In the shadows of the night, his figure was not very noticeable.

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“So, what’s the story you want to tell me?”

“It’s not a great story.”

Contrary to what she said, Rieta’s voice sounded a bit tense.

Noel pondered what he should do if, by any chance, Rieta brought up a story about the Kingdom of Liz.

I’ll have to run there.

Even if he had to expose the crime of daring to eavesdrop on Princess Gabriella.

It would be much better to let it be known that Rieta had set foot in the academy.

“Well . . . A long time ago . . .”

After a while, Rieta started to speak again.

Princess Gabriella did not urge her, and Noel, who was secretly peeping at them, clenched his fists.

“I told you. Noel kissed someone.”

What . . . ?

Noel was so startled that he almost said, ‘What nonsense is that?’.

Of course he didn’t do anything stupid like that.

“Ah, right.”

Princess Gabriella’s answer made Noel even more flustered.

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No, why?

Why did Rieta and Princess Gabriella talk about Noel’s kiss?

Besides, a kiss that he had never had before . . .

No way.

Noel felt his lips twitch slightly.

At the academy, the gatherer named BB had kissed Noel on the lips.

How hard it was for him to forget that nightmare, but Rieta was talking about it all over the neighborhood!

Noel dragged his hands across his face.

“You see, that was my misunderstanding.”

“What? But Princess Rieta heard Noel boast, ‘I had kissed before.’”

“I thought that was what it meant, but I must have misunderstood. Come to think of it, there’s no way Noel would say such a thing lightly.”

“But, I don’t think you’d take that as a misunderstanding.”

Hearing the ensuing conversation, Noel became even more agitated.

Noel was wondering how much Rieta had spoken about him to Princess Gabriella so far.

In the first place, as far as he knew, he had never said the word kiss in front of Rieta.

What the hell was this conversation that was going on without him knowing?

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“Anyway, I just wanted to reiterate that Noel would never be that kind of person.”

“Why does Princess Rieta seem afraid that I will misunderstand Noel?”

“That . . . Because Noel likes Princess Gabriella.”

“Of course I will always love Noel as a family. Even if he grows up to be a casanova.”

“That is absolutely not the caseeee!”

“Haha, alright.”

“Because it really isn’t.”

Princess Gabriella laughed out loud for a moment, amused by Rieta’s reaction.

Noel crossed his arms and frowned slightly.

Because that stupid Rieta dudn’t seem to know that she was being played by Princess’ Gabriella’s words.

“I see. I’ll change my perception of Noel back to being a fine gentleman. That’s good, right?”

“Yes, please.”

“I will forget everything Princess Rieta had said last time.”

“Thank you very much.”

“Instead, can you give me something?”

“Something I have?”

“That’s right, one thing Princess Rieta has. Give it to me.”

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Noel didn’t know what Princess Gabriella wanted, but he guessed that it wasn’t very clear.

She was just trying to make fun of Rieta again.

However, Rieta seemed to be somewhat worried that she had no idea at all.

“If it is not about the Kingdom of Liz . . .”

“My God, Princess. Don’t embarrass me. The only thing I’m interested in is Rieta Liz, you.”

Hearing Gabriela’s answer, Rieta nodded softly.

Rieta can give anything as long as it’s something she personally has.

“Thank God. I actually always wanted one.”


“Your truth.”

“. . .?”

“Swear quickly. You will give me the truth.”

Rieta suddenly raised her right hand and spoke politely.

To promise Gabriella the truth.

“Great. Now then, answer on that oath.”

Gabriella began to cast a meaningful gaze, following her curved eyes.

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For some reason, Rieta, feeling uneasy premonition, unknowingly clutched her dress.

Meanwhile, Noel, who had been secretly watching them, was looking around to get back soon.

Even if he stays here, he doesn’t think he’ll hear anything useful.

Above all, he knew that Rieta was somewhat cautious about the ‘Kingdom of Liz’.

Otherwise, there would be nothing for Noel to worry about.

“Princess, what do you think of Noel?”

However, the moment he suddenly heard Gabriella’s question, the movements stopped.


“I’m asking if you like him. Noel.”

It seems that Noel, who had been eavesdropping, was not the only one who was taken aback by the question.

Rieta only stuttered, repeating meaningless words.

“Yes . . . ? Wh, what do you mean by that? To Noel? What? Su, suddenly? Huh?!”

For some reason, her appearance was similar to a reaction she would show when she hit the nail on the head.


Noel found Rieta looked a little cute, as she couldn’t even help her hands.

Seeing her doing that, perhaps . . . She seemed to have some secret feelings of her own about Noel.

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