a low tone, seemingly unsatisfied.

But since Viscount Dion wasn’t in the right position and person to probe further, he could only reveal his own opinion.

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“Since there is no law on a fixed commemoration period, it was up to Her Ladyship to decide. If Your Majesty were to allow the commencement of the debutantes, that would bring the end of the commemoration period at once.”

“Me . . .?”

“Yes. There’s nothing more definitive than Your Majesty’s orders, similar to how Your Majesty had attended the banquet with just a few days left for the former Emperor’s mourning period. As the only ruler of the empire and God’s representative, after expressing his will, no one else would be able to extend the commemoration period in the Northern Lands.”

“Hmm.” His facial expression didn’t look too bad.

With his fingers clasped, Rashid leaned back into his chair, implying that he was quite satisfied with this situation.

“What about the banquet?”

“Her Lady has been organizing them all these while, but since Your Majesty is now residing in the royal villa, it should be held here instead. But since Her Majesty, the Queen isn’t around anymore . . . Anyway, if Your Majesty is hosting it, all preparations for the banquet and seating arrangements will be in accordance with the usual practice . . .”

“Forget it. Let me just ask you one thing.”

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“. . . What is it?”

“Does that mean that no one will be able to appear in mourning clothes if I were to host this banquet?” The question was random and bizarre, but its answer was obvious. Rashid’s smile grew even though Viscount Dion had responded late.

“That doesn’t sound too bad.”

“If you’d like, I’ll make preparations for the banquet now. Time is slightly tight if we want to show the royalty’s dignity but since there are only a few more days until the hunting festival . . .”

“No, don’t do it,” Rashid declared. “I won’t host something so barbaric.” To think that Viscount Dion would hear the word barbaric coming from His Majesty’s mouth.

It might sound like he was joking, but it wasn’t for laughs. Moreover, the underlying meaning was so adamant that Viscount Dion could only conceal his trembles and accept his orders.

“I- if that’s the case, we should cancel the event. Well, there’s no need for Your Majesty to declare the end of the Northern Lands’ commemoration period too. Your Majesty can hold an even grandiose banquet when you return . . .”

“Why should I return?”

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“. . . Your Majesty . . .”

“According to my knowledge, this land is under my reign as well.”

Tap. The dull sound from a single tap on the armrest made Viscount Dion gulp. It had been a while since Rashid acted so rashly after the Duchess’ visit.

“I didn’t mean it that way. Of course, since the entire continent is under the reigns of Your Majesty, the Northern Lands too . . .”

“Your Majesty!”

The stammering Viscount Dion who was making up excuses turned around when he was interrupted by a shout from behind.

The person who just interrupted them was enough to throw them into chaos, much less thanking them for breaking this awkward situation.

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“. . . Catherine.”

“Uh . . .” Though Catherine entered in high spirits looking for Rashid without making any appointment, she began stuttering and locked her eyes on him, especially when he called out her name.

“I apologize for showing up out of the blue . . .”

“Well, when have you not shown up out of the blue?” Viscount Dion’s doubts if Rashid’s earlier words were meant as a joke had been corrected.

That vague smile on his face, and the fingers placed on his lips. This was the actual joke.

“So, what is the issue this time?”

A sigh. “Um . . .”

Catherine then looked at Peyton, who had guided her into the hall. Rashid’s joke came to an end as Prince Peyton gave a gentlemanly smile.

“Tell me.” That sudden change in Rashid’s tone was directed toward the Duchess once more.

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