Unlike the military academy, which was open to foreigners to some extent if they have talent, it was only an institution for the future of the Empire.

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“Where is the Academy?”

Rieta often asked Darrel about it.

Out of pure curiosity.

He pondered for a moment, looking at Rieta for a moment, and then answered with a troubled smile.


“Hell? Why?”

“There are so many challenges. Of course, the tasks that the Princess is handling in the mansion aren’t easy . . . but there is one big problem with the Academy.”

It was interesting to see Darrel making a rare frown, so Rieta smiled slightly.

“Hm, what’s the matter?”

“More than half of the tasks that came up must be solved in a group.”

“Doesn’t that sound like a good idea?”

Last night, for example, Rieta barely slept as she searched for materials one by one by herself.

If she had a colleague on the assignment, she would be able to shorten that time.

“If there were only students who are as diligent as the Princess on the due date of their assignments, it would certainly be.”

“Are there any students who aren’t?”

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“Actually, there were more students like that than not.”

Darrel told a sad story.

He had to solve a task for five of his colleagues alone.

“That’s too much. How could that be? Darrel is the future Duke.”

“Because not all nobles have much of a will. Besides, even if you pay attention to that and work hard . . .”

Darrell tilted his head back and forth as if contemplating something for a moment, and then he laughed in dismay.

“Yes, I feel grateful again to my friends who cared and worked hard. Thanks to this, I was able to do the work that the academy had asked me to do at the same time . . .”

“You mean they made the students work?”

“Students are slaves to learning. They are used to working for academia’s everything.”

Working for academia’s everything.

Rieta wondered what was going on, but she didn’t want to stir his exhausting memories anymore, so she decided to stop.

“Anyway, now I understand why Darrel was so busy when he was in the academy. Your eyes were so dark.”

“I’m glad you noticed. Noel is probably in a similar situation by now.”

“No way.”

Rieta shook her head quickly.

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“Noel is probably one of those students who aren’t diligent on deadlines.”

He would also take the lead more than anyone else and quietly step out of the task hell.

Noel was bad.

“The Princess’s evaluation of Noel is becoming worse and worse. It’s troubling.”

“Noel wouldn’t even care about my evaluation.”

Darrel stopped trying to answer, ‘no.’

It was something Noel will come back to prove later.

The truth was, he cared more about Rieta’s evaluation than anyone else in the world.

In the end, it was because of that feeling that he left the mansion.

“We’re going downhill soon. Don’t be too surprised.”

Darrel warned Rieta in advance, who was startled at every change in the terrain.

Of course, Brago was a calm horse, and it wasn’t surprised just because Rieta was a little startled.

“Thank you.”

Rieta straightened her posture and looked a little further away.

Spring was near, but maybe it was because it was approaching Rieta’s birthday.

It still smelled of winter.

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* * *

The next day . . .

As soon as Rieta finished her ancient history task, she headed to Sir Jenkins’ mansion.

“Welcome, Princess.”

When she got off the carriage, the butler greeted her.

“Sir Jenkins?”

“He is in class.”

“Sorry, did I come early?”

“No. You came on time. I apologize on his behalf.”

“Umm, no. It’s okay.”

“I will guide you to the parlor so that you can wait comfortably.”

“I can go alone. I know everything inside the mansion. Can I go to the east parlor?”

After refusing the employee’s guidance, Rieta went directly to the parlor.

When she was a child, she followed Noel to and fro several times, so she knew the layout of the mansion.

Before she enters the parlor, Rieta, as she usually does, paused on the other side of the hallway.

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“Hello, Duchess.”

She was there to greet the childhood portrait of Victoria Mayer.

It was a greeting that began by following Noel, and before she knew it, Rieta grew accustomed to it.

“Soon, the daffodils will bloom in the garden. I will deliver a few to the Duke again this year.”

It was new tradition that began long ago after the lost-letter scandal broke out.

Presenting the daffodils of Jenkins Mansion to Duke Mayer.

Of course, Duke Mayer happily waited for the return of spring each year to receive the daffodils.

“Then, I’ll be on my way.”

Rieta leaned back again and greeted the portrait in front of her.

It was then.

Someone grabbed Rieta’s waist and pulled her behind.

Rieta tried to scream at the sudden situation, but she couldn’t even do that.

“. . . ?!”

A large hand was tightly covering her mouth.

So she would not make any noise.

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