I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 23: 23

The first day the teahouse opened, the situation was better than expected, and the elders of Laolin family were very happy.

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"I thought nobody would come in and spend money." Standing in the water bar area where only clerks can enter, Wang Xiuzhi is observing the leisure area and talking to her husband nearby.

Seeing some customers spend tens or even hundreds of yuan without blinking an eye, just to buy some cans and cat sticks for the cat in the shop to eat and play, she is really speechless.

In other words, she would be foolish to pay for such expensive things for other people's cats to eat No, she won't even enter this place.

"Mother LAN, times are different." Lin Youyu tilted his head to talk to his wife, and also sighed, "the consumption concept of young people today is totally different from that of our generation. When we were able to eat meat, it was a good day, but now it is not."

At this time, Cheng Fengyang took two cases of goods into the water: "uncle and aunt, do you think these two cans are put here?"

"Don't move, Xiao Cheng. Let us come!" The couple quickly unloaded all the things in his hands one by one and put them into the open space under the bar skillfully. "You've helped a lot. You really don't have to be so tired. Today you can rest in the shop. I'll ask LAN LAN to make some milk tea and cakes for you later."

"No, auntie. I'm not tired." After wiping a thin sweat on his forehead, Cheng Fengyang smiles brightly, with a fresh and excited expression. "Although my family has a big shop for rent, I really haven't participated in the shop business. It's the first time like today. It's very interesting! "

Looking at this handsome young man with a cat tea house apron on his body, a silly smile on his face, and silly words in his mouth, Lao Lin and his wife only think Lao Cheng's little son is really stupid.

Mingming is one year older than their daughter, and her work is very good. How can she look so stupid? But it's pretty silly.

"Mom and Dad, what are you whispering about?" Lin Lan, who had been busy outside, came in and said, "give me three more cat sticks and two cans. Some guests want them!"

"Here it is Wang Xiuzhi has just promised, but before she can move, Cheng Fengyang has turned things out of the box on the back shelf faster than her.

"Thank you, Fengyang." Lin Lan took it and left in a hurry.

"Oh, LAN LAN, let me help you!" Cheng Fengyang also rushed to catch up, "you must not be too busy to come over."

One before the other, they called the guests in the shop. Laolin and his wife have complicated facial expressions.

"The boy It seems that I really want to be my son-in-law. " Lin Youyu came to the conclusion, "but Lan Lan still has no response."

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"She's addicted to serving cats these days. It's estimated that men don't think much of it when they sway in front of her every day." Wang Xiuzhi is so happy to tell the truth. If the girl's family is too good at chasing men, it's easy not to cherish them. It's just like the last bastard who cheated on her daughter. At that time, she was just out of school. She's too young, and now she won't do it again.

"Mom, get me two more cat sticks!" Lin Lan came back at this time.

Wang Xiuzhi handed it up at once, but she could not help but calculate how much she had earned. When her daughter walked away, she could not help shaking her head as she watched more and more customers attracted into the teahouse by the cat.

"I don't understand. I really don't understand these young people."

Lin Lan's store has a good environment. It's a good corner to take photos and punch in. Besides, there are so many expensive pet cats in the teahouse. They are cute, clingy, coquettish and have a nice cry. They make customers who come in just because they like cats come back and forth one by one. Basically, all of their faces are smiling and playing games with cats.

It's the most basic small operation to use the cat stick. Some customers who often play with cats have even developed some of the hidden skills of kittens themselves.

"Come on, Jin Tan, give me a slap!" On a spherical lazy sofa, a female guest kneels on it. On the other end of the sofa, which is squeezed into water drops, sits a Siamese cat. When the guest reaches out his hand, she also reaches out the claws of her black gloves.

At the moment when the five petals of black bamboos and the slender human palms formally touch each other, the scene is fixed on the screen of the mobile phone. Of course, there was more than one click. It was several times before the end.

"Well, did you get it?" The female guest quickly got up and looked at her cell phone next to her best friend who took her picture. "Oh, how cute and lovely!"

In the photo, she and the Siamese cat clap hands each other very clearly. The light in the teahouse is very soft, which is very suitable for taking photos. It not only sets off her side face very soft, but also makes the kitten on the opposite side bright, warm and lovely.

As soon as she finished shouting like this, before she had time to appreciate it twice more, she was stuffed with two mobile phones in her hand. In addition to her own, she also had her best friend's: "now it's my turn, please take some pictures for me!"

Siamese cat Jintan is very cooperative in posing for the two girls to take a picture together. It's not only a "give me five" posture, but also other tricks——For example, when they take a self portrait, they sit on their legs and dress elegantly;

for example, when they hold it and do a close-up, they rub their head against their chin and kill them with a crooked head;

for those who want to play with the cat sitting on their shoulders or walking on their arms, as long as conditions permit, kitten Jintan can do it.

In fact, it's not just Siamese cats. All the trained cats in the store know these skills. This is part of the skills Lan Lan taught them to win more cans.

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They just tried a few moves casually, but they didn't expect that these human beings would start to live and die. They would kiss and hug them, jump and cry at them.

"Boss, get me another can!"

The kittens in this shop are so clever, Jane!

They are going to soak in this cat cafe all day today. They can't stop taking pictures. They can't stop taking pictures in the sun in their circle of friends!

At the other end, sitting on the mattress, Tang Xiaoya finally got what she wanted, holding the big cat. However, the other party was lying on it and eating cans. She took the opportunity to touch and hug the cat, and, like other customers in the store, was also patting with her mobile phone.

The shop's decoration is very beautiful, and the cat's appearance is also very beautiful. After paying nearly two pieces of money for grandfather Mao's whoring Bah, it's Canned money. Tang Xiaoya finally led the big cat down from the cat rack. She won't go out if she doesn't soak in the store until the end today. This big Maine is contracted by her today, otherwise she won't be able to get it back!

After eating five or six cans of mercury, he wanted to break the debt at first. He wanted to clean it up and then he turned away. However, he just wanted to struggle away from the human arms. The puppet cat and the black cat Legion in the window area were all released by Lin Lan.

The appearance of new kittens is the cat that attracts people into the store at the beginning, and there is a new commotion in the customer group.

Several guests directly changed the wall, holding cans that had not been eaten by other cats to please the new cats.

"Wow! Here comes the puppet cat, here comes the puppet cat

"It's called sapphire, isn't it? What beautiful eyes

"Sapphire, come to me! Here's the tin! "

"Why do you go to your place? Come here, little baby, come to my sister. My sister has unsealed cat strips!"

As soon as the puppet cats come over, they jump onto a fixed cat climbing frame, and are immediately surrounded by various tins and cat strips automatically handed over by human beings, with their silly smile.

"Hey, Kitty, you are so beautiful..." One of the guests accidentally laughed out what he said in his heart.

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Oh, man.

Guests all rush to see the puppet, and even tease it with cans. Then some kittens will have no guests, especially the former one who eats a lot. Now her round eyes are all looking at her.

"Meow --" (what's the matter? Where are my slaves? Why did you give my can to another cat

"Meow!" Come back, slaves! Didn't you like me the most before!)

At this time, Lin Lan came over and lovingly held the silly cat in her arms, which was robbed and the guests didn't know it, and gently rolled her small head: "silly child, this is human love. It's absolutely impossible to stay just for a kitten. "

Even if you have a domestic cat, you will still miss the little wild cats outside the community. It's not enough to roll up the little wild cats. Walking on the street, you will be attracted by the beautiful little cats in the cat cafe.

For people who like cats, it's impossible to satisfy them by sucking only one cat, because they can suck several.

"And silver, you've eaten a lot of tins before. It's time to take a rest." Holding jinjila, Lin Lan sent it to the flower shaped shelf in the window area. "Kanban meow changes cats every two hours. Now it's your turn to sit."

Baiyin wants to have a fight with Linlan, but she finds a little black cat at her feet. She still remembers that jinjila is clever.

The Maine cat mercury is also experiencing the same thing. As the only two cats in the teahouse that have been beaten by black cats, mercury and silver are also cats with "silver" in their names. Mercury and silver are full of fear and fear of the cats in the black cat Legion.

When black cat's mother Mo Mo's death line of sight sweeps over, Mercury's body, which is ready to break away from Tang Xiaoya's arms, is instantly stiff, allowing the other party to hold it to suck and rub, and dare not resist at all.

"Meow..." Mercury gave a pitiful whimper. Why? I don't want to be sucked by human beings

Tang Xiaoya, who didn't know all about it, was still very happy with her cat. She turned out a can of cat: "cat, here you are!"

"Meow!" Maine, who is big and eats a lot of food, sticks his head in a can. (forget it. If you have something to eat, I'll put up with you.)

Holding a few cats that had eaten a lot into the window, Lin Lan looked back around the shop and sipped her lips gently.

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The black cats came out with the puppets, but they were not as popular. Sapphire was surrounded by a circle of people, but only two or three of the six black cats were carried away.Not surprisingly, but also let her helpless situation, clearly small ink are very lovely ah, hold up feel super good.

Just then, the bell rang when the door was pushed open, and Lin Lan immediately turned back: "welcome to Ah, Ms. Yao? "

It's the one who gave her the Abyssinian cat a few months ago. Goodbye at this time. Ms. Yao's stomach is big again. Now she nods to her with a flower basket and says, "I heard from Xu Xiangfei that your cat is opening today. I've come here to support you. I wish your business more prosperous."

"Thank you, Ms. Yao." Lin Lan accepted the flower basket, but subconsciously looked around behind her, looking for something.

"Don't look. I'm alone." Ms. Yao knew what Lin Lan was doing and directly pointed out, "they don't even allow me to raise a cat. How can I come here today? I went out alone and didn't tell them."

Obviously, because of the cat delivery, there was an obvious crack in the family.

Lin Lan has no habit of talking about other people's family affairs, so he can only change the topic with a smile: "you come to see the pudding, I'll take you to sit down first, and then hold it."

Pregnant women, you have to be careful.

Yao will be sent to a soft sofa by the wall of the table and chair to sit down, Lin Lan quickly took the Abyssinian cat to the past.

"Pudding!" As soon as Ms. Yao saw pet, the pregnant woman's sensitive mood made her eyes red. She held the hairy child she hadn't seen for more than a month in her arms. She couldn't hold back her tears. "Pudding..."

Abinia gently let her embrace, even raised his head to lick her tears: "meow..." Mom, I'm fine. Don't cry

"Meow --" (Lanlan makes a lot of delicious food for me every day, and combs my hair. I also have many friends who play together. I'm not alone at all.)

"Meow..." (mom, Lan Lan taught me how to hunt and earn cans. Today, I also hunted cans from other humans. I can hunt by myself in the future. Mom, you don't have to worry that I can't live without home

The pudding called softly and comforted its former owner. After two years of tacit understanding, Ms. Yao heard the comfort of the cat's cry, even more tears. Lin Lan, who understood the meaning of the cry, lowered her eyelids and pressed her lips tighter.

"Well, Miss Yao, you can have fun with the pudding. I'll get you something to drink. " Looking for a reason, Lin Lan turned and left.

This picture will make her heart sour.

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