“As expected, I think the cat is special like the one in the prophecy. These days, I think it’s a really good thing that you came into the palace.”

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Arin, who fiddled with my nose and kissed me, put me back on the ground.


It was a strange feeling to be kissed every day by a girl who was much younger than me.


However, I also felt as if the cat’s habit was ingrained in my body, and every time she stroked my forehead or the nape of my neck, my mood seemed to settle down.


I can see why cats rub their faces on people’s legs and meow for a touch.


“Shall we go this way this time, cat?”

Arin, who chose a slightly remote path out of the promenade, beckoned me to come.


“There is a beautiful flower garden over there. It was a place where I used to hide secretly whenever I was scolded by the senior maids when I was young, and I used to feel better because it was really pretty.”


How hard it must have been to live a rough palace life since she was young.


What would an older sister do with such a cute and kind younger sister?


I grumbled lightly inside and followed Arin.


As I walked slowly for about 10 minutes on the walkway under the dark trees, I could see the flower garden Arin mentioned.




When I saw the open flatland covered with colorful flowers, I was naturally amazed.


“Isn’t it so pretty? I really wanted to show this scenery to the cat.”


Without having time to nod, I went forward as if possessed and looked at a low hill that seemed to be scattered with star candies.


The white and blue petals fluttering in the wind is beautiful.


A sweet smell like rain came flying in the wind and tickled my nose.


‘So pretty… I’ve never seen such a scene before.’


I’ve never been to Jeju Island before because I’ve been chased so hard in my previous life.


Speaking of flower gardens, that was all I saw at the amusement park. The beautiful and overwhelming sight dazzled me.


“There is a place full of rabbit grass over there. I’ll make a white claw bracelet for my cat today. I’ll do it right away, so please wait there for a while!”


As soon as I pretended to know, Arin quickly disappeared toward the grass.


Having been bored of waiting, I slowly walked toward the hill full of flowers.


It was enough for Arin to catch up with me anyway since I was a baby cat.


‘The weather is nice and I feel good.’


What happened yesterday began to recede, neatly forgotten in my mind, as I began to hum.


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Of course, what I call humming was a cat’s whining when it was in a good mood, but that’s not a big deal.


Arriving close to the hill, it was when I pulled a yellow flower with my forefoot and tried to smell it.


A large man’s hand appeared and cut the stem.


“You can’t eat this, cat. It’s bad for your body.”


“Meow, miya…ong?” (I didn’t mean to eat it…What?)


The moment I looked back to see who it was, I was so surprised that I swallowed my breath.


‘What is this? A handsome guy who looks like an idol.’


On the spot, I had hardened like a stone, and looked up at the blonde man blankly.


Dazzling hair that looks like pure gold and blue eyes that give a cool feeling.


The features that someone carefully sculpted and a mouth with a gentle smile.


Finally, a man with flawless perfect balance and physique.


That’s right.


The handsome man who appeared in front of me was like a typical prince who would be perfect for riding a white horse.


“Miya-ow…” (I can’t believe my eyes…)


Surprised, I was just opening my mouth, but the man who misunderstood me said, while scratching his cheek, “Umm. Do you want this? It’s difficult.”


It’s okay if you don’t give it to me.


I think flowers will look better on you!


As I shook my head desperately, a rattling sound spread in all direction.


At that time, for the first time, the man’s eyes got a little bigger.


“This is…. You must be a cat in the sultan’s cat harem.”


‘Are you talking about a cat harem or something?’


I shook my head as if it wasn’t me, and the handsome man looked at me curiously.


‘What’s this ticklish feeling?’


I thought my heart was going to drop in the morning, yet in the afternoon, it’s now fluttering away.


After becoming a cat, I breathed out a sigh because I thought I was doing something very different.


The man who saw me with a strange gaze smiled with his eyes bent.

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“You’re an amazing cat.”


I sympathized with his opinion.


‘A cat that understands people. It must be very strange.’


For that reason, I tried to communicate as little as possible with him since Arin was familiar to me.


I feared that Arin would faint if she saw that I was giving attention to anyone else.


‘But I’m not going to see this handsome guy again in my lifetime.’


Hopefully not true, so a little bit of attention will be fine. It’s only for a short time anyway.


“What about something other than yellow? Pick one.”


After contemplating for a while, I stuck out my front feet and pointed to a purple flower.


He plucked the flowers and put them in my ear at an angle. The flowers held in place by fur looked like hairpins.


“So cute. I’ve never seen a cat that looks so good with flowers.”


“Miyong.” (Sheesh, you have a good eye.)


“There are many legends about this flower. Depending on the color, the meaning of the flower is different.”


Curious, I shook my head, but he turned the topic elsewhere.


“So why did you run away? If you don’t go back to the sultan’s palace, you might starve to death.”


I thought for a while whether to make a gesture to indicate that I was not alone.


I was worried I might get kidnapped if I show that I understand people more than this though.


I pretended not to understand him, then he gently removed the grass on my body and continued talking.


“I guess I’m not the only one who’s feeling stuffy inside the palace.”


It was a word that made me feel sad somehow.


I glanced up and looked at his expression, and there was a sad smile on the man’s face.


‘Ahh, it’s wrong for a handsome person to do that.’


I was almost caught up in the desire to remove the sadness from the handsome man in front of me, considering even doing some tricks right now.


It’s been less than five minutes since we met, and you’re making me nervous.


If that’s a talent, it’s a great talent.


“Hey there, cat!! I’ve made it with eight flowers here… Is that fine?”

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Arin’s face turned pale as she ran towards them, dropping the bracelet made of white clover.


“Ahh, Prince Theron…!!”




The grass fell from the startled girl’s hand.


Apparently quite startled, Arin stumbled on her foot and collapsed to the floor.


‘Was he a real prince…?’


Somehow he seemed like a prince.


Sulayman had an appearance more suited to a fearsome tyrant than a prince.


Theron, who seemed to have a sparkling halo even when just standing, was the prince that girls dreamed of.


“Are you okay? Take my hand and get up.”


“Yes, yes…! Thank you!”


Arin got up from the ground with Theron’s help and started picking up the clover from the bracelet that had fallen on the floor one by one.


Prince Theron bent down and picked them up himself.


“I’m sorry, I must have surprised you. Are there any injuries?”


“No, I’m fine! Thank you so much…”

Arin, blushing, wiggled her skirt and nodded her head.


The girl kept looking at him as if she couldn’t even meet his gaze.


‘Yeah, not surprising.’


If I saw it from afar, I would have wanted to go him, but as I witnessed Theron’s beauty firsthand, I could fully understand Arin’s feelings.


“Are these bracelets made for this cat?”


“Yes that’s right.”


“Ah, I thought it was a cat that ran away, but it seems it wasn’t.”


“I came out a little far to go for a walk… I didn’t know that Prince Theron would help me. Thank you very much.”


Arin bowed one after another and thanked Theron.


“It might be a hindrance to the outing if I’m with you. I’ll go first, so have a good time.”


“Yes, yes. Please take care.”


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Against the backdrop of a fantastic flower garden, the prince’s unrealistic appearance was like a fairy tale scene.


Eventually, he disappeared completely from view, and Arin was relieved as she came to.


“I was astonished. I didn’t know Prince Theron would come all the way here. This is the outskirts, so there is little traffic.”


I nodded with the meaning that I was also surprised, and the girl chatted and opened her mouth.


“Prince Theron is very popular with all the servants in the palace. He has a gentle and warm personality and is the most handsome of the royal family.”




“To be honest, at first I wanted to be in Prince Theron’s Palace, but the competition was too high and I didn’t make it. They picked the right people in that case.”


Now, I suddenly feel a little sorry for Sulayman.


He has a scary face and a gentle personality, but he doesn’t seem to be very popular.


“Now, it’s done! It’s really cute.”


I laughed bitterly when she wrapped my neck, ears, and ankles in a ring made of white flowers.


However, I even made a gesture and posed for my favorite Arin.


“What is this flower?”


Arin found the purple flowers buried in my fur as the day darkened.


“Did Prince Theron pick these flowers for you? Oh, yes. Yes, this is not a good flower… ”


When I tilted my head and asked for an explanation in silence, Arin said reluctantly.


“This flower’s flower language is “sadness.” It’s beautiful to look at, but it’s a flower with sad stories about death.”


“What…?” (Really…?)


“Yes, we’d better throw these away. It blooms naturally, so I don’t want to leave it as it is since people take it as a little ominous.”


I saw Arin bury the purple flowers in the ground and thought it was a bit of a waste.


‘A flower is just a flower.’


Wouldn’t a flower be sad because of the stories and meanings that people made up?


I didn’t feel that the beautiful flower’s situation was different from mine, which was being played with by the word “prophecy.”


“Well, shall we go home soon? You took a walk and played hard today, so I’ll go home and give you a spa.”


Arin, smiling brightly, lifted me to her chest still decorated with white clovers.


I watched for a long time the beautiful fields of flowers covered in five colors fade away.

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