I was earnestly praying to the God Magnus.

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Creak! The closed door of the prayer room opened, and multiple priests entered.


They spotted me sitting in the prayer room and paused.


“Oh, Sonia is here,” one of them said.


“Hello, Priest Sonia.” another greeted me.


My name caught my attention, and I opened my eyes.

 The priests who met my gaze burst into laughter.


They were apprentice priests whom I had met a few times before.


“Hello everyone.” I said.


Two of the priests who greeted me smiled brightly.


“Ah, you acknowledged our greeting!”


“Priest Sonia, is the rumor true?”


They were all talking at the same time, and their eyes twinkled.


After Schwarz's visit, other priests started treating me like a celebrity.


The reason being that I possess the unique power of healing and had sent back the ferocious Schwarz.


They had two subjects to ask me questions about.


“What rumor are you talking about?” I patiently asked


“I heard that Priest Sonia sent back Duke Lendmier?”


“That's right. I heard that the Grand Duke confessed all his sins and was rehabilitated. And that in just 3 minutes.”


“Even the high-ranking priests wouldn't be able to make someone repent so quickly. Moreover, the person in question was the insane Duke Lendmier of the ruthless Empire!”


“I'm curious about how you persuaded His Grace!”


Everyone was spouting all sorts of things at the same time; I could already feel the headache coming.


“Wait, what are you talking about!” I exclaimed


“Rehabilitated? Confessed the sins committed?”


‘He, who ran an assassination organization, eliminated anyone who posed a threat to him without any hesitation and I made him repent?’


He was and will always be fearless. Someone who does whatever he wants.


It seemed like the rumors about the tea time with Schwarz were getting exaggerated.


The fact that he returned peacefully, unlike the previous visit, also contributed to it.

Ahh,I should have asked him to break the chair at least.

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To prevent the rumors from getting out of hand and reaching Schwarz's ears for no reason, I decided to correct the misunderstanding.


“The tea was all I offered him.” I answered with a calm but slightly confused voice.


My answer seemed unsatisfactory as the priests tilted their heads.


“That's strange. Duke Lendmier couldn't have just had a cup of tea and left.”


“That's right. Last time, he caused a huge fuss, saying he would cut off the throat of the guiding priest.”


“The Commander of the Holy Knights had to step in and barely settle the situation.”


They were referring to the incident where Schwarz, who was treated as a bastard, went berserk, threatening to tear apart the priests.


“I really just offered him tea. Maybe he was satisfied with the taste and left after having a cup.”


“Really?” one of them asked, skeptical.


Seeing their hesitant expressions, I added another fact.


“Oh… I only had a casual conversation with him about our god. It wasn't a prayer, just a normal conversation.


Upon hearing that, the priests' eyes sparkled even more.


“In that case, His Grace might have fallen for Priest Sonia, right?”


“Yeah, that's the only thing impossible now.”


Why is the conversation taking such a strange turn? How did they even reach that conclusion?


“No, that can't be true. Absolutely not” I said vehemently.


“Please don't be so humble. There's no way he would just go back with just a cup of tea. It's clear that he fell for Priest Sonia at first sight.”


The more we talk, the worst things get.


Just when things were about to reach peak awkwardness, the door of the prayer room opened, and a new person appeared.


Judging by his priestly attire, he was a cardinal. All the apprentices in the room bowed their heads.


The cardinal looked at me and asked:


“Are you Priest Sonia?”




“His Holiness is looking for you. Please come to the main Palace. I'll guide you.”


‘Nice timing!’


I found an opportunity to escape from the awkward situation.


However, the priests, who were drowning me with questions, stared at me with gaping mouths, covering their astonished faces with their hands. I could feel a new misunderstanding had arisen.

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‘Please, don't imagine strange things!’


* * *


After Sonia headed to the Holy Palace, the remaining priests exchanged their thoughts.


“Did you hear that?”


“Yes, she said the Holy Palace. I am sure.”


“Sonia is about to become an official priest. Seems like she'll be affiliated with the Holy Palace.”


“She possesses a rare power after all.”


“The Grand Hall recognizes talent indeed!”


Even though they whispered so that only they could hear each other, the prayer room was so quiet that everyone around could hear.


One of the other apprentices who overheard their conversation interjected.


“Pardon, but what exactly was that conversation just now?”


“Priest Leia!”


Leia, like Sonia, was also from a noble family in the Empire.


She was also one of the apprentice priests scheduled for promotion this time.


“Please tell me what you just talked about.”


“Oh, the conversation about Prist Sonia?”



The two priests who were discussing Sonia exchanged glances.


“If we knew that Priest Leia had come in, we wouldn't have said anything…!” they thought.


Because of her strong competitive spirit, Leia did not like other apprentice priests who were better than her. So she used various methods to eliminate her competitors.


Most of the priests who fell victim to Leia's bullying were commoners and couldn't withstand her torment as a noble from the Empire.


The apprentices who were targeted by Leia were often driven out of the temple, enduring all sorts of harassment.


“That… it wasn't much of a conversation…”


“Don't beat around the bush and tell me quickly!”


They stumbled with their words, and Leia bursted from anger.


One of the apprentice priests got so scared she blurted out:


“J- just now, Cardinal Isaac took Priest Sonia to the Holy Palace.


Leia's expression grew even more sinister.

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It was obvious that Leia had set her sights on Sonia as her next target.


Although they knew only this much, it felt like they were being urged to reveal more. So they all fled, leaving Leia behind.


“Well, we'll just return to our rooms.”


Alone, Leia chewed on her lower lip.


She was the daughter of a marquis family. She should have been the one receiving special treatment. Not a mere Count's daughter!!!


“How much money did our family donate to this stupid temple!”


A considerable amount of money was often spent to shorten the period of  certain apprentice priests’ training. The ones who could afford it of course.


And as a Marquis’ daughter, naturally, she was scheduled to have the highest position among the apprentices in this major event. 


She was currently the top-ranked one. But if things continued like this, she might lose the top position to Sonia and be relegated to second place.


Since they asked for her at the main palace, it was clear that Sonia was being treated better.


“Even though she doesn't have any real abilities!”


No matter how rare her healing attribute was, it would stay useless if she didn't achieve the ultimate awakening.


Small wounds would heal on their own, and It would be much more efficient to apply holy water to the more serious wounds.


Leia had often encountered Sonia.


It didn't seem like Sonia possessed any outstanding qualities.


“Did she donate more money than me?”


We weren't as rich as their house, but we were still a fairly wealthy Marquis family, and our title was higher.


Whatever the case, receiving a lower evaluation than a count's daughter was an insult.


There were still a few days left until the official priest ceremony.


‘I could use that time to write a letter to cancel Sonia's promotion.’


“I'll have to ask my father for help, but I'll also have to do something myself.”


* * *


On the way to the Holy palace, Cardinal Isaac, who came to escort me, spoke.


“My name is Isaac and I serve his holiness. It is said that apprentice Sonia knows the secret of His Majesty?”


Is he talking about his Alpha’s Ability?


I do know, but I can't reveal the secret before him.


Besides, mentioning the secret is not something His Majesty himself should do.

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“I'm not sure what you're talking about.” I said with the most innocent expression.


Isaac, who was leading the way, stopped and turned his head towards me.


“You're clever. Just continue to respond like that.”


It seems like he wanted to see if I could keep a secret.


I gave him a faint smile, he smiled back, and continued to walk ahead.


“His Majesty wishes for Priest Sonia to enter the Holy palace.”


Cassius did say he would help me.


Perhaps he wanted me to work for the Holy Palace where he could keep a close eye on me and whatever that could possibly happen to me.


If I become a member of the Holy Palace, I could quickly rise to a high-ranking priest position.


It was a job I would gladly take, but there was a problem.


To be promoted as an official priest, I have to first receive a recommendation from an assigned priest. Then, I would collect enough points by engaging in various activities for a year.


Only the top-ranked apprentice, who collected enough points, could become a member of the Holy Palace.


And for the past few months, the #1 place had belonged to Leia, the daughter of Marquis of Septentus.


I, myself, fluctuated between third and fifth place.


“My scores are not enough to become a member of the Holy Palace.” I stated.


“Priest Sonia will soon receive special points.”


‘Is he suggesting manipulating the scores?’


They say the nobility easily manipulates the ranks as they please. If I suddenly rose to the top, there would surely be gossip.


I didn't want a position I didn't deserve.


“Cheating will not be forgiven by Magnus, I assure you. So, I will refuse the scores to be manipulated.” I answered, serious.


“It's a fair reward. The additional points were requested by other priests, not me or His Majesty.”


“Who requested them?”


“The priests who accompanied you during the audience with the Duke.”


There were indeed several intermediate priests who stood beside me when I faced Schwarz.


‘Well, they left everything to me and trembled behind. Dealing with Schwarz was indeed mentally draining enough to earn me sufficient points.’


Then, I could accept Cassius' offer with confidence.


“If I am called to the Holy palace, I will gladly accept.”

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