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Chapter 49… Screening

   Chi Zhong Qiao lowered his eyes, glanced at the logo on the microphone, then kept his unhurried speech speed and replied: “Each work is a product of the crew’s hard work and deserves everyone’s respect.” “A Sea of ​​Stars” is a very good youth-themed movie. It is not the same type as “School Grass, School Flower”, and the two cannot be compared together.”

   After talking for a long time, there was no breaking point, and the little reporter was anxious. Just as he was about to raise the microphone, a colleague quickly stepped on his foot. While he was distracted by pain, the other person squeezed him away.

   Little reporter: “??”

   ”This is the first time Brother Qiao has starred in a movie, so do you have any comments and expectations for it as a starring actor?” The reporter quietly pushed the gossip reporter.

   Are you sick of your brain? You still make things difficult for people after receiving their money. Do you have professionalism?

   Chi Zhong Qiao took the microphones of several reporters. From time to time, he led the topic to several other actors, so that they won’t have to stand awkwardly on the stage.

   The actors Yan Yiyun and Li Dou were grateful. It was the first time for them to face such a scene. If there was no senior to lead them, they might make mistakes in a hurry.

   Fortunately, there is a gentle-tempered Chi Zhongqiao.

   After the premiere, Chi Zhongqiao returned to the crew of “April in the World” to continue shooting.

   As soon as he arrived at the crew, Nie Rong waved and called him over.

   ”Come on, Zhongqiao.”

   Nie Rong held the script, looking a little embarrassed. She seemed to have something difficult to say and frowned in embarrassment.

   Chi Zhongqiao: “Director Nie, you say it.”

   Nie Rong: “…Yesterday, the script was changed, you, some parts of you have been deleted, so…”

   Chi Zhongqiao immediately understood – it should be a major change. That’s why Nie Rong showed this expression.

   Zhong Yin, who was following Chi Zhongqiao, did not expect such a situation, and his eyes widened suddenly.

   Chi Zhongqiao nodded: “Okay, Director Nie, give me a copy of the revised script.”

   Nie Rong didn’t expect him to be so good at talking, so she quickly took out a newly printed script and handed it to Chi Zhongqiao, which was thinner than the original one.

   Chi Zhongqiao took it and flipped through it, and he knew immediately: “The changes are quite big. Did Director Nie and the screenwriter change it together?”

   Chi Zhongqiao smiled: “I may have to familiarize myself with the new script for a day. Director Nie has to give me some time.”

   Nie Rong felt sorry for him and simply said, “It just so happens that everyone is not familiar with it. I will give you two days off, today and tomorrow. Go back and familiarise yourself with the script.”

   Chi Zhongqiao put away the script, “Okay, thank you, Director Nie.”

   He took Zhong Yin out, and as soon as he left the set, Zhong Yin couldn’t help it: “What does she mean?!”

   Chi Zhongqiao raised his finger: “Let’s get in the car.”

   Zhong Yin held the anger and opened the car door.

   Chi Zhongqiao said, “Go back to the company to find Brother Du.”

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   Zhong Yin said, “Then will we just forget about it?!”

   Chi Zhongqiao paused and said helplessly, “Zhong Yin, as an artist, it is not suitable to argue with the production crew and the management. I’m not that popular.”

   He gestured for Zhong Yin to listen to his explanation first: “The major change in the script must have been decided by the management, production, director, etc. Among them, the director’s right to speak is probably the least. Director Nie probably changed the script because she couldn’t bear the pressure from the management. So even if I had to argue with Director Nie, it would be useless.”

   Zhong Yin: “Then…”

   Chi Zhongqiao flipped out his phone and called Du Yusheng: “Go back to the company to discuss with Brother Du. Let the agent and the company come forward.”

   However, he may not accept Nie Rong’s scenes in the future, and no actor would like a director who greatly cut his scenes.

   Du Yusheng received a call from Chi Zhongqiao in the office, and after hanging up, he threw the contract in his hand.


   Du Yusheng scolded in a low voice, suppressing his anger.

   The two apprentices looked at each other, wondering how Du Yusheng got so angry after answering a phone call.

   Du Yusheng said solemnly, “You all go and do your tasks first.” The two apprentices left silently, just in time to bump into Chi Zhongqiao who was exiting the elevator.

   ”Eh Brother Qiao, Brother Du is very angry now, why don’t you come in later?”

   One of the apprentices quickly grabbed Chi Zhongqiao.

   Chi Zhongqiao smiled: “It’s fine.”

   The apprentice scratched his head: “Okay, Brother Qiao, pay attention.”

   Chi Zhongqiao walked to the office, knocked on the door, and entered the office.

   Du Yusheng’s cold face forced a smile when he saw Chi Zhongqiao.

   Chi Zhongqiao was not polite and sat down first.

   Du Yusheng said, “Were you angry?”

   Chi Zhongqiao shook his head: “No.” How important is the artist’s face? If he slapped Nie Rong on the crew today, topics such as “existing newcomers playing big names” could be on the hot search at night.

   Chi Zhongqiao spread the script in front of Du Yusheng: “I haven’t seen the general script, but judging from the edited script, it should have greatly increased the scenes between the male and female protagonists.”

   Many of his lines have been changed to Li Jinghong’s. He would only get to be a beautiful vase in the scene.

   Du Yusheng’s voice was full of anger: “What does Nie Rong want to do? She doesn’t want her reputation in the industry anymore? Or does she not want to film this show?”

   Chi Zhongqiao walked over to the small refrigerator to pick out a drink and heard the words: “Director Nie doesn’t want to change it. But she can’t help it, isn’t this drama wholly owned by Xinghuang?”

   Xinghuang is one of the leaders of entertainment companies.

   Therefore, “April Day in the World” is essentially the same as “School Grass, School Flower”, which is used by the company to support newcomers.

   Du Yusheng stood for a while: “Li Jinghong and Fei Xi belong to Xinghuang, and “A Sea of ​​Stars” has a good reputation. They think Li Jinghong has good momentum and wants to strike while the iron is hot.”

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   Du Yusheng squinted his eyes and almost laughed angrily: “Did these people want to make a new movie without the audience getting to watch you?”

   Chi Zhongqiao smiled.

   Du Yusheng sat down and said, “What do you want?”

   Chi Zhongqiao said, “I will listen to Brother Du and the company’s arrangement. After this editing, I may be able to finish filming in two days. As for the future, I don’t really want to contact Director Nie.”

   Du Yusheng nodded: “Okay, I’ve made you feel wronged this time. But it’s okay, we don’t care about this drama. Let’s take a look at this.”

   Chi Zhongqiao asked curiously, “Is it a new script?” A reality show is also one of the ways to brush your face.

   Chi Zhongqiao understands this very well. He had participated in a reality show before transmigrating into the book. But because he was not popular, there were not many scenes. Even so, he had attracted a lot of fans.

   Du Yusheng laughed and said, “Because of the schedule, I was hesitating whether to let you join or not. Now it’s just right, you don’t need to be too concerned for that third male lead. When “School Grass School Flower” is released, your popularity will naturally rise. “

   Nie Rong probably gave up on this drama in her hands. Whatever they don’t lack this third male lead.

   Du Yusheng said: “The original singer of this reality show went to treatment because of illness. I went to get it for you, it happened that Ge Fangyu also participated in the reality show, he gave a recommendation, and we won it smoothly.” Chi Zhongqiao was surprised: “Then I will go back and thank Brother Fang.”

   Du Yusheng nodded: “It should be. This reality show is called “The Secret of Getting Rich,” which is a domestic original, and there is no problem with the copyright.”

   Chi Zhongqiao nodded and took a closer look at the data.

   ”The Secret of Getting Rich” is a very strange reality show. Each episode will give start-up funds and keywords, and ask participants to accumulate funds during the shooting period. Participants who make money according to the keywords will finally be able to increase the total amount of funds. The wealth earned by these participants does not belong to the participants and the program but is donated to the mountain school.

   There are five resident guests per issue, and there may be one or two special guests.

   Chi Zhongqiao and Ge Fangyu are both resident guests.

   Du Yusheng said: “After taking this, you will not take anything else. After filming so many TV series, it is time to take a good rest. Last time, Mr Lu talked to me about this.”

   Chi Zhongqiao didn’t lift his head: “Don’t try to blame Lu Yuzhou. He has a good temper, what can he say to you?”

   God has a damn good temper!

   Du Yusheng thought about Lu Yuzhou’s attitude when he was doing business, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

   Since Lu Yuzhou took over the affairs of the head office, his time in Zhaohui has been reduced a lot. But as long as Chi Zhongqiao came to the company, he would come to pick up Chi Zhongqiao to get off work. Du Yusheng bumped into him occasionally but only felt that Lu Yuzhou was young, and his prestige was getting heavier.

   That is, Chi Zhongqiao dared to use an 800-meter filter to say that Lu Yuzhou had a good temper.

   Chi Zhongqiao finished flipping through the information and put it down: “By the way, I’ll get familiar with the new script in the next two days and won’t go to the crew.”

   Speaking of “April in the World”, Du Yusheng’s smile faded a lot: “It should be. But in total, there are only a few scenes. After the filming is over, “The Secret of Getting Rich” will start recording next month, you should rest well except for running publicity recently.”

   Chi Zhongqiao packed up the information: “Then I’m leaving. Brother Du, see you again.”

   Du Yusheng waved his hand: “Tell the driver to slow down on the road.” Chi Zhongqiao responded.

   After closing the door, Du Yusheng’s face turned cold. He is now waiting for the release of “School Grass, School Flower” to hit XingHuang’s face.

   He clicked on a form, which recorded several movies released in June. In addition to “School Grass, School Flower”, there was also a “Separated By Water” that was also marked in red. This movie didn’t get much attention since it was released. , but word of mouth has been silently fermenting. After accumulating to a certain point, it can burst out with a small opportunity.

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   Don’t you think “A Sea of ​​Stars” is a good shot? He was very curious, after a while, will Xing Huang still be so arrogant?

   After the premiere of “School Grass School Flower”, many film critics released their impressions after watching it and gave quite good scores, which raised the public’s expectations for “School Grass, School Flower” to a certain extent. The popularity of the topic of classmates is still there, and the “School Grass, School Flower” actually turned out a little splash under the pressure of “A Sea of ​​Stars”.

   After all, many of these film critics are vicious and difficult to handle, and they have generally given the film good reviews. It is hard not to arouse the curiosity of the public.

   In the expectation of many people, “School Grass, School Flower” was released.

   The end of June is the time of graduation, and the advantages of the theme of “School Grass, School Flower” are reflected at this time. Many students who have just graduated or people in society who have just experienced the reunion have come with the theme of youth.

   However, “School Grass, School Flower” has a general arrangement, which is the same as “Separated By Water”.

   However, the publicity for “School Grass, School Flower” needs to be in place.

   Du Yusheng was gearing up and waiting for the film to slap Xinghuang hard.

   On the first day of the release, Chi Zhongqiao chose the nearest theatre, bought two tickets, got rid of Zhong Yin, and took Lu Yuzhou to watch the movie secretly.

   The queue was very long. Chi Zhongqiao was tall and looked up. There were people in the front row. He whispered to Lu Yuzhou, “There are quite a lot of people.”

   ”Well, the publicity is in place. Brother Qiao, do you want to eat snacks?”

   Lu Yuzhou casually pressed down a strand of his upturned hair and asked in a low voice.

   Chi Zhongqiao wore a mask and hat and did not take them off when entering the cinema. Hearing this, he shook his head: “I am not hungry.”

   When he moved his head, the rubbing hair bounced up again.

   Lu Yuzhou stared at it for a while, twisted his fingers lightly, but didn’t touch it again.

   After checking the tickets, the two entered the screening room with the team.

   Chi Zhongqiao set the ticket for the back row. As soon as the lights were turned off, the hall fell into darkness, which perfectly covered Chi Zhongqiao’s face. He took off his hat with confidence.

   Lu Yuzhou took the hat and put it on his lap, and handed Chi Zhongqiao the cold sour plum soup.

   Chi Zhongqiao held the cup. The cold temperature was very comfortable. He was raised at home for two days, and his complexion was much better. He slid into the seat and was as relaxed as at home.

   ”Watch the movie well.”

   Chi Zhongqiao stretched out his paw and patted Lu Yuzhou soothingly.

   Only then did Lu Yuzhou take his eyes back from Chi Zhongqiao, and the movie had already started.

   Chi Zhongqiao has already seen it, so he pays more attention to the expressions of the audience in the cinema than in the movie.

   However, the ticket he booked was too late. The light was very dark, and it was difficult to see the faces clearly. He gave up after looking at it for a while and turned to pay attention to Lu Yuzhou.

   Lu Yuzhou could still watch the movie well, but Chi Zhongqiao’s eyes were too strong, and gradually, his mind was not on the movie.

   Lu Yuzhou sighed and stretched out his hand to cover Chi Zhongqiao’s eyes. He didn’t dare to touch Chi Zhongqiao. After blocking Chi Zhongqiao’s eyes, he said helplessly, “Brother Qiao, don’t always look at me.”

    He put down his hand: “Okay, okay, I won’t look at you.”

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   Chi Zhongqiao wasn’t much interested in watching his movies and quickly turned to the side to check his phone.

   The one-and-a-half-hour movie was not long. Chi Zhongqiao listened to the uninterrupted laughter and played with his mobile phone, and suddenly heard a slight sob.

   He raised his head suspiciously. The film had come to an end, and the silent scene of Chi Zhongqiao was on the screen.

   And the sobbing came from a girl in the front row.

   Chi Zhongqiao was embarrassed for a moment – the little girl’s tears were like Yan Yiyun’s laughter, a little too low.

   While there were still a few minutes left in the film, Chi Zhongqiao searched the Internet for reviews of “School Grass, School Flower”.

   Someone had already watched the movie in other theatres, so reviews can already be found.

   Chi Zhongqiao clicked into a forum with objective traffic and found a topic related to the movie to enter.

   The landlord broadcasted his experience of watching “School Grass, School Flower” on the forum, and a row of movie fans squatted and waited for the aftermath.

   1L: I have already got the tickets. Every time I look at the name, I feel like it’s a bad movie. I wouldn’t want to watch this movie if it wasn’t for being a fan of someone.

   2L: Me too… the name is awkward, and the category is still a comedy, wouldn’t it really be filmed as puppy love, abortion and dismissal for three consecutive years?

   3L: But there are really no good films in June. “Separated By Water” is very good, but I don’t know why it is not popular.


   6L: Entered the venue, and are were quite a lot of people. Don’t talk about it, I’ll watch it first, and then I’ll talk about it after watching it.


   56L: I was wrong! I slapped myself in the face! Really nice! For the first hour or so, I was laughing all over the floor, but in the next ten minutes, why did I want to cry? Wasn’t this a comedy?

   57L: I’ve also finished watching it. I don’t know why, but I feel excited. Can I rush into the school now? The ending… What about the comedy?

   59L: It’s really touching! The school grass’s look, the scene where the head teacher ran into the school at the end and still didn’t catch up! I cried out loud in the theatre!


   112L: After coming out, I feel touched. You and I are young, and the future is filled with expectations.Fortunately, I watched it. It’d be a pity to miss it.


   159L: This is indeed a very good nonsensical comedy, down-to-earth. Every laugh point is very real, and it is a stalk that all students can laugh at. But after watching the second half, I realized that this is not a simple comedy. It took an hour and a half to silently write the word “youth” into every scene and line. That kind of frivolous, but not hurtful vitality and even a sense of dog blood is something I didn’t see in so any other youth films I’ve watched.

   You and I are young, and the future is filled with expectations.

   ——Transcribed from the review of “School Grass, School Flower”.

EDITOR : Jieamnin

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