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Someone’s body touched Rieta’s back perfectly.

It was like being hugged from behind.

“. . . Hoo.”

A sigh of relief was heard in her ear.

Rieta didn’t even have to look behind her, and just folded her arms.

To express her dissatisfaction.

However, the other person did not let Rieta’s mouth go.

Perhaps they want to insist strongly that she should be quiet.

What the hell was this?

Rieta’s body trembled again.

Fortunately, she was not hurt or uncomfortable.

Because they were dealing with her quite carefully.

And the opponent was still standing in the hallway. It was only after they went back behind the column that they finally took their hand off Rieta’s mouth.

“Sorry. Princess.”

The only words she could hear were in the Kingdom language.

“Elisha Maureen.”

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Rieta turned her head around and looked towards his face.

Still in a half-hugged position, she asked, “What is this?”


Rieta nodded her head, remembering what the butler had said, ‘He’s in class now’.

“Okay, so what is this class for?”

“It’s tag.”

She doubted her ears for a moment.

It’s tag?

She couldn’t understand Elisha at all.

Even if he played something like tag with such a large body, he must not be able to hide properly anywhere.

“Is it fashionable to play tag for eighteen-year-olds these days?”

“No, as the Princess said, it’s part of the class.”

“What kind of class is Sir Jenkins teaching . . .”

The moment Rieta complained a little, Elisha hugged Rieta properly.

Saying sorry over and over again.

“I can’t help it, I’ll allow it.”

She nodded her head without a word.

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Because Elisha wouldn’t act like this without reason.

After her permission was given, his actions became more concise and quicker.

Apparently, it was Sir Jenkins who took on the role as the tagger.

The scope seemed to be inside and on the grounds of the mansion.

Elisha’s job was to make sure he isn’t caught by Sir Jenkins until the class was over.

Rieta raised her head as she moved halfway in his arms and looked into Elisha’s serious face.

Elisha was becoming sharper.

She already knew he looked a lot like his grandfather, but as he grew closer to adulthood, she realized it more deeply.

He became more knightly as he began to learn with Sir Jenkins.


Elisha called Rieta.


“Excuse me, could you please check the time? How long until the hour is up?”

Rieta glanced at the watch on her wrist quickly.

“Fifteen minutes left.”

“Thank you.”

He quickly climbed the stairs and nodded his head slightly.

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He should be out of breath, but there was no sign of that.

He looked carefully through the hallways on this floor, and only after arriving at a room did he breathe a bit of relief.

The spacious room with a sense of use was probably used by Sir Jenkins.

“Is it okay if we come into this place?”

“I have permission to go anywhere during class.”

Even if he received such permission, few people would dare to enter the mansion owner’s room.

“I think Sir Jenkins and Elisha get along well.”

“It’s just that he is doing me a favor. After graduating from the military academy, he accepted me as I have nowhere to go, and he was giving me a lot of teaching.”

Actually, he didn’t tell Rieta that, by the time Elisha graduated from the military academy,  he was looking for a job as an errand boy for an emerging noble family.

It was not a good job, and the lodging and the salary provided was terrible.

However, there are not many places that hired foreigners, so he was barely able to find a job.

When Sir Jenkins found out about this, he said, ‘Why are you even thinking about ruining your skills! Aren’t you ashamed of the name your grandfather gave you!’  and called him into the mansion.

A poor guy like you needs a teacher. A great teacher like me!

He said this and gave Elisha one of his rooms.

Thus, Elisha stayed under Sir Jenkins and had the opportunity to learn the wisdom Sir Jenkins had accumulated throughout his life.

Of course, the act of the Emperor’s knights passing on knowledge to foreigners became a problem . . .

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In any case, Sir Jenkins was taking care not to let such matters be known by Elisha or Rieta.

He wanted to catch his breath for a moment, but again the vigilance appeared on Elisha’s face.

He seemed to sense some sound as he quietly leaned his ear towards the door.

Rieta didn’t hear anything, though.

He looked around for a moment, then fixed his gaze out of the window.

At that moment, there was a tall and strong tree as tall as the mansion.

Elisha grabbed Rieta and took steps toward it.

Naturally, Rieta had a bad feeling.

“Wa, wait, Elisha!”

He immediately stopped walking at her low voice.

“Tell me. I don’t have much time.”

“Are you trying to jump out the window?”

“No way.”

Elisha looked like he was taken aback if that was possible.

Rieta breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, even Elisha wouldn’t do anything dangerous from the second floor.

“It’s fine then.”

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