By dawn, Sulayman slowly opened his eyes.

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“Where am I…”

He remembered stopping by the office after the meeting yesterday and suddenly having a seizure.


Since then, it seems that he must have walked on his own feet back to the room.


Just before losing his mind, he couldn’t remember what he said, shaking off the servants and guards who were trying to support him.


But soon he seemed to have lost his mind.



He was trying to stand up, lifting his head, but couldn’t because of a headache. He could see some warm, small chunk of fur leaning against his forearm.


It was a baby cat that recently stayed in his room.


“It’s my first time seeing you this close.”

It’s been a week since they spent time together in his own room.


Having yet to give up his room to his new roommate, he was feeling a little curious to see this small, round creature.


As if it had almost fainted after revealing its pink belly, the cat was more like a cute doll than a living creature.


However, it was clear that it was alive as it was holding his arm tightly.


He took off the sleeping cat and pushed it with his finger, but rather than falling, it hugged his forearms tightly like a pillow.



After bringing it here, he didn’t pretend to understand, but what’s so good about it sticking to him?


Contrary to his thoughts though, Sulayman’s lips were slightly raised.


He didn’t hate the feeling of soft and warm flesh of the baby cat touching his skin.


No. Honestly, he thought it’s pretty good.


“Yum yum”.

The baby cat, who slept deeply, was smacking its lips while singing the Golgol song. It seems to be dreaming of eating something delicious.


Smiling, he reached out and carefully stroked the cat.


Then the cat slightly frowned its nose, and tossed and turned with a meow sound.


Sulayman, who paused for a moment, scratched the baby cat’s chin slightly after the baby cat’s breathing evened out.


Seeing the cat smiling as if satisfied, Sulayman licked his lips.

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“It’s quite cute.”

The royal family and aristocrats wondered why cats could not live and die, and it must be because they have this charm.


The royal family chose their cats from a very young age and grew up together, which meant they were more than just pets.


Legend and folklore have been told in the Ashtal Kingdom that the goddess Astar, who protects the kingdom, is in the shape of a cat.


The act of raising a cat previously was also closely related to the fact that it was protected by a goddess.

In addition, cats with blue eyes were widely popular among the working class as a living Nazarbonju (talisman) that prevents bad luck and brings good luck.


It was incomprehensible to Sulayman, who hated prophecies and magic.


Sulayman, who sneaked a blanket over the cat as it slept pleasantly with a purring sound, looked around the room.


He, who received a curse at the age of just ten that remained effective until his death, was gradually weakening. The dark energy that was growing little by little within his body and spirit popped out at unexpected times.


It was just that case again this time.


There were two main phenomena when he had intermittent seizures, and paralysis occurs when the cursed energy tries to swallow his body, especially the heart.


Then there was the mental phenomenon that caused the desire to destroy everything around him.


The seizure happened much more suddenly than usual, so he was surprised.


Recently, as a result of consulting Aziz because he was not feeling well, said it was a positive phenomenon, saying, “The curse is responding to the cat,” but when asked if it was really okay, he remembered Aziz smiled.


“It may hurt a little, but it won’t be enough to die due to that cat. Cheer up.”


“It wasn’t to the point of death”, Sulayman muttered.


Aziz, who has lived longer than ordinary humans, did not understand the pain of humans well.


It is not clear when he became a sorcerer for the sultan.


Aziz, whose appearance was young since Sulayman had met him, still has the same face.


Sulayman didn’t like Aziz very much.


When his father, who was a former sultan, was alive, he once doubted him, as he was next to his father and now next to his mother like a shadow.


He wondered if he was encouraging his parents to do strange things with vain words.


Observing him so far, he did not seem to have much darkness, but he could not help being reluctant.


There was no reason to like the immortal, whose existence to the royal family was unknown.

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That’s why he wasn’t happy when he brought this baby cat to his palace under the order of his sultan mother Hurrem.


“… But, you helped me.”

Unlike other times, the curse’s sudden stop in the short period of time must have been largely influenced by the cat.


When he looked at one side of the bed, he could see a torn sheet.


Looking at the torn shape, it was clear that this little cat climbed up it.


‘Did it try to come up to the bed with that small body?’

It was strange to think that a small and fragile, baby cat, who would crumble if he put a little bit of force into his hand, ran in surprise when he saw himself having a seizure.


“You’re like a fool.”

When he slightly swept it’s forehead with his thumb, he felt the baby cat crying briefly with an expression that was somehow lovely.


This feeling is weird.


He always found animals cute.


‘But, I’ve never felt pitiful.


…Maybe I’m becoming a fool, too.’


Mumbling to himself, Sulayman went back into the blanket and slept.




Opening my eyes because of the sparkling, morning sun, I yawned and pressed my front paw hard onto my dry eyelid.


I fell asleep as if someone had intentionally put me to sleep and slept really well.


I even dreamed of eating delicious things until my stomach exploded in a place where all kinds of delicacies were prepared. It was so vivid it felt like reality.


I thought I was alone, and was immersed in deep appreciation, recalling the juicy taste of the meat that I chewed in the dream.


Suddenly, I saw a bright, red eye observing me from a distance of less than 30cm away.


“Nyaah!” (Surprised)

I was so surprised that I kicked the blanket covering me with my front paw and hid under the pillow, shaking.


‘When did you wake up?’

If you’re awake, let me know it!


It’s rude to stare at a sleeping person, or a sleeping cat like that.


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“Hiding your face doesn’t mean I can’t see you. Silly.”

Sulayman pressed down onto my side, which had only his face on a soft pillow.

“Hmm, it’s soft.”


‘Hey, not there. Not there…’


It is unacceptably disgraceful for someone to press on the bulging flank flesh.


With my nose burning red, I pulled my face out of the pillow and rushed at him.


“Nyaaan……!!” (Look at the taste…!!)

I slapped his fingers with my front paw and bit his forearm lightly while he was watching.


But despite the attack combo, Sulayman only laughed.


He quietly stayed still as I bit him, and he opened his mouth and said.

“You kept biting me while I was sleeping. You’re a cat who likes to bite me quite a bit.”


… Ehh?


I must not have heard well.


I reflexively opened my mouth from his forearm and I couldn’t help but be amazed.


On his thick forearm, there were several marks of cas teeth, which I must have left behind.


Stunned, I looked at the marks and Sulayman’s face alternately, in disbelief.


‘Me? Is this what I did?’

I used gestures to express myself.


So when I asked him with my whole body, he chuckled and got up from the bed and said, “Then could another cat leave such a mark? You are my only cat at my place.”


At the words ‘my cat’, my heart suddenly sank down and went up.

‘Crazy heart, don’t do this to me!! Now is not the time!’

Someone almost had a heart attack yesterday, I saved him, and now it’s like I’m going to have one.


While I was cooling my hot face with the jelly on my paw, Sulayman started tossing his clothes off one by one.


‘I can’t keep my eyes open……!’

Without cooling my cheeks, I covered my eyes with both soles of my feet, and I screamed inwardly.


“Are you shy? What a strange cat.”


… That’s right. Understandable from your point of view, but as an ordinary human woman, spending the night in bed with a man I was not familiar with came a bit embarrassing.

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‘Didn’t Aziz still tell me that I am a human…?’

Seeing that Sulayman still perceives me as just a ‘cat that understands people’, it was highly likely.


‘You’re obviously trying to make fun of me. Bad child.’

While my hands trembled and I was thinking, Sulayman, dressed in light clothes, rang the bell.


He did not prefer to have an attendant at night, but in the morning he favored their help.


With his hair pulled back and wearing a black robe that clung to his body, he looks much more mature than usual.


When he was ready to go out, he fastened a long sword with a curved end like a crescent moon around his waist.


“… The house is well guarded.”

He glanced at me before leaving the room, then turned and walked out of the door.

Left alone on the bed, I stared blankly at the door where Sulayman disappeared.


That day, I went for a walk outside with Arin, reflecting on Sulayman’s attitude in the morning.


No matter how much I tried to save him, I thought just being in bed with him would make him sick.


Sulayman didn’t look very displeased.


‘I thought he hated cats. Wasn’t that the case…?’


It was always limited to eye contact….


He often stared at me or ignored me, so I just thought he had a cat allergy and ignored it.


But today he looked like someone who adopted a cat for the first time.


He’s a little clumsy, but it seems like he’s paying attention now.


“Cat, is this your first time here? The royal palace is so wide that you can take a walk.

It may be confusing, so please follow me.”


“Meow.” (Okay.)

When I nodded as if I knew it, Arin hugged me tight again with a look of desperation.


“Oh, you are so special. You understand the words so well!”


“Meow, Nyaaang!” (Arin, you are choking me!)


“This cat is really, really smart. Sometimes when I look at you, you feel like a human, you know that?”


‘…That’s because I’m human…? Besides, I’m much older than you.’

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