I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 24: 24

Tang Xiaoya used to suck cats and rub cats. In order to keep Maine cat's heart, she had fed several cans. Until she wanted to feed again, she was stopped by the beautiful shop assistant.

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"Guest, although we provide canned staple food that can be eaten all the time, we can't feed it like this. Maine can eat it well, but we can't always keep it with food."

Rao is the type of staple food that Lin Lan took when he saw that Tang Xiaoya asked for three cans as soon as he opened his mouth, instead of eating too many canned snacks that would hurt his stomach. He was still scared to see that he only caught a cat and tried to feed it.

It was a wake-up call for her.

It's only now that the business is open, and there are not many customers. In addition, Maine cats have a big appetite, so it's nothing to be greedy. But there will be more customers in the future, so it's absolutely impossible to have such a situation again.

I'm still inexperienced in opening my own shop. I have to write this down.

He woke up to himself secretly, thinking that he would prepare a note for recording. Lin Lan was still persuading his sister, who only wanted to smoke in Maine: "the hot milk tea you ordered is getting cold. Do you want me to heat it for you again?"

Tang Xiaoya, who sucks on the cat, remembers that she has not touched the food she ordered, but she has been soaking in the cat for a long time. She feels embarrassed: "thank you. Well, can you add another sausage for me? "

I'm going to play here all day. Of course, I'm going to eat here.

"Yes, just a moment, please." The beautiful salesgirl left with a smile.

A few minutes later, the reheated milk tea and roasted dog intestines were sent back. At this time, it was nearly 11 o'clock. Tang Xiaoya, who was really hungry, reluctantly let go of the cat and sat back.

The Maine cat was pardoned, so he stepped on the cat rack on the wall and went back to the height beyond people's reach. In a short time, he refused to come down even if he was killed.

Tang Xiaoya just looked at it regretfully, and then turned back to deal with her stomach first.

In addition to a large cup of coconut milk, a strawberry cream waffle and a pure meat hot dog at the end, she ordered a tea set meal, which was more than enough.

The assistant who heated the milk tea for her was very considerate. The temperature of the milk tea was just slightly hot at the entrance. Tang Xiaoya tried to take a sip. The first thing she was satisfied with was the temperature. When she tasted the taste of the fruit milk, she could not help but stare at her face.

Even better than what she bought in a special milk tea shop!

She quickly picked up the waffle on the plate and took another bite. Although it had lost the warm aroma just out of the oven, the taste of the biscuit still made Tang Xiaoya instinctively happy. She opened her mouth and took another big bite. The cake biscuit mixed with strawberry and cream was clear and sweet.

"Delicious It's worth 40 yuan. Tang Xiaoya picks up the cup and takes another sip of milk tea. The coconut in the milk is rolled and chewed between the lips and teeth. The feeling is also excellent. "This craft doesn't need to open a cat coffee. These tea alone can make me a regular customer all the time."

As a result, I feel that the most common is not hand-made, but mass-produced hot dog sausage.

But Tang Xiaoya also finished eating and killed all the three portions of food. She felt that she had been held up a little.

As the time approached noon, most of the guests who had been attracted by cats went out of the store. Only two or three guests like Tang Xiaoya stayed in the room and found a more comfortable place to rest.

Tang Xiaoya saw that several of the people who went out to catch the meal had ordered milk tea and snacks to pack and take away before the break, and suddenly felt that they had to learn.

Then, after going to the toilet, he went straight to the bed cushion he had been lying on before. Behind her is a transparent glass French window, which can clearly see the closed small courtyard outside the back door.

The strip-shaped yard is paved with a simulated green carpet, and two rows of green catgrass are placed on the left. It is probably because it is not very high in winter, the green and tender seedlings are very pleasant; on the right is a set of white square tables and round stools. The sunlight is sprinkled through the same glass ceiling, and it is also sprinkled on Tang Xiaoya while drying in the courtyard, which makes people feel sleepy for no reason.

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It's half-time now. There are fewer people, cats are more comfortable, and busy shop assistants are more relaxed.

Tang Xiaoya could see the assistant cleaning up the leftover food on the table. It seemed that in order not to break the peaceful atmosphere of the teahouse at this time, her movements were gentle and careful.

Good service

Tang Xiaoya, who is full of food and drink and basks in the warm winter sun, is gradually very confused and weak willed. Her eyes are about to close. It seems that there is something soft on her head. It seems that she is competing with her to bask in the sun. After a while, she hears a sound of snoring.

It's a cat

Tang Xiaoya reached out and touched her. Her smooth hand made her bend her lips and close her eyes.

"Mom, a guest is asleep. Please help me get out the blanket in the drawer of the counter." When Lin Lan put the bed cushion in the teahouse, she knew that someone would sleep on it, either the guest or herself. Of course, she had a blanket for her.When she covered the girl with a blanket, she saw that there were not only sleeping people on the mat, but also several cats lying on the mat in the sun.

"Meow -" when they saw her coming, the cats called at her. LAN LAN, it's the most comfortable place. It's warm and quiet. Would you like to get some sunshine

The top of the head is warm sunshine, and next to it is a sleeping and motionless humanoid heater. As always, these kittens know where the temperature is the most suitable.

"No more." Lin Lan shakes his head in a funny way and talks to them in a low voice, "all move less. Don't make this little sister sleep. Do you know?"

Her cat tea house was originally a place for people to relax and relax. Now there are not many guests and it is more attractive.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Lin Lan thought for a moment, took out her mobile phone and took a picture. When the girl woke up, she had to ask if she would mind leaving the picture, so that she could be a photo wall for guests and cats to interact.

Put away the cell phone, Lin Lan corner of the eye Yu Guang saw is to Ms. Yao that table to pack things, she quickly walked past.

"Here I come. You go to eat and rest Lin Lan snatched the other party's work, and drove him away without waiting for his objection. "After eating, you just want me to eat."

The youth who wanted to say whether they could eat together could only walk away bitterly, while Lin Lan continued to clean up.

Sitting behind the table, Ms. Yao is embracing her beloved. At this time, her mind has already calmed down. Looking at Cheng Fengyang, who is reluctant to leave, and Lin Lan, who has no feeling at all, her eyes flicker, but nothing is mentioned.

"Miss Lin." Ms. Yao said at this time, "the sudden arrival makes you busy. It's almost time for me to leave."

"Don't worry, Ms. Yao." Lin Lan stopped her. "In the afternoon, there will be a cat show in the teahouse, and there will be pudding. Are you sure you want to go now?"

Ms. Yao was stunned and couldn't help looking down at the baby in her arms. When did her pudding have talent?

As time goes by, the angle of sunshine in the backyard changes quietly. Tang Xiaoya's nap was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon.

She felt a little difficult to breathe. Her head, chest and stomach were very heavy. She opened her eyes vaguely and was scared by the cats lying on her and around her.

She slept for two hours, and she had a cat on her body!?

Tang Xiaoya sat up in a panic, and her brain was gradually awake. Unexpectedly, when she fell asleep in the cat cafe for the first time, she felt warm for the thick blanket on her body.

I can't believe that I can even cover the sleeping guests with blankets!

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After cleaning up her sleeping face in the toilet, Tang Xiaoya finds that there are more guests in the afternoon. From the conversation of those people, some are still guests in the morning, some are friends from Amway.

"Xiaoya!" Looking around, a familiar female voice came from the door of the shop.

Tang Xiaoya looked up and saw that it was Wang Jiajia, a colleague and good friend in her company. She immediately showed a smile: "Jiajia! Why are you here! "

"You didn't hook me up with all kinds of cats in your circle of friends!" Wang Jiajia pretended to be dissatisfied and glared at her, "eating alone, such a good place did not ask me to come."

"No, I just found out today, OK?" Tang Xiaoya immediately defended herself, and the next second immediately changed the topic, "but I tell you, this shop is super amazing! The price of the common people is higher than that of the nobility. The food and drink are no worse than the taste of the petty bourgeois shops we usually go to. Most of the cats in them are expensive pet cats. I tell you, apart from the sun drying Maine, there are puppets and Abyssinia. Oh, the only black cats that are native cats are also... "

Before the chatter among the girls was over, there was a soft sound of music in the quiet teahouse. People subconsciously turned to look for it, and saw the staff pushing a fairy tale style Mini stage in the open space in the middle of the teahouse.

The beautiful salesgirl is clapping her hands to attract everyone's attention: "thank you for coming to my cat tea house. I'm Lin Lan, the owner of this shop."

Tang Xiaoya's smile froze. She always thought that the shop assistant's sister was an employee, but she had been a shopkeeper for a long time?

How envious! It must be very happy to have so many kittens!

Just thinking about it, manager Lin is still talking.

"In order to thank you and celebrate the opening of our store on New Year's day, the kittens in our store will have a celebration performance. I hope you will like it!"

What? Cat show?

The guests who came to the teahouse to enjoy the leisure were confused at first. When they didn't understand the meaning of the words, they saw Lin Lan clapping her hands and calling to the surrounding: "black cat Legion gather!"

Just after the words, six black cats scattered lazily around the teahouse quickly gathered at the foot of Lin Lan from all directions.

The crowd gave a cry of surprise.

"On stage." Lin Lan is a command, black cats immediately jumped on the mini stage, and orderly stepped on a variety of shapes and patterns of the climbing frame, forming a triangular vertical ladder three-dimensional team.The guests, who have already reacted, are all showing strange and excited expressions. Many people subconsciously take out their mobile phones and start shooting videos on the stage.

They thought that the black cat was the end of the stage, and only when they saw what happened behind them did they know that it was just the beginning.

The beautiful woman store manager continued to call, this time they called the kittens' names: "gold carbon, ash, silver, sausage, pudding, mercury, sapphire..."

Every time you call a name, a cat comes onto the stage and honestly ends up on the edge of the stage. Beautiful pet cats of various colors form a semicircle, which surrounds the black cats in the center, just filling the mini stage with a cylinder.

The original music has stopped, and then switched to a more lively music.

The store manager did not know when he was holding a tambourine in his hand and patted it gently with the rhythm of the music.

More than ten kittens on the stage cried out at the same time: "meow! Meow, meow

Meow is also stepping on the rhythm of music, just like people singing along with the music. Every time the tambourine taps, the kittens sing along.

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After singing for a while, the beat of the tambourine became twice. The kittens on the stage raised their paws in a neat and consistent way. Sometimes they would stand up upright with their left paws and right paws. The dancing became a very lovely simple dance.

Cats sing and dance. Because of their different shapes, they are graceful or cute. When they see them, they blush, their hearts beat and their eyes straighten.

Until the end of the short performance, which lasted less than two minutes, the kittens jumped off the stage and were pushed back by the staff, their excitement still kept on.

Based on the performance just now, this cat caf é in the west city can be directly supernatural, and no cat caf é shop in the west city can be out of its right!

As for the preferential policies that the shopkeeper said later, for example, all the people present today can receive a free ticket, and they can masturbate for a day without consumption. This kind of thing has been ignored by them. They just want to see the show again in the future.

"If there are no special circumstances, it will only be performed once a week, in the afternoon of the weekend."

The shopkeeper, who had been tortured, had no choice but to let go, and everyone was satisfied.

At this time, all the customers had a different attitude towards the cats in the store, including the black garden cats who were a little taboo or ignored before. They were very eager to try the 18 cute styles of kittens mentioned by the owner.

It's just cans and cat sticks. Here you are!

In the bustling teahouse, Ms. Yao held her beloved in her arms again, but her face was pleasantly surprised: "Miss Lin, how did you do it? It's amazing that pudding can sing and dance, too. " The last sentence is a boast of my children.

"Trade secrets." Lin Lan replied with a universal sentence pattern, "Ms. Yao, are you going back?"

"Well, if you don't go back, there will be trouble at home again." It's hard to give up, but Ms. Yao can't leave. There are more than ten missed calls in her mobile phone. It's inevitable to have a quarrel at home, but she's also used to it, "pudding, mom's leaving. You should stay here and be an obedient child."

"Meow --" (mom, come to see me next time!)

Of course, Lin Lan couldn't let a pregnant woman go home alone. She called Xu Xiangfei, who was lying at home on the fourth floor, and asked him to help deliver her. When the arrangements were made, she went back to serve the guests.

Because of the previous cat show, there was a wave of guests coming from behind. Lin Lan had to stop the guests from buying cans. He asked them to tease the cat with all kinds of toys or take a group photo with them on the ground that the kittens needed to exercise and eat.

This busy, until the teahouse officially closed at five o'clock, those people left.

On the first day of opening, I made a lot of money, but I was also very tired.

"I thought Maocha could play well by myself, but I didn't know the business for the first two days and I need your help. Now I know it's naive." In the water bar, Lin Lan sighed and said to her parents, "sure enough, I have to recruit someone."

"Who are you going to recruit? Don't recruit!" Wang Xiuzhi was the first to object. She said that she was not tired at all. "Your father and I are ready-made people, aren't we? How busy can our store be? One person will go there to see the store, and the other will come here to help you! "

was originally a shop that was afraid of too much leisure.

The old Lin family, which is used to running husband and wife shops, has no intention of hiring people to share the money with outsiders.

"That doesn't work. We still need to recruit hourly workers or long-term employees." Lin Lan insists that she can't really let her parents suffer for her shop. It doesn't matter for a day or two, but it can't be done every day. "It's not negotiable. Listen to me!"

Lao Lin and his wife were not very happy. If they wanted to continue to oppose, they were pushed away directly by her: "go upstairs and have dinner. If you are not hungry, I am hungry!"

The Lin couple, who were pushed away by their daughter, did not forget to greet Cheng Fengyang: "Xiao Cheng, are you going to eat with us?"

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"No, uncle and aunt." Cheng Fengyang shakes his head. He can still recognize this kind of polite words. It's really rude to respond. "It's too late. I'm going back soon. My parents are waiting for me to have dinner."Mr. and Mrs. Lin left soon, leaving Lin Lan and Cheng Fengyang busy in the water bar, counting and sorting the tins and ingredients.

"Today's business is very good. Many customers are willing to pay for cans." Cheng Fengyang looks at a lot of cans and cartons that have been emptied, but he is not surprised to think that the cats in this shop are not only rare, but also coquettish to customers. In the afternoon, they even dance in the shop. Even he, who likes to keep dogs, is envious, not to mention the cat slaves in active or reserve service.

"It's just the convenience of the new year's Day holiday. There won't be so many people on weekdays. Everyone has to go to work. " Lin Lan replied with a smile, "thank you, Fengyang, for giving up the public holiday and coming to help me."

"It's just a small thing." Cheng Fengyang waved his hand, "I'm curious about how to open the cat cafe, so I came here on my own initiative. After all, this shop is also designed by me."

"Thank you anyway." Lin Lan said seriously, "since you don't want to charge, it's always right to invite you to dinner."

When the shop finished filling in all the items one by one, Lin Lan, who had seen the results, really wanted to pay the design fee. She couldn't let people work for so long in vain, but the other party just refused the reward with the original agreement, and now she came to help Lin Lan is really embarrassed.

On hearing Lin Lan say please have dinner, Cheng Fengyang's eyes lit up: "how about tomorrow night we go to the travel notes stall in the back street and make a string together? Their barbecue is very delicious. I like barbecued mutton kebabs and squid grilled on iron plate

"I like it, too. The mutton kebabs there are amazing. I also like the roast leeks and eggplant there You wait, I said to invite you to dinner, you choose this kind of place Lin Lan, who was almost taken away by the barbecue, was dissatisfied with him. Did he look down upon her? Did Lin's deposit Although it did cost a lot, even the Xiangjia windbreaker that was forced to be used before was changed into money.

"Why, I'm really going to have a full kebab at night!" Cheng Fengyang also answered her seriously, "I not only eat, but also pack some roast chicken legs and take them back to the stars!"

Is it cruel enough to eat by barbecue, take food with you and pay by others?

Lin Lan can't help laughing. It's OK. It's Cheng Fengyang. Recalling that she met him for the first time, he was able to tease Jinmao with a ham sausage in the car. It was not difficult to think whether he would continue to tease the family's border herdsmen with chicken legs.

In this way, at the time of parting, the first day of business of cat tea house officially ended.

Lin Lan originally thought Cheng Fengyang would come over the next afternoon to have sex with her, but in the morning she got a call from him saying that a customer she was in charge of had to go to work honestly for emergency help. Work can only say no way, Lin Lan said it doesn't matter, next time to set a time to make an appointment, put down the phone but a little melancholy.

A few months ago, she was also a work dog. When the boss or Party A talked on the phone, she had to get up and rush to work when she was sleeping in bed. Now she even thinks that these days are very far away.

"Meow..." (LAN LAN, are we still open today

There is a cat around her legs. She is used to being admired by human beings. She licks her mouth. She can't wait - maybe she can't wait to eat free cans.

"Think about your own stomach. Don't eat too much." Lin Lan can only advise, and decided to put in a little smaller canned cat food, these cats eat food is really not a bit B number ah, "eat too much, you later give me like hamsters running wheels to eat it." She has contacted the merchant to customize it.

After the golden holiday, the busy teahouse business finally returned to normal. Like other cats, there are a lot of people on weekends and less on weekdays.

No matter how relieved the owner Lin Lan was, Tang Xiaoya was very concerned about it. Whenever she was free, she would come and sit down, which made Lin Lan almost find out the taste of this girl and become a familiar guest here.

Just after entertaining this one, there was another guest at the door. It was a rare combination of mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and grandson.

An old woman in her fifties, a woman in her thirties, and a little girl in her eights.

Lin Lan took a professional smile and received them as usual. The three of them all followed the disinfection process, and then took a seat to order a meal. The little girl wanted to leave her elders many times and ran directly to hold the cat, but they were all held.

Tang Xiaoya, who was sitting behind them, didn't pay attention at first. When they finished ordering, the shopkeeper turned and left, she heard the old woman say a word to her granddaughter.

"See? If you don't study in the future, you will know how to play every day. When you grow up, you will become her. You can only carry dishes for people. "

The old lady pointed to the shopkeeper not far away, so she taught her little granddaughter to go to hold the cat.

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