Without realizing it, Rieta looked carefully through the narrow gap on the back of the bookshelves.

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There was something familiar with the back, but she wasn’t sure it was Noel.

He was the same height as Rieta, so perhaps she was right . . .

At that moment, the student who was supposed to be Noel raised his head and hurriedly walked amongst the bookshelves.

Rieta, startled by it, quickly grabbed another book and covered her face.

She glanced over the book and sneakily glanced at the other person.

What . . .

She thought it was Noel, but it was a very different person.

Perhaps if she had seen his face first, she wouldn’t have been hiding like she was now.

Anyway, I need to be careful.

As she thought about it, she heard someone’s voice from afar.

She thought that it was probably the student who had been reading a while ago.

“Isn’t this what the professor said?”

It seemed that there was a group of people who came together with him.

A few students all started approaching this place.

Well . . . Even so, there was no need for Rieta to be unnecessarily nervous.

She had run into students several times already, and she had the librarian’s permission to take a look around, so there were no problems.

Rieta put the book she was holding back in the place.

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The rushing footsteps drew nearer.

It seemed that the quiet peace that she had been enjoying for a long time is coming to an end.

Rieta sighed a little, and went back to the window.

She put down her umbrella and placed her hands on the high window sill.

Soon the surrounding environment came into view.


She could see the small square in front of the library as well as the large square in front of the entrance.

It was fun to see the colorful umbrellas busily running all over.

It’s good to be a student . . .

She suddenly had that thought.

It was such a wonderful place, even she wanted to live there.

How mean, Noel.

“Noel, you—”

At that time.

As if someone had read Rieta’s mind, they called out Noel’s name.

She was startled, but she couldn’t even look back carelessly because the sound came from closer than she thought.

Rieta pretended to look out the window normally, listening to the voices behind her.

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There was a possibility that she may have heard it wrong, and there was no guarantee that the name ‘Noel’ necessarily referred to ‘Noel Mayer’.

“I will look for something else. There will be copies of old material.”

A voice came almost immediately from behind her.

. . . She didn’t need to look at the face.

It was definitely Noel’s voice.

The Noel Mayer that Rieta knew.

Perhaps he and his friends came here to do what Darrel was talking about, the group assignment.

“Then let’s each find what we need to . . .”

Noel’s voice grew closer and closer, and Rieta’s back twitched for some reason.

Ah, it would have been nice if she had an eye on the back of her head.

It felt like someone was staring at Rieta, but she couldn’t turn her head to check, so she was frustrated.

Rieta tried her best to create the impression of ‘I leisurely look out the window at the rain.’

Her hands were trembling with tension as they rested on the window sill.

“Noel, what’s wrong?”

“Uh, nothing. Anyway, let’s each borrow what each of us was in charge of and gather in the seminar room. No disagreements, right?”


“I understand.”

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The students who had gathered were scattered.

Rieta prayed that Noel would go away.

Did her prayers work? Soon the surroundings became quiet.

He’s not here anymore, right?

It seemed clear to her that there was no other presence.

Rieta slowly turned her head halfway. There was no one.

“Phew . . .”

As she unknowingly let out a sigh of relief, she soon heard the sound of pages flipping through the bookshelves nearby.

Rieta’s gaze turned to that direction unknowingly.

“. . . !”

There was a boy with black hair.

His face was hidden behind a book.

Noel . . .? I don’t think it is.

It was easy to gauge the height thanks to the other person standing right in front of the bookshelf, but he seemed to be taller than Rieta.

But Noel was around the same as Rieta, so it was probably another black haired student.

Still, Rieta decided not to be vigilant.

With a cautious gait, she moved to a place about two spaces away from where he was.

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She had to get out of there quickly.

Each time Rieta moved through the bookshelves, she approached the stairs, making sure no one was around.

Quietly, quietly.

She finally reached the bookshelf he was closest to on the stairs.

Now all that was left was to hurry up and go down.

Fortunately, the only person passing by was the librarian.

Act naturally, act naturally.

Rieta struggled to calm her heart, which was about to burst with tension, and went down the stairs.

By the time she reached the second floor, she thought that she had escaped, so her steps spontaneously accelerated.

And now she realized

The fact that she was biting her lip the whole way down the stairs and barely breathing.

She let out the breath she had been holding back until she reached the second floor.


I made it.

The moment she thought so—

Someone grabbed her shoulder from behind.

“. . . Kyaa!”

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