I Became The Younger Sister Of A Dying Woman - Chapter 24

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lurelia11-14 minutes 21.12.2022

Chapter 24: Sometimes I Get Unbearably Afraid

Linzel spread her arms open wide.

“If you’re worried, come over here and hug me. I’m a tad jealous to think that Letty might have shared a laugh with another young lady instead of me, hahahahaha.”

Without a word, Letty climbed onto the bed and hugged Linzel tightly.

As she was held by Letty, an ecstatic feeling welled up in Linzel’s heart that she didn’t want to share with anyone else, that she wanted to keep to herself.

She leaned her face on Letty’s shoulder.

“Miss. What can I do for you?”

It was Mini who spoke up.

“Mini, you can hold my hand. Your hands are so soft.”

“Yes, Miss.”

Mini took Linzel’s hand in one swift motion. Mini’s hands were warm and soft. Just touching them made Linzel feel good.

Now there was only one person left: her father.

He stammered out a question.

“Linzel. What do you want me to do for you?”


What could she ask for?

She grinned deviously and said, “Can my father give me some money?”

“Keugh!” Her father grunted in disbelief.

She felt bad for her father, but……

Linzel was already in paradise with two pretty and cute girls. There was no place for him there.

Oh, of course, she wasn’t asking him for money for no reason. It was for an outing to a meeting tomorrow.

He was surprised, but he didn’t say no.

“Uh, how much do you want?”


She held up three fingers.

“Three big ones?”

An ocean of money that her father left to her discretion.

The devious smile on her lips deepened.

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* * *

The deep night came quickly, and Linzel laid down on her bed to sleep.

Today, she felt like she had slept all day.

She wondered if it was okay to live like this, but then she began to wonder if there were any rules to life in the first place.

Some days you can sleep all day, and some days you can stay awake all day.

If anyone would object to her life, it would be a very leisurely person.

Mini had replaced the bloodstained duvet and sheets. She had new pajamas and fresh bedding.

And now she had Letty beside her.

She had wanted to sleep with Linzel.

She burrowed into Linzel’s arms like a young animal seeking its mother’s embrace.

Her arms around her sister’s waist were firm, as if she was trying to say that she would never let go.

“Linzel. If you feel the slightest pain, you must tell me,” Letty insisted softly.

“I’m really fine.”

“But I keep worrying about you.”

“They say you get old fast if you worry too much.”

“That’s okay. I’m worrying for you.”

‘Letty. You have such a beautiful way of speaking,’ Linzel thought lovingly.

She stroked Letty’s hair, moved anew by her kindness.

“I can’t do that. I don’t want Letty to grow old.”

“If you don’t want me to grow old, you need to make sure that Linzel doesn’t get sick.”

Linzel swallowed. That’s what she wanted, too.

She brought up a different topic, to get away from the unanswered question.

“Hey, Letty. Are you free tomorrow afternoon around four?”

Letty replied, “Uh, yeah. I don’t have any plans tomorrow. Why?”

“Why don’t we meet tomorrow, the four of us. You, me, Hernan, and Izekiel?”

“With ……His Highness Izekiel?” Letty asked in a hesitant tone.

“Yes, together with His Highness.”


“Let’s all meet tomorrow and clear up His Highness Izekiel’s misconception that I’m being abused.”

“I like it, I get to be with my favorite Linzel, but I also get to meet the man I have a crush on.”

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‘Maybe if I show Izekiel how sweet Letty and I are, he’ll see through his misconceptions. Because unlike Hernan and Izekiel, our relationship was obvious at first glance.’

“Okay,” Linzel responded, shaking off her thoughts. “It’s a date, then.”


“Now, let’s go to bed. Good children should go to bed early,” she nagged, pulling the covers up over Letty.

“Linzel. Have you forgotten I’m your big sister?”

Linzel snorted. She had expected Letty to push back once more, but her reply was unexpected.

“Sometimes……” Letty began again, in a small voice. “I get unbearably afraid.” 

There was a heavy pause. 

“Afraid…That I’ll be left alone in the world. That you’ll go somewhere, Linzel. Somewhere I can’t find you.”

Linzel’s heart sank.

Letty wasn’t crying, but the way she spoke, her voice sounded so vulnerable. There was a hint of heat in the corners of her eyes.

“I’m not going. No, I can’t. I can’t leave you.”

Linzel muttered the kind of lines you’d expect a male protagonist to say. Then she hugged her sister tightly.

There was no more dialogue.

Linzel patted her back until Letty fell asleep. In Linzel’s arms, she eventually let out a small cry.

It was a pitiful sound that cut through the silence of the night.

* * *

It was only today that Linzel was convinced that if you suffer one day, you will always be fine the next.

Because she was feeling pretty good today.

She got up early, had breakfast with Letty, had tea with her, and took the money from her father.

No, no. Correction. She received it.

She certainly didn’t take it by threatening him. Ahem.

Her father handed over the three largest denominations of money. After all, the golden spoon family is the best.

Linzel finished dressing up before four in the afternoon. She was even thinking about what dress to wear today…….

‘If you want to show yourself to me, I will only allow you to dress like that when we are alone.’

Remembering Hernan’s request, Linzel picked out a modest dress and put it on.

She had just put on a pair of earrings with golden gems when the news came that Hernan had arrived at the ducal residence.

She wondered how she should greet him. How to make herself look more beautiful.

It was the agony of an obsessed woman.

Before she could finish thinking, there was a knock on her door.

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“It’s me.”

The short phrase made her heart race.

“Come in!” She called, hoping her voice didn’t sound too jittery.

He came in, too nervous to ask for her permission. Hernan walked straight to the front of the room where Linzel stood awkwardly.

“It’s good to see you. Is it because we haven’t seen each other in two days?”

“Your Highness, Hernan, I’ve missed you, too.”

“Not just my face?” He said something incomprehensible, whether in jest or in earnest.

“Your face is part of you.”


Hernan was silent. He seemed to be pondering the meaning of her words.

Linzel took advantage of Hernan’s silence to study him carefully.

His handsome face was flawless, and he was well dressed.

He wore a navy-blue jacket, trousers, and a vest, the latter with embroidery as a centerpiece.

He was everything she had hoped for in a three-piece.

“Your Highness. You’ve arrived in your three-piece, just as I requested!”

“Indeed. How is it?”

Linzel prepared to spout platitudes.

“The angled jacket accentuates Your Highness’s broad shoulders, and the waistcoat tightened in the back accentuates Your Highness’s slender waistline,” Linzel chattered, rapidly firing compliment after compliment. “It’s a very flattering outfit for your figure.”

“Is that why you asked me to wear this outfit?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

She figured that if it was a three-piece, it would be a good fit for his pretty figure. And she was right on the mark.

Still, there was only one disappointment.

“Your Highness Hernan, if you don’t mind my asking, would you mind if I undid the top button of your shirt?”

It was the fact that the collar of his shirt was covering his magnificent neck! It was a serious piece of work, one that could not be overlooked.

Hernan stooped lower as if to say yes.

Linzel reached up and unbuttoned one of his shirt buttons. At the same time, a cheerful shout came from Letty, who had flung open the door.

“Linzel, are you ready?”

‘Hey……. You’ve been coming into my room without knocking since last time.’

Linzel glared at Letty.

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Letty seemed to notice the situation belatedly.

Linzel and Hernan were standing so close that their knees were touching while they stared at each other.

Letty was embarrassed.

“Ah……. Lin, Linzel. Should I go back out?”

It seemed Letty had misunderstood again.

That the two of them were about to do something embarrassing…… such a misunderstanding.

Linzel threw up her hands.

“I’m telling you; you’ve misunderstood again.”

“Linzel. Tell me the truth when we’re alone.”

“A, a misunderstanding!”

Letty giggled in a disbelieving manner.

‘Hah. Why do you keep misunderstanding?’

Linzel walked over to Letty and dragged her in front of Hernan.

“While you’re here, why don’t you say hello to His Highness Hernan?”

Letty nodded and bowed politely.

“Your Highness Hernan, I’m Letty Valencia, Linzel’s twin sister. I’ve heard great things about you, and it’s an honor to finally meet you in person.”

“A pleasure.”

Linzel turned to Hernan as she stood next to the beautifully dressed Letty.

“Do we look alike?”

Hernan answered without hesitation.

“Well, you look completely different to my eyes. Linzel, I think you look prettier.”

A smile tugged at the corners of Linzel’s mouth. She turned to Letty and bragged, “Letty. Did you hear him? He says I’m prettier.”

Letty said, her voice full of laughter, “Yeah. You’re prettier.”

The answer was nonchalant, as if she didn’t need Hernan’s attention. Letty seemed to need only Izekiel’s attention.

* * *

Hernan suggested they go to a café near the ducal residence.

Linzel accepted his suggestion. She was feeling really good today and wanted to get some fresh air.

Despite the short distance to the café, the three of them took a carriage. It was to be considerate of Linzel who would inevitably be out of breath after a short walk.

In the carriage, of course, she expected Letty to sit next to her…….

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