Rieta was so startled that she screamed unknowingly.

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The eyes of people passing by were focused on Rieta for a moment.

She had just screamed in a quiet library, so it was only obvious that people reacted that way.

Rieta was embarrassed, of course, and she covered her mouth with both hands, thinking that someone might have found her.

And she sneaked a look back.


There was a black umbrella.

Above her was the face of the blunt librarian.


Rieta now knew what mistake she had made.

She seems to have left the umbrella by the window a while ago.

She can’t believe she left her stuff and just went off.

“Oh, thank you.”

By the time Rieta greeted the librarian, the eyes of the people who had been focused on her were all gone.

Their interest seemed to have faded, as they quickly realized that it wasn’t a big deal.


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The librarian gave a brief reply to Rieta’s greeting, and he held out the umbrella again.

Mumbling to himself with a face that was bothered to die.

“…there seems to be more and more people like Professor Gilliam.”

Rieta was about to ask, ‘What?’, but she just quickly got the umbrella.

‘Somehow this person is similar to Noel.’

They grunt with dissatisfaction with an angry expression, but they act kindly.

Rieta smiled for nothing.

He made a more grim expression, and then quickly turned away.

‘It’s very similar.’

Rieta looked at his back and covered her mouth as she smiled.

After climbing all the steps, the librarian glanced back at Rieta for a moment, seemingly warning her, ‘Don’t ever leave your worldly things in the Sacred Library again.’

Of course, he turned around with a stroke before Rieta could react to the warning.

Rieta looked at where he had disappeared for a moment, then shrugged her shoulders slightly.

As she turned to go down the stairs again, something unusual came into her sight.

Rieta pressed her ominous heart and looked back.

Raising her head high, she saw ‘it’ more clearly this time.

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Noel Mayer on the stairs.

He was staring at this side without moving.

Judging by those fierce eyes, it was clear that he had recognized Rieta.

Rieta in her heart apologized to the librarian a while ago.

She thought that his expression resembled Noel.

It was not at all.

Noel’s was much scarier and terrifying.

This subtle confrontation ensued, so Rieta pondered what to do.

Of course, the answer was simple.

Because Darrell Mayer, who graduated from this academy with the highest degree, had already informed her.

[“You have to run away. ]

Rieta smiled softly at Noel.

At the same time, his boundaries loosened slightly, and she didn’t miss that chance.

She immediately turned her body and started going down the remaining steps.

She couldn’t run, so she just walked a little faster.

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She looked behind from time to time as she walked through the students, with her head bowed slightly.

Noel was following her.

He, too, was unable to run, perhaps trying to be considerate of others so that they would not be suspicious of Rieta.

She was really grateful for that.

Why did he have a terrifying expression?

Every time she looked back, it felt as if a Death Reaper was following her that her back trembled.

Finally, Rieta arrived at the library exit.

If she got out of the building she would be able to run, so she might be able to outrun Noel.

“Ah, it looks like you managed to return it with no problem.”

However, the staff who had shown kindness to Rieta a while ago suddenly spoke to her.

“Ah yes.”

Rieta reluctantly stopped her steps.

“You seem to be out of breath, are you okay?”

At the worried words, she struggled to nod her head.

“I, I guess it’s because I’m not feeling well.”

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“Well, it looks like that. There is a break room for the staff over there. If you’re not busy, you can rest. Right now, no one is there.”

In the break room she points to, ‘For staff. There was another sign that read, “Students are not allowed to enter.”

“Well, then, I’ll be shameless and rest for a moment……”

Rieta quickly grabbed the lifeline, which had descended from the sky.

Normally she would not have accepted this kindness.

She wasn’t supposed to be here.

But on the other hand, she didn’t want to be caught by Noel, who was trailing behind her.

If she gets caught by Noel, Rieta will have to tell him everything about why she’s here.

Then, all the circumstances might end up in the Duke’s ears.

The fact that she came in here with a forged document that Lietta used her duke’s autograph

including up to.

‘I never want that to be known.’

Rieta headed to the staff break room, as informed.

If she goes in there, even Noel won’t be able to do anything to Rieta.

He might come to the mansion later and make a fuss.

…At that time, I had no choice but to pretend that I did not.

At that time, there will also be Darell, so it won’t be difficult to deal with Noel.

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