“Do you mind if I hurry? It seems that our location was completely discovered through the conversation we had a while ago.”

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Rieta nodded slightly, and he opened the large window wide and hurriedly climbed onto the window sill.


Rieta asked to stop again, but this time the order was not accepted.

It must be because he heard the door open at the same time she screamed.

“I’m sorry, Princess. I cannot stop now.”

Elisha apologized and leapt out of the window without hesitation.

Rieta was so startled that she couldn’t even scream, and she held on to Elisha’s hem.

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity passed, she felt like she was landing somewhere with a clatter.

Rieta opened her tightly closed eyes and looked around.

“. . . A tree?”

“Yes. I’ve run like this a few times, so you don’t have to worry about safety.”

How many times did he run? Here?!

Rieta looked up at him with a surprised expression.

“Then why do you have to run over here while holding me?”

“Well, isn’t it obvious?”

He grabbed Rieta’s hand, which had grabbed his collar.

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And without permission, he dared to put her hand on his forehead.

It was a little strange for him to swear allegiance while running away.

Rieta tried to point that out, but then stopped.

Because of his expression as if he was handling a very noble treasure.


Suddenly, he raised his head and called seriously.

Staring at her with deep eyes.

“. . . Uh, huh?”

“You have to hold on tight.”

He put Rieta’s hand back down near his collar.

She grabbed the hem of his robe, and he jumped again.

The feeling of falling from a high place was a little scary, but was it because she jumped out of the window a little while ago?

This time, she could afford to look around.

“. . . Sir Jenkins.”

She found him in the window they had jumped from a while ago.

“Princess, if you tilt your head too far, it is dangerous.”

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Rieta asked, but she soon understood what was dangerous.

Sir Jenkins was wielding a long chained weapon, wielding it from the window to the outside, aiming at Elisha’s back.

“. . . !”

Rieta shouted in panic!

“You didn’t say you were training with such a heinous weapon!”

“All weapons are equally heinous, Princess!”

He landed in a pile of snow on the ground, holding Rieta.

It was fortunate that there was less shock thanks to the soft snow, but the inside of her clothes was wet and it was a little cold.

Rieta sneezed a little at the creeping feeling.


It wasn’t even a big sneeze.

It was just that she suddenly felt a chill and it came out.

However, it seems that it was not such a light issue for Elisha.

In an instant, he began to wonder what to do while his face turned blue.

“Sor, sorry! Princess!”

“No, it’s-”

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She was trying to say, it’s okay. It’s just a little chilly.


A sneeze erupted again.

Elisha’s complexion was now turning from blue to dark red.

Anyone would think that Rieta had given him a death sentence.

“I have sinned. I will move to a warm place as soon as possible.”

No, she wished he could put her down now . . .

However, there was no time for Rieta to express such an opinion.

Because Sir Jenkins, who had already caught Elisha’s back, was holding the tip of his sword near the nape of his neck.

“I’m sorry, but that would be difficult. This greenhorn . . .”

“Master. Excuse me, but the pPrincess…”

“Don’t be funny. Until the time the class was over, I said that I wasn’t your teacher, but a ‘tagger’ who was aiming for life.”

In Rieta’s eyes, somehow, Sir Jenkins looked like a theater actor who played the villain role.

He seemed to enjoy such acting.

“You may take my humble life at any time. But right now, the Princess is in critical condition.”

“. . . No, I-”

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I’m not in critical condition at all.

Rieta wanted to say so, but she decided to stop because she would be pouring cold water into the serious mood.

“All right. So, are you admitting your complete defeat?”


At Sir Jenkins’ question, Elisha looked as if he was swallowing humiliation.

Rieta thought that even the Emperor, who had been deprived of the continent, would not be so grieved.

“I admit to it.”

It wasn’t until the moment he answered that, Sir Jenkins removed the sword he was aiming at.

And at the same time.

Elisha, who had put Rieta down, turned and grabbed Sir Jenkins’ neck at once.

“. . . Kugh!”

“Elisha! Sir Jenkins!”

Rieta jumped up and screamed.

However, the confrontation between the two continued.

What to do?

Confused and not knowing what to do, a bell rang in the distance.

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