But Noel shook his head.

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There’s no way Rieta would feel that way.

Say no, you idiot. Sister will misunderstand.

But she couldn’t say her words.

She somehow managed to utter the first word, but soon kept silent.

She was like someone who tried her best to hide her true emotions.

Oh, no way . . . Is it true?

Noel forgot his duty of ‘eavesdropping’ and began to observe the situation almost openly, sticking his head out completely.

Fortunately, the two didn’t seem to feel Noel’s presence.

“Princess Rieta, it’s okay if you can’t speak your own words. Because I just want to meet the truthful you.”

“That . . . I.”

Rieta took a deep breath. She seems to have finally made up her mind.

“. . . I like him. I love Noel very much.”

Noel almost cried out without even realizing it.

But he couldn’t do it, so he just pounded his fist on the pillar nearby.

If he didn’t do that, it felt like he was really going to scream out of inexplicable excitement.

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“Actually, I’ve only had one wish for all my birthdays so far.”

What? Noel wanted to put his head out over the terrace and ask that question.

Fortunately, Rieta’s answer came first before he made such an accident.

“I wished for Noel to be happy, I say the same thing every year.”

“That was your birthday wish?”


“Princess Rieta, you really mean it.”

Gabriella admired, and Rieta nodded her head.

“I really, really meant it.”

Rieta put her hands together again.

Seeing that she slightly closed her eyes, it seemed that she was wishing for Noel’s happiness again.

It was clear just by looking at her serious expression that she was giving all her heart.

I . . . I don’t even know.

Noel somehow felt sorry for Rieta.

In particular, it was all the more so when he dismissed her as his ‘childhood friend who had seen everything’.

Since even Rieta’s spit had splashed on his face, it might have been a bit harsh for him to say he couldn’t see her.

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How should I treat Rieta from now on . . .

He was lost in happy thoughts for a moment.

For some reason, he felt a pleasant echo in his heart.

Maybe I . . .

Through that sensation, a certain truth he had put off out of shame raised its head slightly.

Me to Rieta.

But right before his heart was revealed . . .

Rieta clapped her hands, saying, “Oh, that’s right.”

“Of course, I don’t mean ‘I like him’ in the sense that I want to be his lover. There is only one way to say ‘like’ in the Imperial language . . . It is difficult.”


Gabriella asked what that meant.

Of course, Noel almost came up with the same question.

“I really like Noel. He is a friend and a family to me.”

“But didn’t you just tell me that you were going to yield your birthday wishes to him?”


Rieta seemed to be talking about the Duchy’s acceptance of Rieta.

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“So I hope that someday Noel will meet the person he wants and be happy. I hope he can smile for the rest of his life.”

“Uh . . .”

Was Rieta’s answer unexpected?

The Princess seemed a little taken aback, but she couldn’t find the right answer.

“So, it was like that?”

“There is no other way. Noel and I are childhood friends who have seen everything about each other.”

Noel was so astounded by the answer that she gave so simply.

She can’t think of anything else? Why?

Noel looked at Rieta with cold eyes, then suddenly turned away and left the terrace.

I’m crazy. What vain expectations.

No, really not what he was expecting.

He passed through the waiting attendants in the parlor and came out into the hallway.

He goes down to the first floor, where Everett was waiting for him with arms crossed.

“Why are you taking so long? Did you hate separating with Princess Rieta that much?”

“Am I crazy?”

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Noel replied, startled, and started walking hastily toward his carriage.

Although it bothered him a little that he didn’t get to tell Rieta he was going back first . . .

Rieta, who was secretly talking about strange things with the Princess, was also at fault.

Even though she knew enough that Noel, who lives in the dormitory, won’t stay up late.


Everett, who was sitting across from him, cautiously called to him.

“Huh, what?”

“What happened with Princess Rieta?”

“No? There’s nothing?”

Noel sighed and replied.

Without realizing that such an action would raise even more suspicion.

“How many times have I told you. Princess Rieta and I were just childhood friends who have seen everything. There’s no way anything will ever happen.”

“Then what?”

“Why are you saying that all of a sudden?”


Everett suddenly blinked his eyes and shifted his upper body.

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