She met his gaze and remained silent.

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It couldn't be, but a possibility struck me.


Although Lancelot is a beta, he has a body odor similar to an omega's pheromones.


I, the older sister, might have the same constitution as Lancelot.


The silence was not good. My body stiffened from the tension, and my heart beat fast.


The trembling of my nervous body must have been conveyed to Cassius.


His eyes narrowed


“What's your Name?”


His voice softened a little. I answered cautiously because of the slightly better atmosphere.


“It's Sonia… Theodore… your Holiness.”


“You are the daughter of Count Theodore.”


Even if you don't know the name of the apprentice priest, you probably know the family of Count Theodore, the leader of the knights of the Empire.




He put his nose near my neck and took a deep breath.


No, why do you keep sniffing me?


I took a bath first thing in the morning, so I don't smell anything.


He said with a low sigh.


“I don't think it's perfume.”


Perfume, to Beta, was an object that mimicked pheromones.


I can not copy Omega and Alpha, and I rarely use perfume except in unusual cases.


“The smell from me… is the smell coming from me?”




No, it can't be!


“… I woke up in the morning and took a bath first.”


When I heard it smelled, I became embarrassed and muttered as if I were making excuses.


he chuckled.


“You are full of sweetness, to the point where it feels good.”


I was taken aback by his words.


I remembered what my roommate, Ellie, said.


I put my hands together tightly. And as soon as I finished my resolution, I spat it out like a confession.


“I hid a piece of candy.”




“I helped a visitor who got lost in the temple, and I got candy in return.”


I took out the candy I had hidden deep in my pocket.


Unwrapping the rolled light blue paper revealed golden candy that gave off a slightly sweet and sour smell.

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Cassius' gaze moved to the palm of my hand.


“I hid it because I didn’t want to share it with my roommates…”


It was burdensome to buy candy with the apprentice priest's small amount of support.


It was a precious candy obtained at best.


I always hid it so that I can eat it when I feel down.


Cassius picked up the candy and placed it on my slightly parted lips.


“It's okay. God will allow you to sneak a piece of candy.”


I unwittingly took the candy he gave me.


There was no time to feel the sweet and sour lemon taste that filled my mouth.


His fingertips passed my lips and lightly touched the tip of my tongue.


The moment Cassius' fingertips touched it, the thick smell of water rose.


It is as if you are next to a waterfall splashing and flowing down with strong water drops.


Like a refreshing and cool pouring shower.


It felt like being submerged in water.


I felt like I would suffocate at this rate.


It's not just an illusion, but Cassius's prosperity has a divine power in the water.


If he flicked his fingertips, I might fall into the water.


'I have to run away.’


I couldn't say anything because I had candy in my mouth.


Instead of saying goodbye by bowing my head, I hurriedly got out of the prayer room and quickly headed for my room.


I got away from him, but my heart was still beating like crazy.


'He said I smell like an omega.'


I happened to swallow the candy, but it didn't seem to work.


Could it be that I smell like an omega, like Lancelot?


A faint omega smell emanated from Lancelot's body.


In <The Realm of Predators>, the cause was not revealed until the end.


I don't know why, but like Lancelot and me, I might smell like omega too.


I rolled up my sleeves, put my nose on my arm, and sniffed.


There was no smell except for the smell of dried fibers.


‘I can't even smell it.’


Omega's pheromone scent can only be noticed by Alpha or Omega.


Therefore, Cassius' prosperity was likely to be known as Alpha.


Omega was the only one killed by the fever epidemic, but their mate, Alpha, was also affected.


So the number of surviving alphas is very small.


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There might be more if you look for them, but the alphas revealed in the original work were all three with crazy effort.


I chose this country to escape from the maniacs who were obsessed with my younger brother.


But there's another new alpha!


I was biting on a sweet candy, but my mouth was bitter.


The reason I decided to become a priest of the Magnus Holy Land was to protect my brother and parents from the Alpine-obsessed maniacs.


The Kingdom of Magnus is a country of priests and Paladins who use divine power.


The kingdom stood firm while the name of the empire changed three times, and the accumulated wealth and power were enormous.


The priest was a bureaucrat in such a holy land.


If I became a formal priest, the Holy Kingdom had the duty to protect me, as well as the Count Theodore family if I requested it.


No matter how great the empire's crown prince and grand duke were, they couldn't carelessly touch the priests of the Holy Kingdom.


In addition, the Holy Land rejects the ability and alchemy.


Therefore, even the owner of the Mage Tower, one of the maniacs, cannot enter the Holy Kingdom without permission.


In other words, if I become a formal priest, I can block the access of obsessive maniacs in <The Realm of Predators>.




'I think it's ruined.'


I thought everything would be resolved once I became a formal priest.


My brother and I smell like omega pheromones!


Even the three alphas clinging to her brother was a headache, but I didn't know if there would be one more.


What should I do now?


I locked myself in my room and thought about it, but there was no other way than to become a priest.


'Let's change the plan.'


Quit the dream of becoming a high priest and staying as a mid-level priest.


It seemed that it would be better to use only the position of a priest of the Holy Kingdom.


After becoming a mid-level priest, if you take charge of a small temple somewhere in the countryside, you won't have a chance to meet Cassius.


'Oh, my head hurts.'


My head was pounding from revising my life plan again.


At times like this, I needed healing.


I grabbed the key and headed for the bell tower.


It was a high tower near the building where the apprentice priests lived.


It was called the bell tower because there was a huge bell, but it was not used except on special days, so the door was usually locked.


Ellie and I were in charge of cleaning the bell tower, so we had the key.


So, the only people who could normally go in and out were me and Ellie.


Looking down from the high bell tower, the view was awesome, so it was the best place to change your mood.


It was when the key was inserted into the tightly closed door of the bell tower.



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It was loud and sharp. Startled, I looked in the direction of the commotion.


“Caw, caw, caw—!”


A group of crows was clinging to something large, a ball of white cotton.


'What is that?'


Looking closely, the white ball of cotton was a long-haired cat and was being attacked by a crow that seemed to be five.




The cat groaned in pain.


‘The cat is going to die like that!’


Because of the sharp crow's beak and claws, it seemed difficult to help with bare hands.


Looking around, I saw a broken tree branch with leaves attached to it.


Like a warrior holding a sword, I gripped it tightly and swung it like crazy.


“Get away!”


“Caw! Caw! Caw!”


A few crows flew up and croaked loudly as if protesting against me.


Up close, the crows were much bigger than I thought.


The wings alone were about the length of my arm.


It felt like my bones would break if I was hit by those huge wings.


I hesitated for a moment, but when I saw the cat drooping weakly, I gathered courage.


“Go away!”


Bboong, boong!


A menacing sound came from the vigorously swung branches.


The panicked crows hovered around the cat and then flew up into the sky and disappeared.


‘Did… did they go away?’


For some reason, I felt like a crow was going to come back again.


I took the fallen cat in my arms and quickly entered the bell tower.


The inside of the building was dark, but it was enough to look at the cat.


The cat's long white fur was matted with red blood.


‘Did he get hurt badly?’


I have the rarest healing attribute among the divine powers.


However, due to the lack of divine power, deep wounds could not be healed.


I combed the hair and inspected the wound carefully.


Fortunately, there were no scratches on the toenails or pecked from the beak of the crows, but fortunately, there were no serious injuries that could be life-threatening.


My holy power was enough for this.



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The cat cried helplessly.


“Wait a little longer. I'll cure you.”


I concentrated my mind.


A pale green light enveloped the cat, healing its wounds.


The limp cat spread its paws.


“Are you okay?”


The cat met my gaze, opened its eyes round, and raised its fur.




The recovered cat scratched me as hard as it could.




I let go of the cat in sharp pain and grabbed my arm.




The cat sat lightly on the floor and glared at me with the fur all over its body standing up.


Elegantly grown white fur.


Yellow eyes mixed with green just like mine.


The cat with a light pink nose and mouth glared at me and then shot out of the open door.




I helped you, but you scratched me and ran away.


I wanted to stroke the soft fur that looked like silk, but it turned out to be a pity.


‘… Well, what now?’


It means that you have become strong enough to scratch me.


The cat didn't die, so in the end it was a good thing.




Cassius was in the office, concentrating on his papers.




The cat, who had gone out, raised its tail to the sky and rubbed its forehead against Cassius' leg.


With so many things to do, Cassius' eyes were fixed on the papers.




The cat was annoyed at its unloving owner and patted his leg with its forehead.




Cassius let out a low sigh, took off his glasses, put them on the desk, and looked down at Michael.


Unlike when it went out in the morning, the hair was tangled. If you look closely, you can see blood clots.


“… Are you hurt?”


He lifted Michael up and gently placed him on the desk.



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