Isaac expressed satisfaction with my answer, his mouth turning into a contented smile.

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“Great. Do you have any specific duties in mind?”


“...I haven't really thought about it.”


I didn't plan to work at the Holy Palace because of my score. 

My goal was an isolated temple, far away from everyone. Naturally, I hadn't considered the tasks I would be doing there, either. I assumed I would be free to do whatever I wanted.


“I would like to become a high priest specialized in receiving nobles who visit the Holy Palace. There are rumors circulating now, so everyone should think I'm suitable.”


Only nobles and royalty could visit the Holy Palace.


Naturally, I would have more encounters with Grand Duke Schwarz as well.


Especially since Schwarz mentioned bringing cookies.


‘He seemed eager to visit again.’


I think I'll need to meet the maniacs, at least a few times, if I want my new plan to work.


"I can't keep running away forever."


As an Omega, it wouldn't be right to spend my entire life running away. I'd just be spreading out the number of alphas who'd want my neck all over the world.


‘And anyway, Schwarz possessed an assassination group operating in the shadows.’


If he truly desired it, he could easily find someone like me.


‘It's better this way.’


Once I become part of the Holy Palace, even the emperor wouldn't be able to touch me easily.


It seems safer to meet with the maniacs while being stationed by the Forces of the Holy Palace.


“Please entrust it to me. I will work hard!” I pleaded.


“I also believe that you will succeed in that position, Priest Sonia. However, strangely enough, His Majesty opposes it.”


‘Is there even a reason to oppose it?’


“What kind of work does His Majesty want to entrust to me then?”


“Well, I'm not sure. He didn't mention what he had in mind. Please meet him and talk directly.” 


It had been quite a while since I had been in the holy kingdom, but it was my first visit to the Holy Palace.


As an apprentice priest, I couldn't even glimpse at the Holy palace's doors.


Only high-ranking priests and those given permission could enter.


As I followed Isaac into the building, an elegant place adorned with marble and gold appeared.


I started to feel tense in the solemn atmosphere.


“Your Holiness, this is Isaac. I have brought the apprentice Sonia.”

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The tightly closed door to the office opened. The room was quite spacious.


“Stand outside. I will have a private audience.”




Isaac and even the knights guarding the entrance all exited the room.


Only me and Cassius remained in the office.


“Come closer.”


Cassius's office was quite large. There was a considerable distance from the entrance to the desk where he was sitting.


As I walked slowly, something tangled around my feet.




I looked down and saw a long-haired white cat clinging to my ankle.


The cat rubbed its cheek and forehead against my ankle, hindering my movement.


The appearance seemed familiar, so I looked closely and recognized the cat from the bell tower.


Cassius said it was his divine beast and its name was…




“That's right. It seems he likes you.”


After scratching me to death and running away, I'd say that him liking me could be a stretch. But now the cat was wagging its tail... and it was so cute.


Anyways cats are allowed to act freely.


‘Because they're cute!’


Last time, I couldn't properly pet its fur, but now it seemed like the chance had come.


I wanted to stroke its white fur randomly and pat its round belly.




Michael's long tail brushed against my priestly robe.


‘Why is it doing such adorable things?’


“Is he always this cute?”


“No, he only shows it to people I like because he resembles me.”


I gave Cassius a look of pure confusion. 


“Because pets resemble their owners,” he continued. 


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As if realizing I was talking about it, Michael made an adorable sound and plopped down, showing its belly.


‘Ah, so cute.’


White fur with a pink jelly-like color. It was so adorable that it might not be good for the heart.


“Can I hug Michael?”


“Do as you please.”


“ Will it scratch me again?”


“He won't scratch you.”


So with the owner's permission, I simply knelt in front of Michael.


“Come here, Michael, “ I said without touching it.


‘Michael's consent is precious too.’




As I felt last time, it was a truly peculiar-looking cat.


Its eyes were a mix of yellow and green, just like mine, and its neck and chest fur was particularly voluminous, resembling a scarf.


It's unique, but beautiful.


I met Michael's round eyes. It felt like my expression was melting in its own.


“Michael, let's cuddle.”


“Michael is a male.”


‘Oh, so it’s a male.”


“…Um, come to your sister…”


Michael obediently settled in my arms.


‘It's warm and soft!’


Michael's fur was as soft as a cloud floating in the blue sky.


“Purr, purr.”


In my embrace, Michael enjoyed my gentle touch, purring happily.


And with its paws, it asked to be touched in other places, placing them on my shoulder.


It was a perfect position for patting its rear. I lightly tapped Michael's round bottom.


"Meow, Meow."


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They say cats like it when you pat their bottoms.


Michael stuck out its tongue and lightly licked my cheek.


I was slightly surprised by the rough sensation of a cat's tongue, but it was cute even so. I responded to Michael's cuteness by touching its cheek.


Pop. At that moment, I heard a snapping sound.


I glanced in the direction of the sound and saw Cassius holding a pen that was split in half.


Our eyes met. Cassius folded his eyelids and swiftly removed the broken pen from my sight.


‘Why did you break the pen? Even if you try to destroy the evidence, I've already seen it!’


‘Does this mean that if I let my guard down with him I'll end up like the pen?’


‘I feel scared again.’


It wasn't the time to play with the cat.


I immediately let go of Michael.


“The cat is too cute, so let's stop…”


“Do you like cats?” He asked. 


“Yes, I like everything that's cute.”


“Hmm… Cute, you say.”


For a moment he seemed lost in thought, and as he tapped the desk with his fingertips, bubbly droplets of water made a splashing sound.


As I looked around where the sound came from, transparent droplets rose into the air like soap bubbles. They clumped together and formed shapes resembling kittens.


Several kitten-shaped water droplets spun around me.


My stiff body slowly followed the movement of the kittens. As a result, my momentarily frozen face relaxed, and a smile formed.


“It looked like you got scared all of a sudden because of me. I am sorry.” 


‘You suddenly broke the pen, that's why!’


“Do you like them?”


“Yes, they're cute.”


Instead of answering, he elegantly moved his hand and created a few more droplets. Small water droplets formed around the cat. Each time they burst, I could hear the kittens meowing.


“Wow, you're skillfully using your divine power!”


Seeing him apply it to this extent, it wasn't just a rookie ability.


“During my training period, I took care of young children.”


His words reminded me of the time I volunteered at an orphanage.

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Even as a designated successor, I had to carry out the duties of a priest just like everyone else, so I occasionally visited orphanages to play with the children.


Seeing the adorable kittens, my walls melted away. I giggled like a child and spun around with the kittens. While enjoying the kittens' cuteness, I realized something.


"Come to think of it, they have a different scent from last time "


Cassius said that the rain scent was his pheromone fragrance.


However, the kittens created with water-based divine power emitted a refreshing scent, as if flowing through a deep forest or a valley.


Now I seem to be able to distinguish his scents.


Thanks to the kittens made by Cassius, my discomfort disappeared.


And, he, who had been silently observing me, opened his mouth.


“Since you seem to be more at ease now, it's time to talk about work. Did you hear the explanation from Isaac?”


“Yes, I heard that I will be working at the Holy Palace.”


“It's not yet a fully decided matter.”


Now that I think about it, it seems that my affiliation with the Holy Palace wasn't set in stone.


According to Isaac, they will give additional points because my score was slightly insufficient.


However, in Cassius' opinion, even with the additional points, it was still lacking.


“I know that my abilities are still lacking. It's difficult to enter the Holy royal court as a formal priest with the skills I currently have.”


To pursue my original dream of becoming a high-ranking priest, being affiliated only with the Holy Palace was not enough.


Becoming a high-ranking priest seemed like something that could only be achieved when one gets older, but since the opportunity had come, I had to seize it.


‘I need to appeal properly!’


The only thing I could rely on was my rare healing attribute divine power.


“I know Sonia also possesses the healing attribute of divine power. But honestly, the healing attribute is vague. When it comes to wound healing, the same effect can be achieved with the application of Holy Water.”


Ugh, it was true. 


The Earth attribute could cultivate the land and grow crops with water and wind.


The Fire attribute was also very useful in various situations.


But the healing attribute was only about healing a cold before it evolves into pneumonia or healing simple scars.


It was all because I couldn't achieve the final awakening.


‘If only I could achieve the final awakening, it would be useful!’


To strengthen my divine power, I'd need a sacred place called the Sanctuary. However, the Sanctuary for the power I possess had completely disappeared from history, so there was no way I could do anything about it.


I have to find a way to make myself professionally appealing. 

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