Feeling slightly awkward, Catherine tucked her hair behind her ear. Rashid rid himself of his laid-back posture and sat up straight. “Catherine.”

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“The banquet I had mentioned before, and the hunting festival,” Catherine paused before continuing, “May I follow Your Majesty to the event, if it is held?” Her voice was filled with anxiousness as she went behind her words.

She reiterated herself, seemingly not wanting to back off from it. “I know that it’s ridiculous of me to bring this up again . . .”

“Yes, it is ridiculous.” Rashid’s cold tone made the Duchess let out a soft sigh and lowered her head. Her slightly depressed expression made Peyton fidget. He tried to console the Duchess but Rashid was there.

“Let’s go, I’ll hear you out, though I’m unsure what’s the reason for this request.”

“No, Your Majesty doesn’t have to do this if it’s uncomfortable for you.”

“Get out.” He didn’t specify exactly who should leave, but everyone in the hall knew. His Majesty’s ice-cold expression and tone, along with the Duchess’s regretful look.

It was soon a common sight at the royal villa, but it felt different this time.

“Right, why are you still here?” The serious-looking Rashid suddenly turned toward Viscount Dion.

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Pardon? Viscount Dion flusteredly looked up at Rashid, who continued, “Didn’t you say time was tight? Why aren’t you working on the preparations?”

* * *

[His Majesty really let you attend the hunting festival? Really?] Selene asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, he did,” I replied to her rhetorical question. I recounted the entire conversation I had with Rashid as soon as I arrived home. He wasn’t the type to agree so readily, but I was thankful that he allowed my attendance.

“This is too sudden . . . Hoo. You really catch me by surprise every time.” Rashid sighed, seemingly in a tight spot.

“I see. Please forget that I asked. I’ll be taking my leave, so Your Majesty should also—” I was about to excuse myself when he continued, “I guess there’s no choice then. You may do so.”

“. . . Really?” I asked, surprised at his decision.

“If I stopped you here, there’s no knowing how many more others you’d inconvenience going forward,” Rashid stated.

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I was speechless back then. What wrong had I committed?

I have never thought from this perspective, so I was quite surprised. However, I was still thankful as he agreed, albeit doing so slightly begrudgingly.

“Anyway, there are a few more days left until the hunting festival, so he said I could also attend the first banquet as well.”

[. . . But Madam. Just what are you planning to do?] Selene asked.

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

[I mean, are you really alright?] Selene asked again, with a concerned expression.

Selene walked over beside me, feeling more melancholic than ever. I then sat down, fully aware of what she was worried about.

As I watched Haniel, who fell asleep in the cot while waiting for my return, a smile crept across my face.

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“Selene, you saw it for yourself. Lania will do whatever it takes to get to her goal.”

[. . . But . . .]

I reached over, helping Selene tighten the bandage on her ankle. She had suffered a huge humiliation from Rebecca that day.

Not only did Selene get a couple of her feathers plucked off by Rebecca while protecting Haniel, but she also suffered a sprain and was still limping until today.

“Just imagine how much she looked down on me for finding fault with me in every way possible?” I said, frustrated.

[You should be more careful then. If you attend the first banquet after the recent episode . . .]

“Well, she’ll be able to see for herself who else is supporting me from behind,” I said.

“Plus, everything happened because I hold no power here. We’re neither family nor related by blood. Plus, I’ve been staying in this villa ever since arriving at this household and have never expressed any discontent. She definitely finds me easy to deal with.”

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[What? Madam, you definitely don’t look that way . . .] Selene was about to refute my claims but held back.

“. . . What did you say?”

[Nothing. I said Madam is pure and innocent.] Selene reiterated, then continued to add that I look frail and would even be blown away by the winds.

It was her exaggerated words that then made me realize how tough I actually was. And it was because of that, that I have been trying my best to hide it all this time.

I didn’t want things to be too complicated, and thus had been fooling myself into drawing a line at what I deemed to be sufficient.

“That day . . . I felt that everything would be on me when I imagined not knowing what would happen to Haniel.” I confessed.

[Why is that your fault? It should be on the two evil sisters!] Selene exclaimed.

“It’s foolish when I know full well their personalities, yet still act weak,” I replied, dejected. I’ve steeled my resolve ever since that day, even though it was something I knew from before. I had to protect Haniel and must gain more power in order to do so.

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