Chapter 47… This year’s Sand Sculpture Award

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T/N : Merry Christmas … 


“April Day on the Earth” came to an end when the filming of “School Grass and School Flowers” was finalized.


Chi Zhongqiao’s flu had long since healed, and he began to cooperate with the movie to promote it.


“The review was completed so fast? The premiere is on June 21st?”


Chi Zhongqiao was surprised.


Du Yusheng said: “Well, it’s the graduation season. The drama itself has a good idea, and the theme is light and not satirical. Of course it’ll be fast. How are you in the crew lately?”


Chi Zhongqiao: “Very good.”


Du Yusheng smiled: “I have always liked to take an artist like you. The new movie is about to be released, and you can hold it steady.”


Chi Zhongqiao smiled.


“We have to keep up with the publicity here,” Du Yusheng slowly said, “You almost ran out of popularity last year. All the people in the crew are newcomers, and the general publicity is definitely not enough.”


Chi Zhongqiao: “So?”

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Du Yusheng said kindly: “Maybe we can slightly alter the image they have of Zhong Qiao, providing them with stories of the embarrassment of high school.”


He took out a planning book and handed it to Chi Zhong Qiao.


Chi Zhongqiao got it, and when he saw the name of the plan, he felt that it was not a serious plan-


“School Grass, School Flowers” publicity plan-“Remember the sand sculpture 1 sand sculpture : internet slang ; this word is generally used humorously to describe weird or stupid but funny behaviors or lame jokes, as with a lot of memes. classmates around you?” The serious plan won’t have this kind of sand sculpture name.


Chi Zhong Qiao said with a calm face, “Who came up with this?”


Du Yusheng: “Yiyun provided the plan, and the propaganda team finalized it in one fell swoop. It does not accept any objections from the actors and must cooperate with the implementation.”


Du Yusheng paused and said slowly: “Of course, if you go through the backdoor to find Mr. Lu, then I can’t help it.”


Chi Zhongqiao seriously thought about the possibility of going through the back door: “Then I will stop Yi Yun’s resources before dealing with you.”


Du Yusheng laughed loudly.




A certain big V with millions of fans suddenly launched a topic activity-it’s graduation season, do you still remember your Sand Sculpture classmates?


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This is an event where you can get a lottery by participating in the event. In addition, the timing is very good. In the month of graduating from the college entrance examination, the topic will not be short of enthusiasm.


Sure enough, as the propaganda team thought, the amount of participation on this topic skyrocketed, and various people were endlessly trying to pour out all the embarrassment of the classmates in high school.


There were also many human tragedies- Some posts became too popular and were seen by the person involved, and then immediately commented . That set off a bloody storm, and some people even expressed that they wanted to PK offline in order to have a big revenge.


Chi Zhongqiao pinched the sand sculpture joke he prepared for himself that night, and the more he thought about it, the more he was lost: “I will definitely lose followers after I post this. It would be terrible if the popularity doesn’t rise back after the movie is released.” Lu Yuzhou shook his head, “What does Brother Qiao want to post? ”


Chi Zhongqiao:” …… let all my fans see that I’ve done something stupid. ”


He picked up the phone, sighed, and then started to type a long post.


A few minutes later, all netizens who followed Chi Zhongqiao received a message.


Chi Zhongqiao V: No sand sculpture classmates, I was a sand sculpture…does it count?




All netizens clicked on the picture to take a look. This is a long edited picture, briefly describing a clerical error , which makes people laugh as soon as they see it.


According to Chi Zhongqiao, during a certain editing experience, he mistakenly typed ‘man with a head full of sweat’ as ‘man with a strong head’, and this document was adopted and disseminated by sand sculpture roommates (referred to as copying assignment). Many versions such as “Man with a big head” and “Man with a Big Body” were finally rewritten. This ended with the instructor asking the class to redo the assignment.


The comments at the bottom:

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Cuckoo: It’s not Qiao, who is the sand sculpture alone, all the members are sand sculptures hahahahahahaha.


Fish, tiger shark: What idiots are you guys hahaha, why can you copy all kinds of mistakes when copying homework?


A beacon: I have to say, it’s the fault of the input method hahahaha.


Chi Zhongqiao, who has been watching the screen and following the comments, said: “I knew it!” Lu Yuzhou couldn’t help laughing: “Brother Qiao, you really…” The remaining few words disappeared in a forbearing smile.


Chi Zhongqiao gave up on himself : “Yes! I did it!” If he could remember other embarrassments, he wouldn’t want to sell himself out.


Chi Zhongqiao: “I’m not doing it for publicity.”


He wandered around, feeling aggrieved.


Lu Yuzhou smiled, “Well, Brother Qiao’s selfless dedication.” Chi Zhongqiao : “… Dedicate my fame?”



What everyone didn’t expect was that not long after Chi Chongqiao posted it, Yan Qing Bo was involved in this topic.


Yan Qingbo V: No sand sculpture classmates, but still have sand sculpture colleagues. On this topic, Qiao Qiao and Fang Yu, must have names.


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/Little stool trio.jpg/


The fans clicked in and took a look. The three people were sitting on three small stools, their backs facing the camera, and the red arrows pointed out the identities of the three people.


The one on the far right and the strongest is Ge Fangyu, the slightly thinner in the middle is Chi Zhongqiao, and at the end sits a girl in a pink skirt.


From right to left, perfect transition.




Southwestern Blossoms: Is this the little stool trio? Hahaha.


Du Kang’s worries: from right to left-straight man-big beauty-little beauty hahaha.


You are right: shocked! Brother Qiao may become the biggest dark horse in this year’s Sand Sculpture Awards.


In a villa on the outskirts, Yan Qingbo put down her mobile phone.


Cheng Feng hugged her: “How come you remember to join a group of kids on the Internet?”


Yan Qingbo gently said, “It’s not joining in the fun. Before Qiaoqiao made a new movie, it is estimated that this topic will not come out until his movie is released. To build momentum, I will add firewood to him.”

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