Episode 1

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When I died and woke up, I was born as a character in an impoverished BL novel.


One of the keywords of the novel I possess is #Omegaverse.


Everyone in this world is an alpha and omega that uses pheromones.


And, like me, the trait is determined as a beta that cannot smell the scent of pheromones.


Pheromones were also used to find a partner as a power to use with emotions.


However, the worldview of the Omegaverse of the BL novels I read before I died was a bit peculiar.


In this world, all Omegas are dead. It was caused by an infectious disease called Omega Fever.


Newborns also get sick and die within a few days if the omega trait is expressed.


A cure has not yet been found.


So, in this world, only Alpha, who coveted the scent of Omega but couldn't get it forever and went crazy, and Beta, who couldn't understand such an Alpha, were left.




“Sonia, don't you smell good somewhere?”


Ellie's roommate's nostrils flared, and I sniffed after her.


It's just the smell of sunlight on well-dried bedding and old wood.


“What smell?”


“Sweet, sweet smell like candy. No, is it a cookie?”


There was a time when I fell for Ellie's trick and took out a hidden snack.


You fall for it once, not twice.


“Stop with the interrogation. There's no such thing as a hidden snack.”




“Do it properly and get up now. I'll go pray.”


It has been seven years since I walked the path of becoming a priest.


At the age of 20, I was about to undergo a formal priestly examination.


Unlike me, who was full of motivation, Ellie, who became one with the blanket, hugged the pillow and muttered.


“Huaam, Sonia, do you like prayers?”




“Really? Isn't it boring?”




Ellie looked at me with a look of disgust on her face.


Yeah, I couldn't help but like it.

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If you go out to the morning prayer, you can collect promotion points.


How fun it is to collect my small and precious points.


'If I work hard like this, I can become a high priest!'


Since we decided to live as a priest, shouldn't we at least skip the high priest position?


If you become a high priest, you can travel as an excuse for pilgrimage.


There are also a lot of expenses for maintaining dignity, so you can enjoy a small hobby of visiting good restaurants.


Unlike me, who was full of enthusiasm, Ellie reacted indifferently.


“What's the point of praying hard? My score is already ruined.”


Ellie hid under the blanket.


“What? Are you going to skip it again today?”


“Uh, but if I pray early in the morning, I will get tired all day...”


“Okay. Then I'll go alone, so come as soon as you wake up."




I put on a necklace, the priest's token, and headed to the prayer room.


The prayer room was empty. The first visitor of the day was me.


I purposely woke up earlier than others and visited the prayer room.


The more you devote yourself to God, the more points you get.


I came early because I didn't want to lose my first prayer to someone else.


I got up diligently every day, but sometimes my turn was taken away by another priest.


'I've heard that His Holiness never missed a single one.'


I finished the training that others said would take about 10 years in 3 years, but I never missed the first prayer.


Perhaps because of his devotion to God, he had a stronger divine power than others.


I put my hands together and started praying.


'Dear Magnus. Please continue to look upon the Holy Kingdom as the supreme god of this world.'


The more the majesty of God Magnus overflows, the stronger my power as a priest becomes.


'So you must continue to be the greatest god in this world!'


I prayed with all my heart and soul.


I felt that my heart was getting warmer, as if God had responded.


I was going to pray until the morning prayer time was over.


It was then.

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Squeak, the door to the prayer room opened.


It was time for the priests who woke up to come to pray.


There was nothing strange about anyone entering, so I focused on my prayers.


Buck, buck, buck. There's a rustling of the hem of the priest's robe between the heavy footsteps.




I opened my eyes at the low, dry voice.


Bright red eyes with bright platinum hair as if woven with gold thread.


The jawline and thin lips seem to have been drawn with great care by an outstanding artist.


He was a flawless and noble man.


What was most unbelievable was his outfit.


Gold decorations on white priestly clothes. And the one who wears a golden scepter with an ornate crest on his shoulder… 


“Sir, your Holiness?”


It was holy father Cassius Sirand Magnus, the owner of the Magnus Kingdom.


Cassius approached slowly.


The height that exceeds that of most adult men and the solid body that cannot be hidden even with priestly clothes reminded me of an apex predator.




The moment I met his red eyes, I felt the nape of my neck get cold.


I don't know why, but I felt like Cassius was going to bite my neck.


But I couldn't even think of running away because I was so afraid.


A huge, muscular hand brushed my hair.


“It smells good.”


Cassius's breath touched my bare neck, and he whispered in my ear.


“You, were you an omega?”




I died in a fire.


Burns are one of the worst pains.


Fortunately, she died from suffocation from the smoke, not from the fire.


Although she died a violent death, she had no regrets about her life. She was born into a bean-flour family and suffered a lot.

[T/N: It literally means bean powder family. A messed up family or a broken family. It’s hard to crumple up powder into a ball, so it refers to a family that can’t be one in harmony.]


Rather, I was happy when I was reincarnated.


It was because she was born as the eldest daughter of Count Theodore, the commander-in-chief of the imperial knights.

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Gold eyes with green mixed with bright silver hair, the symbol of the family. Mixed with soft eyes and white skin.


Just like my beautiful parents, I opened my eyes wide to the huge mansion and countless meals.


I clenched my fists in joy and trembled.


'Ha, this life is a golden spoon.'


Splitting a bag of ramen noodles into three pieces was liberation from the life of a dirty spoon that I used to eat for a day.


While growing up, tasting such sweet power, something happened.


─The “southern fever” that started in the southern part of the empire is spreading rapidly.


─It turns out to be a non-fatal disease. The symptoms are only mild fever, so it's safe even if a child catches it.


— Omega died after recovering from 'Southern Fever'.


─The name of 'Southern Fever' has been changed to 'Omega Fever'.


— The last omega closes her eyes.


This happened in just half a year.


I knew that the world I was born in was the Omegaverse.


But omegaverse without omega. Doesn't it look like steamed buns without bean paste?

[T/N: The line 마치 팥소 빠진 찐빵 같지 않은가. It is a phrase it can also be said as No trip to Paris would be complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower.]


I've heard this before… 


Oh, could it be that novel?


19 gold impoverished BL novel <The Realm of Predators>.

[T/N: Searched what 19 gold means, so it means an X-rated novel that is devastated]


I remembered it as a unique worldview. The background was a world without Omega.


The moment I learned the background of the world I was born into, anxiety overtook me.


“Lancelot, you smell like an omega.”


For this reason, the name of the person who is stamped by the crazy alphas and rolled to dust his body and mind is 'Lancelot Theodore'.


My name is 'Sonia Theodore'.


And just by looking at it, her soon-to-be-born brother was like Lancelot, the goal of obsessed maniacs.


Ah, please, it must be another family with the same name.


I tried so hard to avoid it, but when my younger brother's name was decided to be Lancelot, my fate was also decided.


A world where Omega is extinct.


Lancelot is not an omega, but has the scent of an omega, albeit faintly.


Even Alpha, who was fine, went crazy when they met Lancelot.


The maniacs obsessed with him, who had the only trace of Omega, didn't let our family go either.

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They brutally killed his older sister, me, saying they would shake off Lancelot's mentality.


All in front of Lancelot's eyes.


Even if his father, a count, was a knight commander who was good at swordsmanship, he could not stop the maniacs


They are sword masters and imperial princes.


An excellent alchemist and master of the Mage Tower.


The Grand Duke the head of the assassination squad that rules the back alley and the owner of the North.


'How did you beat those crazy people…'


I knew the future, but there was no answer.


But I don't want to die at the hands of the maniacs.


'There must be a way to survive.'


A way to somehow save my poor innocent brother and family.


The way to find it was to become a priest of the Magnus Holy Land.




“You, were you an omega?”


As a probationary priest, the lowest of the lowest, I had no chance to meet the high priest Cassius.


So, this was the first time I saw his face.


I've heard stories of him being an unrealistically beautiful man.


'Even the voice is amazing.'


Respect for the god Magnus, who sent an outstanding creature, almost welled up.


If this situation had just been a blessing given to a diligent apprentice priest, he might have knelt and prayed right away.


“What are you talking about? I am a beta.”


If you manifest yourself as an omega, you will die of fever.


Being alive like this meant that she wasn't an omega.


Cassius tilted his head.


He didn't seem to like my answer very much.


He was so close that she could hear the rustle of his clothes.


“That's strange. It smells like pheromone from Omega.”


He gently hugged the back of my neck and made eye contact.


Red symbolizes warning.


You must not be associated with Cassius. My intuition screamed so.

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