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Chapter 48… Premiere

   Ge Fangyu followed closely behind.


   Ge Fangyu V: The picture above proves that Qiao is a sand sculpture.


   /Drink milk tea.jpg/


   In the picture, Chi Zhongqiao used two small tables to hold milk tea, the script stood leaning against the vase, and he drank milk tea while reading the script.


   Chi Zhongqiao didn’t say anything and dumped a few pictures below:


   /Ge Fangyu drink milk tea.jpg/


   /Fu Jingshen drink milk tea.jpg/


   Chi Zhongqiao V: It seems like you haven’t tried it.


   Bells and whistles: Ahhhhhh, I caught up with Qiao in the first comment!


   Xilan Blue: My darling! Uh…who is the second picture?


   Da Luobei Luobei: Back upstairs, the director of “Invisible Crimes”, Qiao is almost on the verge of being beaten.


   When Fu Jingshen arrived at the scene, there was already a P picture “master” who cut the pictures of the three people drinking milk tea together, and the three postures were exactly the same.


   Fu Jingshen V: Hehe @Chi Zhongqiao@Ge Fangyu, you don’t want your scenes anymore, do you?




   Go to death if you don’t finish reviewing: So what did Brother Fang do wrong? ( Hahahaha I’m sorry, I really want to laugh.)




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Thanks to Yan Qingbo for pushing this, the topic became more and more popular.


   Neither Chi Chong Qiao nor the crew of “School Grass, School Flowers” had the intention of stepping on other unreleased youth films, so this topic smoothly became a hot topic for the youth films released in June and July.


   ”But isn’t this giving us more opponents?”


   Zhong Yin felt very strange.


   Chi ZhogQiao said: “Good will get better, bad will only get worse. There is no increase in opponents.”


   The real opponents will rush out even if they are unpopular, they can’t be buried.


   After the topic of “Sand Sculpture Classmates” was thoroughly heated, many movie and TV drama big Vs took advantage of the popularity and released videos with the title “Looking forward to youth films in June and July this year.”


   Among them, a big V Buttery popcorn,  with a very large number of fans, released the edited video after the other big V finished the video.


   Buttery popcorn’s videos are often ingenious, and this time, he did not disappoint his fans-


   This is a collection of movies and dramas that fits the “sand sculpture” theme very well.


   In the first half, it showed the funny youth films that have been broadcasted this year, and most of them are dark horses with a good reputation. The second half of the story turned to the youth genre movies that are more anticipated this year. The first part is “School Grass and Flower”.


   The reason for expectation is very simple:


   ”I edited the video of “Muyi Tianxia” before, and I said that I admire Chi Zhongqiao’s acting skills. His performance is very moving, even for a passerby fan. This time it is for this acting that I want to try this movie. And this movie is classified as a light-hearted comedy, and I see very few youth movies of this type.”


   At the beginning of June, several youth-themed movies and TV series were aired. Unfortunately, most of them couldn’t be considered successful , and Chi Zhongqiao didn’t pay attention to the follow-up.


   In mid-June, the youth movie “A Sea of Falling Stars” starring Li Jinghong premiered.


   Immediately after the film premiere, a distinctive little white flower bloomed in a piece of dog blood -finally found the true definition of youth theme, and firmly grasped the word “fresh and healing”. 1 A distinctive little white flower bloomed in a piece of dog blood : it is most probably referring to a sweet healing drama among the other dog blood dramas.


   After the movie went online in theatres, Chi Zhongqiao also took Lu Yuzhou to watch it. This is a typical literary and artistic film, probably for awards. The rare thing is that while the reputation is good, the box office is also very objective.

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   There are people recommending it everywhere on the Internet, and film critics also gave a very good evaluation to this youth film. A total of three youth-themed movies were screened in June, and the TV series that were currently airing almost all took a long and crooked road, and “A Sea of Falling Stars” blazed a bright path in the sea of dog blood dramas.


   On June 21st, under the pressure of “A Sea of Falling Stars”, “School Grass and School Flowers” premiered.


   Before the premiere, the official release of the film, but this film did not turn out any waves, after all, the momentum of “A Sea of ​​Stars Falling” is on the rise, both inside and outside the circle are highly praised, and the attention of “School Grass, School Flower” naturally does not rise. 


   On the day of the premiere, all the actors and actresses of the film were present, and the invited media and film critics were all in place. Director Ji Shan was so nervous that his palms were sweaty.


   Chi Zhongqiao and Yan Yiyun sat in the middle position. Yan Yiyun was tense, just as nervous as Ji Shan.


   Chi Zhongqiao smiled : “Don’t be nervous.” Yan Yiyun said tremblingly, ” Hmm.”


   Chi Zhong Qiao: “I saw it during the trial screening. The director’s film was edited well.”


   Yan Yiyun: “I’m still nervous. I’m about to sit unsteadily.” Her lips opened and closed quickly, and her voice was so small that only Chi Zhongqiao could hear: “Last time, Sister Lili said that if our film meets expectations, then it’s going to be the same as falling stars, isn’t it?”


   Lili is Yan Yiyun’s assistant.


   Chi Zhongqiao: “…”


   He was a little speechless, shook his head and said, “We are a commercial film, and “A Sea of Falling Stars” is a literary film. It is used to win prizes . It is not the same type as ours .” Li Jinghong was not bad in popularity. but lacked awards. Although he was a legitimate traffic star, he had turned 30 years old and was not suitable for this path. This year he had been committed to transforming into a low-key and stable actor. “A sea of Falling Stars” is a bold try.


   Yan Yiyun had tears in her eyes: “Then Brother Du said that our film is good.”


   Chi Zhongqiao turned his face and said lightly: “It is a good film to turn a comedy into a comedy and a tragedy into a tragedy. Moreover, instead of worrying about “A sea of Falling stars”, it is better to worry about “Separated By Water” which was released last week. “Separated by Water” is also a movie released in June, and it is also positioned as a commercial film. Chi Zhongqiao also went to see the premiere of this movie. It was indeed a good one.


   Yan Yiyun: “Huh?” What is “Separated By Water”? Why hasn’t she heard of it?


   Chi Zhongqiao said, “The premiere has begun.” The lights in the cinema were suddenly dimmed, and the people who were still exchanging opinions quietly calmed down.


   ”School Grass, School Flowers” is a small-cost comedy. The main scenes are classrooms, corridors, and teacher’s offices. There is only one outdoor location. After learning that the head teacher was sick and hospitalised, a group of people went to a nearby temple to make a wish.


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   The main plot takes place in the classroom, and the records seem to be trivial things that everyone did in the school days-ink was thrown on the person sitting on the same table, dictated words and cheat sheets were caught, peeked at novels while the teacher in charge was looking at the window, and met the principal when someone tried to climb over the wall. l… the scenes were very grounded, and they did not deviate from the status quo of domestic high schools. It was a group of young and energetic high school students dedicated to filling every class with joy.


   The one-and-a-half-hour movie was sensational at the end of graduation. Considering the atmosphere of the whole film, the sensationalism is only a little bit more sensational than the rest of the film, and it ends quickly.


   However, it is precisely this point that makes the sensational part particularly moving under the background of the funny part.


   In the first hour and ten minutes of the film, they were all purely stupid young people looking forward to carnivals for the holidays and relaxation after the college entrance examination. When the day of the college entrance examination really came, these high school students finally tasted parting.


   On the day before the college entrance examination, the whole class went to self-study on the last night of high school. At 9:30, the classmates left the classroom slowly. As the squad leader, the school grass stayed silently till the end.


   Soon, there was only one person left in the classroom. He quietly packed his schoolbag, picked up the heavy bag and carried it on his shoulders. When he left, he suddenly saw the blackboard behind him.


   The original blackboard newspaper has been wiped clean, only a few words are left.


   The school grass was silent for a few seconds by the podium, reached out and took out a piece of chalk from the podium, walked across the neat table and chairs, wrote a few words on the blackboard, gently put the chalk back into the chalk box, turned and turned off the light .


   This time he did not look back.


   There were no lines or inner thoughts for a three-minute period. The camera was always aimed at the school grass’s face, and even the trembling of eyebrows was presented in front of the audience. He still wore those black-rimmed glasses and a large blue and white uniform, and his face was still cold and expressionless.


   Until the lens gave him a close-up of his eyes-he was using his gaze to scan the desk, chair, ceiling fan, and blackboard inch by inch. His eyes were focused and patient. As long as one looked at him, he could feel the nostalgia in his eyes.


   The moment the school grass turned off the lights, the screen went dark, and the eyes of the school grass still remained in the audience’s mind. It was almost a deep nostalgia, and it was branded in the deepest part of people’s hearts at a glance.


   When the audience tasted that look for a few seconds, the screen suddenly turned on again, and the head teacher who had finished taking the drip in the hospital appeared in the classroom. He still did not catch up with the blessings he gave to his students.


   The head teacher silently walked to the podium, swept over fifty seats, and suddenly pinned his eyes on the blackboard newspaper.


   There were only two columns of words on the dark blackboard. The delicate one on the left shows that it was from a certain girl, but the one on the right was sharp-


   You and I are young, and the future is filled with expectations.


   The head teacher said to himself: “The future is promising, young man.” The brisk and melodious ending song sounded, and the movie ended here.

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   The audience wasn’t awakened from the film until the cinema was flooded with lights.


   ”School Grass, School Flowers” is a qualified comedy. It does not play satire, nor does it mean anything else, it is the joyful daily life of a group of young people. While being funny, they praised the friendship without interest and the dim ambiguity, but it is this kind of daily life that has an exceptionally vigorous vitality that makes every minute and every second of the movie exude a brisk youthful atmosphere.


   Even when it comes to sensationalism, even if it is the hour of parting, it is the loftiness of  “you and I are young, the future is filled with expectations.” With a kind of unworldly vitality, as well as enthusiasm and longing that can be envied by others.


   Some film critics sat in their seats, seriously thinking about the meaning of the word “youth”. They watched so many films, most of them focused on “little sentimentality” and “little emotions.” They were delicate and moving, but they always lacked a heart-pounding feeling. Today, such a comedy actually made them feel this way.


   Yan Yiyun took a tissue to cover her nose, her eyes were a little red when she said, “Brother Qiao, you are really amazing, I was crying in that scene.”


   Oh my god, where’s the good comedy?


   She was not there when Chi Zhongqiao took the last shot, so this was the first time she had seen this episode. Only now, did she have a precise concept of the compliment that Chi Zhongqiao was good at acting- how good was it? It was so good that he could hold up a silent shot with his eyes.


   ”It turned out to have a meaning.”


   Yan Yiyun murmured.


   Chi Zhongqiao: “…This word really doesn’t mean that.” The final ending song was also over, and the invited media and film critics gathered around. Several actors had never seen such a battle, and it was a little overwhelming for a while.  Fortunately, the media mainly went to Chi Zhongqiao. Who made Chi Zhongqiao the most popular here?


   The media, as the audience, have watched the entire film. They are keenly aware of the potential of this film, plus they were originally paid to come here, and they would definitely say good things to “School Grass, School Flowers”.


   But compared to before, they are more sincere now-“School Grass, School Flowers” was indeed a good movie. They didn’t need to rack their brains to search for vocabulary to praise the film. After they watched it, they were full of ideas, and they were all sincere. 

   However, before writing a promotion for the movie, they also wanted to dig out some news points that were worth spreading from Chi Zhongqiao.


   A reporter from Biscuit Media squeezed into the crowd and raised the microphone with difficulty: “May I ask Mr. Chi, what are your expectations for “School Grass, School Flowers”? Do you think it is more likely than “A Sea of Falling Stars” How about winning the box office championship in the summer vacation this year?”


   Oh, this was really a good question.


   The other reporters hurriedly raised their microphones and stared at Chi Zhongqiao hopefully, hoping that he could give an answer that could be  or lead to ambiguity.

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