Chapter 15

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That day I met Theron and Suleiman in the hallway.


Suleiman didn’t return to the room until late that night.


He usually came back in the evening, worked until dawn, then went to bed. Tonight he didn’t come home until almost midnight, so I started to get a little worried.


‘Is there something going on…?’


Why am I worried about you?!


It was an appalling thing for me to think about.


Wouldn’t you think the same just by remembering what happened earlier in the day.


Why did he suddenly appear and take me away, and act like a jealous child whose toy was taken away.


I couldn’t understand what he was thinking.


‘No way. Is he jealous of Theron?’


I was lost in thought with my chin on my front paws.


No matter how much I thought about it, the word ‘jealousy’ and Suleiman didn’t match up.


Well, why would I be jealous of the prince?


I gave up on my thoughts, and fell asleep while lying on my sofa.


In my sleep I heard footsteps, and frowned.


Soon after, I felt someone carefully rubbing my forehead with their finger. 


“Nyaa.” (Mm-hmm.)


The owner of the hand slowly walked somewhere with me, who was limp from a sound sleep, in their arms.


Stomp, stomp.


The shaking I felt every time they took a step felt like a baby being rocked to sleep.


“…sleepy cat.”


In my sleep I seemed to have heard Suleiman’s low murmur.


However, the voice sounded blurry because the desire to sleep pulled me down like gravity.


I smiled in satisfaction while cradled in his arms.




After that day, Suleiman avoided me here and there for several days. 


He still put me on the bed, and stroked me like a real butler.


Though it was limited to when I was sleeping, or when I was half-asleep.


Watching him sneakily avoiding my gaze, I began to get angry little by little.


‘Why are you avoiding me, when I should be avoiding you?!’


If I was an attentive and sensitive kitten, then Suleiman was like a hedgehog.


The kind of person who doesn’t want to show themselves, and puts quills up when someone comes close.


‘Did I upset you in some way?’


If I could talk, I would ask you what I did wrong.


From my point of view, it’s just frustrating.

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Time passed like that, and before I knew it, the inauguration ceremony for the governor was just a day away.


“Miss Cat, the showdown is tomorrow. Are you ready?”


“Meow.” (Yeah, sorta.)


Arin, who had a determined expression, appeared with two maids early in the morning. 


The girls were around Arin’s age and some of her closest friends. Their hands were filled with bags of accessories.  


Arin prepared my breakfast while the maids spread out the luggage.  


As usual, when I emptied my bowl, Arin wiped my teeth clean with a water-soaked linen.


This was something that was done instead of brushing my teeth, and Arin would meticulously take care of me, as if she were treating me like a baby.


I tapped on my pink belly with a look of satisfaction on my face.


“Arin, I’m ready. Let’s get started!”


The maids were fully prepared to transform me, and had a glint of anticipation in their eyes.


‘…You look like a celebrity hair designer.’


If you look at the entertainment industry, you will see that celebrities go to a store in Cheongdam-dong[1] early in the morning and come out with a full course of preparation, from hair and makeup, to costumes.


The scene in front of me now was similar to that.


Beauty scissors of various sizes, and tools for trimming nails were prepared.


All the dresses and costumes hung on hangers were dazzlingly beautiful.


“Miss Cat, I’m going to take good care of you today. We’ll decide what to wear tomorrow and everything else today.”


“Meow.” (Please take good care of me.)


“If you like what you see, just send me a little signal, okay? You can do it well, right?”


When I nodded in an easy-going manner, Arin and the maids squealed with delight.


“Arin, it’s really like you said! She’s such a smart cat.”


“I figured you were bluffing about her being able to understand people, but you really are the cat of prophecy!”


Arin seemed to be a pure girl who likes to brag about me to her friends.


‘If this continues, won’t the rumors spread faster…?’


I already knew you thought I was special because of the prophecy.


There was no reason for me to show a more human-like appearance here.


I’m the only one who’ll get tired if that happens.


After deciding to be more careful, I acted as if I didn’t understand the maids on purpose.


However, when Arin picked out clothing for me, I clearly expressed my preferences. 


In my previous life, I was known to dress up well with inexpensive store bought clothes.


I also had a sewing hobby, and made some simple clothes for my cat.


It was a simple drape dress that I finally decided on after trying on several combinations while looking in the mirror the maids brought. 


The special fluffy finish made me feel comfortable, and while it touched my skin, it didn’t constrict my body.


The dress was made with fine white silk lace with pink crystals stitched into it, and it matched my white fur very well. 


Finally, a palm-sized silver crown decorated with blue jewels was used diagonally as a point of interest to complete the look.


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Looking at myself in the mirror, I looked cute and lovely.


‘I like it so much.’


I’m not a person, but a cat, so I’d wondered if decorating myself would make that much of a difference. 


I was carefully groomed by Arin and the maids, and once I was dressed, I truly looked like the most noble cat in the world.


When I turned around in front of the mirror, Arin and the maids made a fuss.


“You’re so cute! I’ve never seen such a cute cat in my life.”


“She’s so cute. Arin, do you have any money left to maintain your dignity?”


“Yeah. There were a lot of gifts, so I have a lot of money left over. Why?”


“Why don’t you have a portrait drawn of the cat? You have to spread this crazy cuteness.”


“Yeah! It’ll help Prince Suleiman do his best. People outside the palace will be curious about what the cat of prophecy looks like!”


Having no desire to become famous, I sighed and shook my front paw. 


‘Excuse me. The person in question is listening to everything you’re saying.’


However, the three lively girls jumped in place, and proceeded with the plan.


They pretended not to notice her, and I eventually sighed when they said they’d spend the money to call in an artist to draw a cat portrait. 


At that time, someone opened the door, and walked in. 


“Oh my gosh, Brother Evelyn!!!”




After frowning at Arin’s words, I turned my head, and looked towards the door.


There stood the unpleasant person I hadn’t seen in a long time.


“Arin, I can hear the noise all the way outside. Be quiet.”


The man with the deadpan tone that I couldn’t unhear even if I wanted to. It must be Evelyn.


“Is that all you have to say when we haven’t met in a while? Anyways, hi to you too.”


“I’ve been a little busy.”


With my mouth wide open, I looked at Arin and Evelyn alternately with eyes filled with amazement.


‘Why does such a cute and kind sister have such a mean older brother!’


The one who brought me here, and trampled on my meat,


The anger I had accumulated rose to the surface, and I showed my teeth, then growled and threatened him.


Surprised, Arin hugged me and gently patted me on the back. 


“Oh, my. Were you surprised, Miss Cat? That’s not a bad person, that’s my only brother.”


No, he’s a thoroughly bad person from my point of view. 


I was glaring at Evelyn with the hope of biting him when he approached me, but he just looked at me with a strange expression while he stared at me. 


“Don’t tell me, is the cat you’re holding the one I brought in?”


“Of course. She was cute at first, but now she’s pretty, right?”


“The field mouse from the gutter was cute? You don’t have good eyes either.”


“What are you talking about! You’re the one with eyes that don’t work. This cat was truly a pearl hidden in the mud!”


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“It might be like that on the outside, but can it change that quickly on the inside?”


As I was grinding my teeth in Arin’s arm, my eyes glinted at the amazing thought that came to mind.


‘The time for revenge has arrived…!’


It was said that he was Suleiman’s close aide. If I missed this opportunity, who knows when I’ll be able to meet this jerk again. 


After carefully checking the condition of my front paw jellies, I decided to use the cat’s biggest weapon. 


‘Kitten’s lethal cuteness!’


Jumping out of Arin’s arms, I approached Evelyn with elegant steps, and rubbed my face with all my might on his legs. 


“Meow, meow.” (Come on, love me human.)


Evelyn was surprised, and hesitated.


“W-what. What’s wrong with this cat?”


“You don’t have any basic knowledge about cats, just like Suleiman. It’s an expression of affection when cats do that.”


“Expression of affection…?”


Evelyn looked at me with a stunned expression, as if he couldn’t understand the words that were being said.


‘It’s time!!!’


It was the moment when I made eye contact with Evelyn.


I shot the Puss and Boots signature gaze from the movie.




After putting both front paws against my chest, and taking a praying posture. 


I sent him a powerful telepathic message, ‘Please adore me.’


Then Evelyn’s pupils, which were looking right at me, shook finely.


‘Good, I caught him!’


Who can resist the super special charm of a cat that looks up at you, and stares with earnestness in its eyes?


Evelyn, who was confused between the strings of reason and emotion, eventually walked to where I was. 


Then he lowered himself, and carefully stroked me.


I could feel his fingers shaking ever so slightly. 


‘It’s right now!!!’


Now, I jumped up and tapped him on the face with my paw.


“Meow meow!!!” (Meow Punch!!!)




Evelyn, who was just baptized with a bat from my cotton-like front feet, sank to the floor.


‘This isn’t the end!!!’


I used the recoil to kick off the floor, and with a scintillating jelly paw, his lips were ruined.




With the thrilling sound of slapping, he groaned in pain.


Glorying in my successful revenge, I puffed myself up to demonstrate the evil spirit of my victory.


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‘How does my fist taste!’


I’m not a pearl buried in the mud, I’m a thorny weed!




Actually, a kitten’s punch wouldn’t hurt that much.


Evelyn, who was caught off guard twice, clenched his teeth. 


‘If you want to hit me, hit me. I’m not scared at all.’


I have knowledge and a clever brain, unlike a kitten. 


Suleiman’s inauguration, which I play an important role in, was tomorrow. He would be in big trouble if he harmed me. 


‘I’m just going to lay down, go on strike if you can.’


I guess my idea was right, because Evelyn couldn’t even raise his voice when I hit him.


Panicked by the situation that happened in an instant, Arin rushed over and hugged me protectively.


“Brother, you should stay back. I’ve never seen Miss Cat get so worked up in my life! Does your leg hurt, Miss Cat?”


“…Arin. I’m the one who got hit.”


“Should you be making a fuss about being hit by such a small kitten? Why did you work so hard to learn martial arts then?”


“Not once, but twice.”


“Really, brother is very stuffy. I think you’ve become more like the prince after being around him for so long.”


“What’s the matter with that? That’s quite the compliment you’ve given me.”


“No! That wasn’t a compliment! Ha, you’re really, really frustrating.”


Arin struck his chest hard, not once but twice.


The girl took a moment to take a deep breath, then retorted with her teeth clenched. 


“Hurry up and apologize to Miss Cat. There’s no way this smart cat would hit you for no reason.” 


Arin fired back at Evelyn with a rare strict look.


‘Do you see that? Your sister is already my prisoner. So admit defeat already!’


My mouth twisted as I stuck my tongue out teasingly, while still being held by Arin.


‘Well, well. If you’re going to hit me, I’m going to hit you.’


I raised my chin high and snorted.


Evelyn, who failed against his sister’s persistent demand for an apology, eventually lifted the white flag. 


“I’m sorry.”


“You have to be more polite! She’s an important person to Prince Suleiman. You must call her miss!”




I could hear the grinding of teeth, but I ignored it and slightly avoided Evelyn’s scary gaze.


“…I’m sorry. Miss Cat.”


Revenge, successful!


‘Oh, it’s refreshing.’


While I smirked at Evelyn, his shoulders drooped helplessly. 


That day, I was able to clear up my schedule with a very refreshed feeling. 

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