But Letty sat down across from her, and then offered Hernan the seat next to Linzel.

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“Your Highness Hernan, I have reserved a seat for you.”

‘Since when did you become so clever?’ Linzel thought appreciatively. 

Linzel and Hernan did as Letty instructed without protest. There was no reason to kick up the rug.

Maybe Hernan was secretly hoping to sit closer to Linzel anyway.

As soon as they were seated, the carriage pulled away.

“By the way, Your Highness Hernan. Didn’t you come here with His Highness Izekiel?” Linzel asked, wondering about Izekiel’s whereabouts.

“We are not close enough to accompany each other,” Hernan replied with a frown.

As if there was no way he would accompany Izekiel unless the sun rose in the west.

It was the same response that Izekiel had given her the other day.

“I told him the time and place; he’ll find it. If you had asked to stay at the ducal residence, I would have sent someone to the café to fetch him.”

“Aha. I see.”

It seemed like they’d only been in the carriage for about five minutes, but they had already arrived at our destination.

Hernan helped the two sisters out of the carriage, displaying the distinguishing manners of a wonderful man.

Once out of the carriage, Linzel looked up at the large building in front of her.

It didn’t quite match the grandeur of the ducal residence, but it was still quite ornate and beautiful.

It was also the first outside shop she’d been to since becoming Linzel. She couldn’t deny that she was excited. 

Except there were no customers in the spacious café. Linzel could only see a few employees standing at the counter.

She looked around and asked, “Your Highness Hernan, have you rented the whole place?”

“Uh, I’m not comfortable with prying eyes.”

“As expected, His Highness is a kind person.”

“Kind person…….”

Hernan mulled over the word. As if it wasn’t familiar.

They sat down at the table in front and once again, it was Hernan who took the seat next to Linzel.

Across from her sat Letty, and the seat next to Letty belonged to Izekiel.

As soon as Linzel sat down, she felt an intense stare that made her left cheek throb.

The gaze belonged to Hernan.

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“Your Highness, is there anything you wish to say?”



“I have been hearing something strange from Izekiel.”

“Something strange……?”

Linzel had an idea what it was. Izekiel must have said something to Hernan about her being abused or something.

She was about to explain when she heard the glass door of the café open.

It was Izekiel who opened the door, arriving a little late.

Izekiel walked towards the table at a very fast pace, and his face looked very grim.

In fact, he looked angry.

He looked downright irritated. 

He stopped in front of Hernan. His eyes scanned Hernan up and down.

“Hernan……! You……!”


“Hey! These are my clothes,” he exclaimed as he pointed a finger at Hernan, his face flushed red.

Linzel finally realized the reason for Izekiel’s outburst.

‘Hernan……. You stole your brother’s clothes again.’

She lifted a brow.

“Whoever puts it on first is the rightful owner.”

Hernan, on the other hand, sounded blunt. As if he knew Izekiel was going to lose his temper.

“When did you buy that outfit, for crying out loud!”

“Yesterday,” Hernan snorted, and then said something that made Izekiel even more furious. “I don’t like what you’re wearing today.”


“For the first time, I don’t like it.”

“He-, Hernan!”

Izekiel raised his hand like he was going to grab Hernan’s collar. Hernan remained motionless, as if to say, if you want to try it, try it.

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‘Look, you brothers aren’t the only ones in this café… There’s us too.’

Linzel and Letty seemed to be completely left behind. She turned to Letty and spoke quietly.

“Letty. Look at the princes. They carry on a conversation with nothing between them but their clothes. They’re not the best of brothers.”

Letty giggled at the comment, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Izekiel.

Linzel followed her gaze and gave Izekiel a quick glance.

He was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and a gray jacket with white vertical stripes.

Hernan had said he didn’t care for Izekiel’s clothes, but…… Izekiel was quite well dressed. As an objective view.

As a highly subjective view, Linzel thought Hernan looked better in the three-piece.

Linzel called out to Letty again.

“Letty. Let’s show them we’re sisters too.”


“Trust me.”

Linzel tilted her head to the side.

It was time to clear up the misunderstanding. A misunderstanding, in her opinion, is the result of different interpretations of the same thing based on different mindsets.

It’s a byproduct of different thinking.

Izekiel saw her bruises and decided that she must have been abused. It was a misunderstanding that came from his upbringing.

Linzel thought about Izekiel’s situation in the original novel. His past story of bruises and abuse.

Of course, he wasn’t abused by the emperor and queen.

The main culprit in abusing the young Izekiel was his tutor and the current emperor’s brother……damn it, Linzel couldn’t even remember his name.

In any case, the man inflicted corporal punishment on the young Izekiel if he fell even slightly behind in his studies.

His corporal punishment was relentless and meticulous.

He would either hit or pinch in an unseen, secret place. He made sure to leave no marks.

Then he gagged Izekiel’s mouth. Not literally, but with words.

‘I am punishing you for your own good, Izekiel. I want you to be better, do you understand?’

‘If anyone finds out that you are being punished, it will show that you are not good enough. So keep it to yourself.’

Not the exact words, but that was the nuance. His commands were absolute to the young Izekiel.

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Young children are usually intimidated by adults who are bigger than them, who exude an air of authority, so it was inevitable.

If his uncle’s slaps were severe enough to cause bruises, Izekiel would hide them from his servants and his parents.

It was “his own” fault.

It was for his own good.

Izekiel was afraid.

He was afraid that his secret would be revealed, and he would no longer be his parents’ child.

It was during this time that Hernan was rising to the top with his natural sword skills, which made Izekiel even more anxious.

His uncle’s corporal punishment lasted for a while, perhaps until a season changed.

Then, when Izekiel repeatedly refused to bathe, Angel himself stripped him of his clothes.

‘Oh, Izekiel, what are all these wounds? Who has done such a terrible thing to you?’

Izekiel remained silent, but the emperor’s inspection revealed the culprit.

His uncle confessed that he had done it because he felt inferior that he had not become emperor.

He wanted to torment the emperor’s son, and he felt sick to his stomach whenever he saw Izekiel in a similar situation to his own.

He saw a parallel to his own unfortunate situation with his brilliant brother, and what he felt was not pity, but annoyance.

So, he couldn’t help but torment him.

His uncle, who harassed Izekiel, was executed. It was a miserable end to a bitter inferiority complex.

From then on, the emperor and empress paid more attention to Izekiel. There was no more mistreatment for him.

People used to say that Izekiel had overcome his misfortunes and had grown up to be a kind man to all.

But the memories stayed with him like a grudge. He was kind, but he never wore his heart on his sleeve.

He considered it “shameful” to show his heart and vulnerability.

He had never fully shaken off the persistent abuse he had suffered at the hands of his uncle.

His misunderstandings about Linzel stemmed from the wounds he was carrying.

She was sure of it.

It’s been said that when you get tired, you lose.

Linzel knew about his past, and she was confident that she could clear up his misunderstanding.

She looked at him and Hernan, who were still frozen in place.

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“Your Highnesses. How long are you going to fight!” Linzel shouted, and the two princes, who had been arguing over which clothes belonged to whom, fell silent.

“As for the clothes you’re wearing, they look good on both of you, so I suggest you call a truce.”

The two princes’ faces turned grim.

They were embarrassed that they had argued in front of Letty and Linzel. Frankly, Linzel was glad to know they were embarrassed.

“Your Highness Izekiel, would you please take a seat?”


He took the seat next to Letty.

Letty and Izekiel exchanged awkward pleasantries.

“Your Highness, Izekiel. It’s been a while.”

“Uh. Hello. It’s been a while.”

It was so awkward that Linzel wondered if they would ever fall in love.

Letty was not going to be isolated this time, so how will they fall in love?

But whether in the original or in real life, Letty will always feel lonely.

She’ll be lonely because Linzel would soon be getting married and leaving the duchy. 

Linzel wondered if Izekiel would be able to make Letty’s loneliness go away, and perhaps they would eventually fall in love?

She thought she should arrange for them to meet often.

So much for her thoughts on them. Linzel decided to do what she had to do in this instance. 

“Now, everyone, may I have your attention?”

All three gazes locked on her.

She put her arms on the table and rolled up her sleeves.

Her arms, white enough to show blood, were dotted with faint bruises. Their eyes fell on her forearms. 

One by one, Linzel pointed to each bruise and said, “These bruises are from a week ago, when I stretched out around ten in the morning and bumped into the bed slightly.”


“And this is a bruise from the night before, when I bumped into the bathtub while washing up, and for some reason that day…….”

Linzel left it at that and made a serious face. As if she had an epic story to tell.


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