Noel’s expression was quite serious, so BB stared at him blankly and guessed what was inside him.

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It seemed that Noel was worried that the rumor would cause even a small damage to Rieta.

‘He seems to be serious with the princess.’

BB smiled at the thought.

“Is it possible? I promise upon this BB’s head. Of course, this head won’t be very expensive.”

After BB had promised, he quickly lifted the empty cage. He seemed to say to get him out.

“……Keep it safe.”

Noel gave his final request in a reluctant voice, then turned and headed for the stairs.

Soon Rieta followed him.

BB smiled and followed them.

The cage, held with both hands, must have been heavy, so a whining came again.

The way down the narrow stairs.

From under his shoulder, Rieta spoke quietly.

“By the way, Noel.”


“What exactly did you tell BB not to sell for information?”

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“It’s nothing.”

Noel shrugged his shoulders and replied lightly.

“That I like you.”

“Don’t joke.”

That was an expected reaction, so Noel sighed deeply.

He thought it was like this again. Although he didn’t even expect it in the first place.

“It’s just, well. This and that. Since the Emperor was also involved, it wouldn’t be good to be known, so I just want him to keep his mouth shut.”

“Uung, is that so?”

Rieta laughed bashfully, accepting it.

“What is with you?”

After a peaceful conversation, they passed through the storage room and returned to the hall.

BB, who had put the cage back in place behind them, followed them confidently.

Although the wizards whispered among themselves, ‘Why is there a gatherer coming out from behind Lord Noel?’, they did not dare to point that out to the emperor’s beloved nephew.

Afterwards, as soon as the BB came out, he ran away like a bird and disappeared as if enjoying the air of freedom.

Noel and Rieta wanted to say thank you to the emperor again, but they had to return to the carriage when they heard that the emperor was discussing an important issue with the wizards.

“I’m tired.”

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As soon as they got into the carriage, Noel slumped, resting his head on Rieta’s shoulder.

Rieta was a little surprised and glanced back at him.

She wondered why Noel was clinging too casually today.

‘Is it not? Was Noel originally like this….?’

If so, could Rieta start to be particularly conscious of Noel’s actions?

“If you have something to say, make it clear. Stop flinching.”

He spoke so bluntly that it made Rieta feel somewhat unfair.

Who caused this in the first place!

“I just thought that Noel seemed to be clinging with me today.”

It was like that on the roof, and it still is now. The distance, which seemed to be different, somehow bothered her.

“If you don’t like it, you can go away.”

“It’s not a matter if I like or dislike it, but just now Noel…… !”

“What about me?”

WIth Noel’s somewhat blunt words, Rieta completely shut her mouth.

On the roof a moment ago, when Noel pulled her head close,

‘It felt like his lips touched my forehead.’

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Like a kiss, sweet and gentle.

Of course, without a moment to be sure of that feeling, he quickly moved away again.

‘Was it an illusion?’

Rieta glanced at Noel, who leaned his head against her and closed his eyes.

It looked no different than usual.

‘It must have been an illusion…’

There was no way he would kiss Rieta with any feelings.


Rieta followed Noel and closed her eyes.

The strange heat he had left on her forehead continued to wrap around her head, and in the end her eyes soon opened.

Thus Rieta had to repeat the word ‘illusion’ to herself more than 30 times, until she reached the mansion.


As soon as they arrived at the Duchy, Rieta reported one fact to the butler.

“We’re back from our date!”

Just as the butler offered when they left the mansion.

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However, despite Rieta’s impassioned claims, the butler and the servants seemed to not believe her.

Besides, for some reason, they had a slightly disappointed look in their eyes.

They came back from their long-awaited ‘date’!

“Ah, yes. A date, right?”


“I thought you two were adult enough.”

“Of course we are adults enough.”

“You came back covered in dirt just like you were when you were young.”

When the butler pointed it out, Rieta and Noel saw each other again.

To be honest, it was difficult to describe them as ‘after enjoying a date’.

“Where in the world did you come back like this? Did you climb a tree together in the park?”

“We didn’t climb trees. It must have been dust on the roof.”

“You’ve climbed the roof!”

The butler screamed.

Rieta later regretted, saying that it would have been better not to say that part. She will be scolded for doing something dangerous.

“Ye, yes. Then I will go wash up.”

Rieta hurriedly moved out of the way so that she wouldn’t have to listen to the butler anymore, and ran to her room.

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