There stood the black-haired prince, who looked terribly unhappy.

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‘Why are you making such a scary face?’


This man, who usually looks unsociable, had an even darker look with his jaw set tightly.


There was a spooky chill as if a ghost had appeared where the warm sun should be shining. 


“It’s been a while, Suleiman.”


“… I asked you what you’re doing, Theron.”


“I was on my way to the library, it’s faster if you go this way. You don’t blame your brother for not going through the palace, do you?”


Theron’s smile brightened the darkened space a little bit.


‘What’s up with the way they’re talking?’


Judging from the distinct difference between their skin and hair color, it wasn’t difficult to guess that they had different mothers. 


‘But if they’re both princes, aren’t they brothers?’


However, I felt hostility rather than a sense of family.


“I asked the wrong question. I want to know what you’re doing with that cat you’re holding.”


“Nya…?” (Me…?)


I opened my eyes wide, I somehow ended up the subject of the conversation.


Looking at Suleiman with a curious gaze, Theron replied while gently stroking my forehead.


“As you can see, I was playing with this cat.”


“Put her down.”


“Why should I do that?”


Theron smiled nicely, and responded to Suleiman’s words.


‘…Hey, you don’t seem to want to let me go at all.’


Suleiman looked at him with an unpleasant face, but Theron touched my chin gently as if to look at me.


A strange tension flowed in the awkward silence between the two.


What is with these guys?


‘Why are they making a fuss about me!!!’


While I was tormented by the desire to get away from here immediately, Suleiman began to speak again.


“If you want to know, I’ll tell you why. That cat belongs to me. I want her in my arms, not yours.”


Suleiman took me from Theron, and hugged me to his chest.


I opened my mouth in dismay as I suddenly found myself being passed back and forth between the two princes.


‘Why is he so easily saying embarrassing things these days…’


It wasn’t the first time I heard the words ‘my cat’, but my heart pounded for some reason. 


I took a deep breath to calm down. 


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Pressed against Suleiman, his unique scent tickled my nose.


Maybe it was because I got too used to it while sharing a room with him.


Strangely, his arms felt very friendly and cozy.


‘I guess I really am out of my mind.’


I can’t believe I feel comfortable with the scary prince, who can kill people with just his eyes.


I wondered if this was a belated side effect of becoming a cat.


“…This was your cat. I’m just protecting it for a while because it’s marked as the Sultana’s.”


“It’s the cat the Sultana gave me.”


“Ah. Then I guess she’s the cat from the prophecy.”


When Theron looked at me with interest, Suleiman hugged me, and completely blocked me from view.


‘How frustrating, unhand me!’


When his thick forearms held me to him, I was suffocated and began to kick him with my hind feet.


But Suleiman said what he had to say, as if he didn’t care about my minor rebellion.


“This is near my palace, so don’t walk this way if possible.”


“What are you so upset about? I am planning to stay in the capital for a while. Even if I try to avoid it, won’t I see you often?”


“…What does that mean? After the inauguration ceremony, the other princes must return to their territories.”


“Mother is worried about my long-term illness. She earnestly asked the Sultana to let me stay in the capital for treatment.”




Taking a breath, Suleiman asked Theron with a laugh.


“Why did you need to come all the way here for treatment?”


“As you know, I have health problems, and my abilities aren’t outstanding. So, I left my work to someone else before I left. There will be no problems with my territory, so you don’t need to worry too much.”


“You don’t have to get treatment in the capital.”


“The doctor is old, so it’s hard for them to go to remote lands. I plan to stay in the capital for a while, and take care of my physical condition. I just appreciate the sultana’s careful consideration.”


Perhaps angry at Theron’s response, Suleiman tightened his arm.


‘…I’m suffocating.’


My face, which was pushed into his solid upper body, turned red.


“Nya!” (Let me go!)


I’m not sure what the heck they are talking about, but solve this problem first.


As I struggled recklessly, Suleiman’s arm that was holding me loosened a little.


It was right when I was about to start crying.


Arin came back with a large pack for the baggage.


“Ah, Prince Suleiman!”

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A surprised Arin quickly bowed her head, the silent Suleiman handed me over to her.


“Take good care of my cat. I don’t want to see her being hugged by anyone else again.”


“I’m sorry. I’ll be careful to not to let this happen again.”


…you’re the one who was hugging me carelessly, not Theron.


‘Just Suleiman, you idiot!’


I stuck out my tongue in anger, but he disappeared down the hallway without looking back.


Even after Suleiman completely disappeared, Arin was still crying.


‘You bad guy. Why are you throwing a tantrum at the innocent Arin?’


I don’t know why he was so angry, but I felt guilty that I’d dragged Arin into it for no reason. 


At that time I decided to uppercut him in bed later. 


Theron asked Arin a question. 


“This wasn’t the sultana’s cat, but his cat?”


“Yes… I heard that the sultana gave Prince Suleiman the cat.”


“I see.”


Theron became lost in thought, stroked his chin, and looked disappointed.


“I think we met a little late, Ms. Cat.”


Then he brought his face close to mine, and he whispered softly in my ear.


“If you belong to another person, I will take you away by any means. If it’s you, then it can’t be helped.”




When I tensed up, surprised by his unexpected remark, Theron smiled calmly, as if he had never said such things. 


“Please take good care of the cat. I don’t know when we’ll meet again, so can I know your name?”


“What? Are you talking about my name?”


“Yes, that’s right.”


“My name is… It’s Arin.”


“Arin, that’s a pretty name. I’ll make sure to remember it.”


Theron, who left after that wonderful prince-like line, soon disappeared down the end of the hallway.


Arin watched at him as he walked away.




After making her name known to the prince she’d long admired, Arin made a fuss for the rest of the day. 


She ran on the spot, lifted me up like a baby, then spun me around in circles for a while.


The girl kept looking into space with dreamy eyes, then she’d giggle to herself, which made me feel a little scared. 


“Ms.Cat, isn’t Prince Theron so cool?”

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“Nia…” (Well…)


“I can’t believe he asked for my name. I have no regrets even if I die tomorrow.”


No, you’re definitely wrong. 


If someone tried to stab you, you’d definitely beg for help. 


I scratched my itchy ear with a rather cynical look.


“By the way, Suleiman is so mean. Did you see him make that scary face at me earlier?”


Arin’s face contorted into an imitation of a demon with horns on its head. 


‘…He’s a really weird guy, that’s for sure.’


Isn’t he expressionless, then suddenly kind.


I couldn’t understand the black-haired prince in question, especially because he’d suddenly become angry again.


Thinking of Suleiman, I suddenly remembered the soft feeling of being in his arms.


My ears turned red in an instant, and I shook my head vigorously.


‘It’s a mistake… It’s all a mistake!’


I shook my front paw, and scattered the emotions that came to mind.


It was a very chaotic afternoon, and a lot of things happened. 




That day, Suleiman’s meeting ended earlier than expected, and he was heading to the library after a long absence. 


‘…Should I stop by the room for a moment?’


Recently he’d been increasingly interested in animals, specifically cats. 


Sleeping together, and working together in his room. The more he looked at the little creature, the more fascinating she was.


Sometimes she was cheeky, but strangely lovely. 


Once Suleiman started paying attention to her, he kept thinking about her, even while working.


He also got into the habit of checking frequently to see if she was doing well.


Suleiman was also very worried about her, what if she bumps into something, or laid down near a dangerous object in his room. 


‘Because she’s so small and cute… She might get hurt without him noticing.’


In fact, there were many nights when Suleiman couldn’t sleep because he was worried he might fall asleep and crush her with his body.


Suleiman suddenly recalled what happened at dawn that day.


He carely lifted the body of the snoring kitten, and put her on his chest. 


He was going to stay like that until he fell asleep.


The bundle of fur clung to his chest, as if she intended to never fall off.


Suleiman could feel the fluffy creature’s soft warmth through his skin as he breathed.


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He never imagined that it would be this good.


Suleiman, who was heading to his room, stopped in his tracks when he saw his half-brother Theron holding a cat.


It felt strangely unpleasant when he realized that it was his cat in Theron’s arms.


When he saw his cat rubbing her cheek and acting cute for Theron, he was furious.


‘You didn’t even do it for me. How could you do it for Theron first?’


He felt like a string in his head snapped at the friendly gaze that he’d never seen before, even while living in the same room.


Suleiman strode over, and warned Theron, his enemy and rival.


He told him not to come close to his cat, or even look at her again. 


However, his beautiful half-brother was still a formidable opponent.


He did his best to lure people in with his deceptive good looks, his eloquent speech, and his wealth.


That was the way that Theron, and his mother did it.


Roxelana, Theron’s mother, was a princess from a rich neighbor, Idelan, and had a lot of power.


She was the opposite of Hurrem, a former fallen aristocrat, who rose to her position of sultana after many twists and turns.


Not only did Roxelana have a solid position, but also diplomatic support from her home country, which put her in a position where even the sultana couldn’t take her lightly. 


When Suleiman’s father, the previous sultan, lay on his sickbed, the kingdom’s situation was very uncertain.


This was because the royal descendants, who could inherit the sultan’s position, were still young.


Eventually, Hurrem took over the sultanate on their behalf, and was able to maintain her current power stability after a bloody purge. 


It was also possible thanks to Hurrem’s outstanding strategies, and excellent reign.


However, it was not common to rule a kingdom without clear supporters.


Young aristocrats, who opposed the existing senate and vested interests, enthusiastically supported Hurrem, but it felt insufficient.


So, Suleiman was always wary of Theron and Roxelana.


He’d already been informed that Theron was coming up to the capital because of the inauguration ceremony before he’d even arrived at the palace. 


However, it was the first time he’d heard that he’d be staying in the capital under the pretext of a ‘disease’ that didn’t even exist.


An elderly doctor deliberately chosen to fake chronic illness.


He was even prepared to let others run the territory he was ruling.


No matter what Suleiman thought, he had to hold his tongue.


He didn’t know what his plan was, but it was definitely a suspicious move on Prince Theron’s side.


Lately, they had been spending time in close contact with the executive members of the Janissary, who couldn’t be touched unnecessarily even by the sultana.


He would have been upset if she was in someone else’s arms, but he felt a burst of anger when he saw that it was Theron, who he had a history with.


“…You don’t even know how I feel.”


He glared at the savage kitten struggling in his arms.


Suleiman left after handing over his cat to Arin, and returned to his office without stopping by his room or library that day.

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