The butler complained again to Noel, who was still standing in front of him.

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“I thought you two made great ladies and gentlemen!”

“Well, don’t worry. We climbed the roof, but at least we didn’t climb the walls.”

“Isn’t that obvious!”

The butler looked like he was about to cry. Noel just smiled like he was having fun and went back to his room.

He immediately took off his clothes and checked his shoulders. As expected, the bruises were coming up little by little.

The servants who were waiting on him were surprised and made a fuss to call a doctor, but Noel said it was okay and only told them to bring medicine.

While the servants were away, he washed his dusty body and came out.

“Noel. I heard you were seriously hurt?”

Then he ran into Rieta, who was waiting in his room.

Perhaps she had run here without drying her hair, a small drop of water dripped from her long hair.

“Not hurt enough for the princess to come running like that.”

“But the servants made a fuss and came to ask me. They thought since Noel’s shoulder will not be able to do its job, and to tell them how you got injured.”

Noel just laughed at the excessive exaggeration and patted himself on the shoulder.

“My shoulder will do its job well. Anyway, what did you say?”

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“I can’t tell them details, so I just said it seemed like you hit a wall.”

Saying that, Rieta proudly lifted the small box next to her.

“Tada. That’s why I brought this.”

What she held out was a box of medicine.

“Why are you the one bringing it?”

“Well, on condition that I tell them how Noel was hurt, they agreed to let me bring you the medicine.”

Rieta spoke excitedly, like a child who desperately needs a compliment, but Noel was just shocked.

“You mean the servants accepted that?!”

“Yes. They’re very accommodating.”

“I can’t believe these people!”

Noel brushed his damp hair off and sprinted to the door.

To treat Noel’s shoulder, they needed someone else’s help.

However, sending Rieta alone like this means that the princess should take care of it.

“Are you all insane?!”

Rieta asked, puzzled why Noel was furious.

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“Noel, why are you angry?”

“Yes, of course I am angry, is everyone forgetting that you are the princess of Liz?”

“It’s not like that. I insisted on helping Noel, so they all reluctantly agreed.”

Oh, I see. Fortunately, Noel’s anger seems to have subsided now.

Of course, he still didn’t look good.

“Why are you so uselessly stubborn?”

“It’s my fault Noel got hurt.”

Rieta murmured as she fidgeted with the medicine box.

“Well, that’s right. It’s the princess’s fault.”

Noel looked weary and took away Rieta’s medicine box and slightly lifted his chin.

“Thank you for bringing it, you can go now.”


“Then, you want to watch me take off my clothes and apply the medicine?”

“No, I thought it would be difficult to apply it alone. I’m trying to help…..”

Noel was taken aback by her mumbled words.

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He wondered who this princess was trying to bully.

“I know what Noel’s worried about, but I can at least apply the medicine.”

“Haa, who cares about that? That’s enough, hurry up……”

He pointed the tip of his chin at the doorway and tried to get Rieta out.

“When Elisha was hurt, I helped.”

However, hearing her following explanation, he unknowingly screamed out loud.


“Oh you scared me. Is that such a surprise?”

“Surprise?! Why are you treating Elisha! He…!”

Noel hesitated. He couldn’t bring himself to say, ‘you don’t know what kind of feelings he would have for you!’, so he just trembled with his mouth wide open.

“Because, he was there for me.”

“Ha, that Jenkins’ servant!”

“What is with you?”

Noel messed up his hair for a moment at her calm reply.

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“So he was satisfied with the treatment his master provided?”

“Noel knows Elisha’s personality. He was so grateful that I got embarrassed. He even sent me a separate thank-you letter afterwards.”

Noel returned the medicine bottle he had taken from Rieta, and began unbuttoning his shirt.

It is absurd that he would refuse the treatment Elisha had also received. Isn’t that unfair?

“Why, why are you suddenly taking off your clothes!”

Noel’s sudden action caused Rieta to scream with a pale face.

Noel responded with discontent.

“If I don’t take it off all of a sudden, should I take it off after counting down?”


Embarrassed to keep her eyes on him, Rieta brought a stool and slightly looked away from him.

“Would you like to sit here? It’s a bit hard while you’re standing.”


For some reason, Noel quietly sat down, and Rieta stood before him.

“I don’t think you have to take off all your clothes, let’s just leave the shoulders open.”

Rieta pulled his clothes down to the proper line.

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