I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 22: 22

New year's Day is a national holiday.

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At the same time, it is also a good day for major businesses to engage in activities both online and offline. When you open your mobile phone, you can see all kinds of shopping apps, and you can madly prompt all kinds of discounts. When you put down your mobile phone and walk on the street, you can also hear many shops pull up banners or open horns shouting all kinds of preferential activities.

Tang Xiaoya is an ordinary office worker who takes advantage of the holiday to go shopping. He takes a rest every six days and sometimes has to work overtime.

Nowadays, young people are under great pressure both in life and work. Many of them even lose interest in socializing, not to mention finding a heterosexual to fall in love.

Is it that the game is not fun or the sleeping is not good enough? I don't have enough spare time and I have to waste it on others?

Tang Xiaoya, who doesn't want to continue to be hypocritical and polite to each other in the workplace, said that she would rather go out alone to press the road and empty her mind than think hard about how to deal with the people around her.

"Two for one? 30% off for the whole show? 50 yuan Why? Can you write the word "Qi" smaller Passing by a shop, Tang Xiaoya is eating the eggs in her hand and spitting in a low voice. "There's no new idea. It's all these ways to do activities during the new year's festival. She hasn't changed the routine for so many years."

At this time, a gust of wind blowing, Tang Xiaoya can not help a shiver.

"How cold! Sure enough, the winter sun is useless She complains casually that today's weather is very good, and the sun is warm on her body, but as long as there is a winter wind, it won't be comfortable.

At this time, she wants to buy a cup of hot drink, regardless of whether it's milk tea or coffee. In short, it's enough to warm her body.

"It's like Remember there's a milk tea shop near here? " He wrapped his neck and chin in the scarf again. Tang Xiaoya followed the past impression to look for shops. He couldn't help it. He hasn't been to this block for several months. It's not easy to remember what shops there are.

After she found the specific location with the familiar road signs in her memory, she found that the former milk tea shop had disappeared and replaced it with


But the young girl suddenly exclaimed, her eyes have been completely attracted by a puppet cat standing on a European flower cabinet behind the shop window.

In winter, the soft and warm sunshine shines through the clean glass window on the cat who is sitting upright, making soft halo on its long soft hair. Its small pink nose and sapphire like clear glass eyes are embedded in the head with beautiful double V lines. The big white neck on the chest makes it particularly elegant and charming, If it wasn't for the big, puffy tail that swayed gently from time to time, it would be as beautiful as those fluffy dolls.

"What a beautiful puppet cat!" Tang Xiaoya is already on the window glass, staring at the kitten. Even if there is still a distance between the shelf and the glass, she still can't stop her enthusiasm at this time, "ah, how lovely!"

It seems that humans have been used to this kind of fool's eyes to see, puppet cat in no hurry, raised a paw and began to lick their hair. Through the thick French window glass, Tang Xiaoya can't hear the movement inside, but can see the little puppet meow to the side during the licking.

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Subconsciously, she followed the line of sight of the puppet cat and looked to the side. Then she noticed that what she was staring at was the right half of a shop window. There was a shelf on the left side, and it was a heart-shaped shelf of the same style.

This shelf is more luxurious. It's a peach heart-shaped outline with six black cats on it. One sits on the concave top of the heart, two on the left and two on the right, and one on the bottom.

The design of the shelf is very ingenious. The four black cats sitting on the left and right sides just follow the outline of the shelf and stick the four tails on it, forming a complete heart shape.

If the flower shaped puppet cat rack on the right makes Tang Xiaoya cry beautiful and lovely, the black cat peach heart on the left, which is spelled out by six black cats, will surprise her.

These kittens are too obedient and obedient, especially these black cats. Although Tang Xiaoya also likes small animals, she has no feelings for black cats. In her memory, she met them once at night, which scared her a lot. But when I saw them in the window today, I found that the black cat was more elegant and beautiful than she thought.

Especially now, under the sun, the slick black fur, glittering with a touch of gold, looks very advanced.

Tang Xiaoya looked at the shop for a while. She stepped back for a distance and looked up at the shop sign again. The fairy tale "cat teahouse" plaque was hanging above the glass door on the left side of the window.

"Maocha..." She murmured.

Then without hesitation, he stepped forward, pushed open the glass door and came in.

As soon as she stepped into the store, Tang Xiaoya heard the cries of cats, like black cats and puppets in the window communicating with each other. If she can understand cat language, she will know that she has heard it right.

Puppet: "Mi Wu..." Mom is right. Another human is attracted by my beautyLittle black cats: "meow, meow, meow!" (there are also a lot of people who are attracted by us!)

Puppet: "meow!" Mom said I had the best look

Little black cats: "meow, meow, meow!" (LAN LAN says we are super cute now too!)

The black cat mother on the top of peach heart: "meow, meow --" (don't make any noise, Lan Lan told us that we should be a group of Kanban mews today. If you mess up, don't blame me for beating you!)

In an instant, the busy window area stopped, and the Kanban cats continued to do their best. But Lan Lan emphasized to them that whether there would be many cat cans coming to us in the future depends on today.

Tang Xiaoya didn't know all about the meow words. She just walked in excitedly, her eyes still staring at the window area. There was a special exhibition area separated by the glass wall, which could not be entered by non staff. Therefore, she could see several guests who were also attracted to look at the cat on the glass wall of the shop.

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It's still morning. It's no surprise that there are not many people in this shop.

"Welcome to cat tea house!" There was a call in my ear. A beautiful girl with an apron printed with the name of the shop stood at the door and received her with a smile.

…… I don't know if it's the shop assistant or the boss. He's so young and cute. He should be the shop assistant. Is irresponsible random guess, the clerk continued to her way.

"Guest, if you want to relax in our shop, please clean your hands here first."

Following her hand, Tang Xiaoya sees an independent hand washing table on the left side of the gate, which is also separated by a glass wall. She can wash her hands and disinfect them, and she doesn't worry about spilling water into the store.

Tang Xiaoya, who has been to several stores, knows this rule and cooperatively goes inside to do disinfection. When she comes out, she looks around: "don't you have shoe covers for me?"

"Here are the shoe covers." Seeing her cooperation, the salesgirl laughed more cordially, pointing to the floor next to the compartment, where a shoe film machine was placed, "step on the foot, and the shoe film will automatically cover the sole."

Tang Xiaoya had seen this shoe film machine on a certain treasure. At that time, she wanted to buy one online at home. But when she calmed down after the impulse of consumption, she found that her family couldn't entertain guests several times. There was no need to buy it, so she gave up her mind.

I didn't expect to experience it in the cat cafe.

The process of entering the store soon ended, and Tang Xiaoya began to move freely. She looked around at the decoration and furnishings of the new store. The first feeling she came in was that the whole store was very bright and warm, and the style of light yellow and light green was very relaxing.

The front and back walls of the store are made of glass walls, which look bright and wide. There are several kinds of tables and chairs of different styles in the spacious reception area. On the wall, there are fabric sofas and matching long tables, or side tables and high stools built against the wall. In the middle, there are cushions and low tables that can sit on the knees, or spherical lazy chairs that can be squashed into any shape, Even at the glass wall near the back door, there is a mattress about the size of a bed. Guests in need can directly lie on it and enjoy the leisure time of people and cats.

On the clean floor, there are cats passing by from time to time. Tang Xiaoya secretly identifies them and finds that they are all very good-looking pet cats. The blue cat Siamese mankikang is very beautiful. She even sees a golden red Abyssinia being teased by another guest in her arms, and the opposite party is feeding it a cat can, with an old father's doting look on her face.

That expression Tang Xiaoya although dislikes, but is not cannot understand.

Maybe it's because of the new business. There isn't a lot of uncomfortable smell that she would always smell when she went to Maocha. On the contrary, it has a pleasant aroma of milk tea.

Tang Xiaoya was reminded by the aroma, and remembered that she only wanted to order a cup of milk tea at first.

Sitting directly next to the cushioned table and chair, she took a look at the small menu card standing on the table. It not only sold all kinds of tea and cakes, but also various tins for feeding cats, and even wrote about the service items for raising or taking in pet cats.

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Generally speaking, the price is really not expensive, at least it is the level that ordinary office workers like her can fully accept. After putting down her last heart, Tang Xiaoya ordered a 40 yuan tea set meal according to her heart: "please give me this."

With that, he decisively scanned the payment QR code printed on the signboard and paid directly.

In fact, the tea in maokali is not so good. Tang Xiaoya doesn't have much hope. As long as she can have a hot drink, she has to find a cute kitten to hold in her arms

The remaining light of the corner of the eye sweeps to the bed mat that I saw before. There is a slender and domineering beautiful creature lying on it.

It was a beautiful cat with silver gray tiger stripes and a length of more than one meter. It had golden vertical pupils and squinted lazily. The white collar under the neck was as beautiful as the previous puppet. Its fluffy tail was rhythmically swung. Winter is the peak time for cats. This cat is even more so. Tang Xiaoya even feels that there seems to be a kind of bully spirit coming from this cat.

Tang Xiaoya immediately widened her eyes and pointed to the past tremblingly: "Burmese cat, Burmese cat? There's Maine in your shop! " Rumor in the appearance of domineering high cold, in fact, super good temper Maine ah!"Yes, guest." The accompanying clerk replied with a smile, "this is the biggest cat in our shop. Its name is mercury. It's not only Maine, but also other cute little girls. "

Tang Xiaoya has ignored the words of" tea will come soon, guests wait a moment "behind the shop assistant. She opens her mouth and stares at her eyes. She has already got up unconsciously and is about to throw her Lushan claw at the silver gray cat.

…… Then he was dodged by the big cat.

Tang Xiaoya's body is out of balance. She lies on the empty mattress and even bounces twice. When she quickly gets up, she sees that the escaped Maine cat has jumped onto the cat climbing frame nailed to the wall. At this time, she looks down at it.

"Meow." Human, if you want to touch me, there's no way

Mercury, the Maine cat, thought that it was ridiculed and disdained. After its voice was exposed, it completely destroyed its arrogant image. It was more excited to see the human below.

"Ah, the Maine cat is so domineering and lovely!" Sister hands holding face, very excited, "Mercury, I must touch you!"

At this moment, although people and cats never have the same language, mercury can judge the correct meaning from her eyes and tone. The cat continued to meow with disdain, and with a flick of its tail, it continued to step up along the cat climbing frame and ran to the distance.

Tang Xiaoya pursues Maine's figure, and then discovers the mystery on the wall - cat climbing frames are installed on the high places of the four walls. They extend in all directions, not only don't affect people's walking below, but also allow cats to have a lot of space to move freely. The convenience of observing your site from a height at any time will give the cat a great sense of security and comfort.

Oh, there may also be a hidden function - so that cats who don't want to be swayed can avoid human salty pig hands at any time.

No! She won't give up!

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Although half of her blood vessels were severely damaged by Maine's disgust, Tang Xiaoya clenched the remaining 50% of HP, saying that she would never give up and would definitely get the cat!

Kanban awesome forenoon, the first day of the new year's Day drew so many guests. Because of the fear of disturbing the cat, I didn't dare to do the usual ceremony like setting off firecrackers. I thought that the people who came to support me were some familiar people around me, such as young tenants who happened to be idle, parents who came to help and Cheng Fengyang. As a result, the situation was better than Lin Lan thought, and there were still many strangers.

The cats in the shop are very popular, and they are quickly divided up by the customers. Some of them are beautiful and even eat more. Like that ginger

"Meow, meow Ah woo, ah woo Mi Wu...! " (this slave, lower your can lifting hand and poke me in the face! And that slave, I don't like this brand of cat stripes. Don't send them here What are you doing with that slave over there? You are not allowed to empathize. Don't give me the can to that dachshund cat

Sweet like a coquettish voice, who can think of the translation of the true meaning of so smelly. Looking at the three strong men holding cans, while feeding them, they were scolded by them, and their faces were still like "it's so cute, it's acting like a spoiler to me". Lin Lan, who felt that he couldn't see it, continued to walk forward with the freshly prepared tea.

In fact, not all the kittens in the store are willing to cooperate with her work in this way. They use cute tricks to make tins or cat sticks for themselves.

For example, up to now, no one has been involved in the guests, and even the Maine has been hiding. Sure enough, we still have to do something to make it honest and obedient

"Boss, give me a No, three cans! " When she brought the tea to the new lady, she heard the girl shouting at her.

Tang Xiaoya remembers that Maine cats are said to be able to eat. One can is certainly not enough. She doesn't believe that three can't attract this big cat!

Lin Lan

I see. I almost forgot that besides being cute, the cat has another trick to hook people.

With a deep look at Maine, who is still on the cat rack, Lin Lan thinks that it's good for the big cat to keep on. As soon as she turns her head, she smiles kindly: "good guest, I'll give it to you right away."

Mercury cat is very confused now.

"Come down, cat!" The woman at the bottom shakes the can and shouts, "come down and I'll feed you something delicious!"


"Is that enough? Is that enough? I'll give you all this! "

It is deliberately so cold, not docile, not relatives, why these people are more than ever entangled with it ah!

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