I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 45: 45

A cat's heart is not old.

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Recalling the sentence "I want you to raise me and my children" that the gray female cat called to Miss Wei on the stairs, Lin Lan felt that if it was not a cat but a person, there might be physical conflict on the spot.

However, who let such a call is a cute kitten? As the two legged beast of all things, it can only be recognized by pinching its nose.

Lin Lan covers her mouth, Chi Chi laughs and takes her cat army to the new house.

The confused father was still confused: "what grandma cat? Who? Xiaowei

Lin Lan is not a gossip enthusiast. Although she is curious about how Miss Wei, who rarely takes a holiday and stays at home, will raise a cat, she won't take the initiative to ask.

Her ten or so cats are enough for her.

"Well, the meal has been fed, the heating pad has been opened, and the running wheels and cat toys have been arranged. You can help yourself whether you want to sleep or wave. I'll go back to sleep."

In the new house, Lin Lan yawned after serving the cat owners. He waved to them and turned to leave.

The snoring of one or two cats is enjoyment, but last night's Quartet was not. She had to go back to sleep.

Like many second tier cities with economic development, the population of Xicheng becomes scarce every time it comes to a big festival such as the Spring Festival. The number of real local people in the city is not large, and it is the foreigners who rush home to celebrate the new year that make the city prosperous.

The small building that has become empty and the village in the city with the same sparse flow of people behind it is undoubtedly the best proof.

On the first day of the first month, Lao Lin's family had a very leisurely time. They called their relatives to celebrate the Chinese New Year and made an appointment with each other. In the next few days, after visiting someone's house for dinner, the family made up for sleep and watched TV to eat melon seeds.

Lin's mother, Wang Xiuzhi, even let out the little sunflower in the cage. One person and one bird were in the sofa area, clattering on a plate of melon sunflower peanuts. The parrot's speed of eating melon seeds had already exploded, and soon a pile of melon seed shells fell in front of us.

Next to them, Granny Lin was also sitting on the sofa, holding the big white cat in her arms, watching the Spring Festival Party replayed on TV. The old man's hands swayed on the group of cats on his knees, and the swayed cats had long been used to this frequency. The tips of his ears on his small head, which narrowed his eyes, trembled from time to time.

Father Lin saw that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were either birds or cats on hand. Then he saw that he was empty handed. Suddenly, he was very unhappy. He went out of the old house and went to his daughter's new house, which has become a cat paradise. A few minutes later, he came back with a puppet cat and sapphire.

He also sat down on the sofa, swayed the cat to the other two people like a show off, then held the cat and paralyzed the whole person on the sofa, and began to watch TV.

The gentle and beautiful puppet bag is wrapped in my arms like a baby by my grandfather. When he doesn't move, he adjusts his posture to make himself more comfortable and enjoy the warm human flesh cushion. One is greedy for the other's body temperature, and the other enjoys the smoothness of his fur. He is too lazy to move when he is trapped in the sofa.

"Mama LAN, give me the remote control. I saw CCTV last night. I want to see the Spring Festival Gala of mango TV. "

With melon seeds in her mouth, Lin's mother first became white, and her husband, who was paralyzed there, just gave him a look, and then got up and handed him the remote control.

Compared with the leisure downstairs, Miss Wei upstairs is quite in a hurry.

A kitten came in and planned to stay in the house, so there were many things to prepare.

"To Cat bowl, food and water, and sleeping cat nest What else Wei Yan, who has no experience in pet raising, has a blank head. Her eyes unconsciously sweep through the toilet and think of another important thing, "and the cat toilet Isn't that for cat litter? "

If it's normal, she can go directly to the downstairs pet clinic to complete these things, and by the way, she can ask for other precautions. But now it's the first day of the lunar new year, and Doctor Liu has already closed the door to go home for the Chinese New Year. At this moment, online shopping is even more unrealistic. It's all things that need to be used. How can we wait a few more days? Miss Wei immediately catches a blind eye.

How? How do you do it? She won't!

Miss Wei walks around the living room in a confused way. Not far away, she jumps on the sofa and squats on the thick cloth armrest. The gray long haired cat looks at her quietly. Her small head moves back and forth with Miss Wei. A pair of green vertical pupils reflect her worried figure. Only the gray hair tail hanging down slowly swings up and down.

The cat's excessive calmness soon attracted Miss Wei's attention. Seeing that the old cat didn't treat itself as an outsider when she came into her house, now she was worried about it and was still swinging her tail leisurely. Miss Wei suddenly became angry and funny.

Before worried about not knowing how to raise a cat's impatience suddenly disappeared most of the time.

She raised her feet and walked towards the cat on the sofa. The closer she got, the cat still sat there staring at her.

Miss Wei tried to reach out to it, carefully, always on guard against the claws it might stretch out or the mouth it might bite.

The cat still doesn't move.

Until her hand came close to her head, the kitten just raised her head and sniffed the smell of her fingertips. This action made Miss Wei's heart slightly calm. When her hand really covered the cat's head, the kitten took the initiative to arch her head in her hand.Feeling the soft touch of the palm, Miss Wei was stunned for a moment. When the hairy little thing under the palm of her hand gave her a delicate meow, her eyebrows and eyes bent up unconsciously.

"Are you really going to follow me?" She stroked the cat's head and asked in a low voice, "shall I give you a name? You're the cat that came home with me on the first day of the new year. How about you call me year after year? "

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I don't know if the kitten understood. Anyway, when she finished speaking, she gave her a meow.

Miss Wei didn't know whether the "meow" promised or not, but she just took it as a promise: "every year, there is no cat nest for the time being. How about making one for you with cartons and old clothes first? As for cat food and litter pan, I'll try to get them as soon as possible. "

Therefore, Lin Lan, who has already had a good sleep, received a visit from Miss Wei in the afternoon.

At that time, the old Lin family were all full of food and drink, and they were all looking for fun to pass the time. The people who watched TV watched TV, the people who went out to play mahjong played mahjong, and Lin Lan was chatting with people with a mobile phone.

The chatting objects include but are not limited to relatives, as well as some friends who used to have a good time.

When Miss Wei knocked on the door, Lin Lan just finished watching some small videos and photos sent by Cheng Fengyang in his hometown in the countryside, such as big white goose, big yellow dog, big cock, and the "gray" cat that just slipped out of the stove, his accidentally injured foot and Learn him to jump and walk and become a star of the three legged dog.

The dog photos inside and the grievance and crying that he was bullied by the dog in his hometown made Lin Lan laugh at once. Just after taking a few pictures of the cat in zhangjiali and sending them to him, the door rang.

"Aunt Lin, are you at home? I'm Wei Yan. I want to find Lin Lan for something. "

Still at home, her mother and grandmother looked at her together. Lin Lan put down her cell phone and ran to open the door: "yes, I'll come!"

When I opened the door, I saw Miss Wei with a embarrassed face.

"I'm sorry to trouble you at the beginning of the new year." Wei Yan looked embarrassed, "well, I just Adopted a cat. I really don't know how to raise The pet clinic downstairs didn't open again Do you sell cat nests and cat food? "

It's really about the porcelain cat.

Lin Lan thought that Miss Wei might come to her, but she didn't expect to come so soon, and asked her to buy cat food and pet supplies.

"Xiaowei, do you have a cat?" Wang Xiuzhi and granny Lin were very surprised, "haven't you been working all the time? Where's the cat from?"

"Just Just after work in the morning. " Miss Wei's tone was very weak when she thought of her being depended on all the way. "It's following me and I can't help it, so I have to..."

Her expression and lines made several elders in the room involuntarily associate with the poor girls in the old society who were watched by the old scoundrels, and showed sympathy one after another.

This is the shameless touch Porcelain Cat on ah, I don't know what it looks like.

"There's cat food." Lin Lan then replied with a smile, "but the cat's nest doesn't need to be bought so soon. I'll find you a cage first. Miss Wei, you are busy at work. It's very dangerous to leave the cat at home alone. First, I don't know if it will touch any electrical appliances and close it in the cage. Second, I can observe the character of the cat and see if it is suitable to be a domestic cat. "

"Every year he's pretty good. He doesn't run around much." Wei Yan subconsciously explained to the cat, but after all, she accepted the cat. She didn't get along with her for a long time, and she didn't dare to make a promise. She hesitated for a moment, "but please get me a cage. I, I will give you the money

Oh, you got all the names? It's only a short while since I was attacked by kittens. You can't, Miss Wei.

"The cage doesn't need money. It's borrowed." Heart teased a, Lin Lan face or as usual, "first look at your cat's character, and then decide whether to keep the cage, maybe soon back to me. Let me get you some cat food and cans. There's no new one in the litter basin. Is it OK with the old one? Make do with it for two days. It's the same with me when the pet clinic opens. "

"Yes, yes!" Miss Wei nodded as if she had found a savior. "Thank you, Lin Lan!"

"You're welcome. We're all neighbors. You're still my tenant. It's nothing to be a little busy." Lin Lan took her to the corridor outside the house and went in the direction of the new house, "come on, I'll take you something."

Miss Wei followed her, a little nervous. Except for the shop floor on the first floor, the layout of each floor was the same. After only a few meters, they stopped at the door of a side house. Lin Lan takes out the key and gently pushes the door open. The light in the room shines on them. At the same time, Miss Wei also hears a lot of meow.

"So many cats!" Wei Yan was startled to step back, but was soon attracted by these clean and beautiful little guys, "so cute..."

Yes, of the ten or so cats that just finished bathing on New Year's Eve, which one is not fragrant and soft, fluffy and shiny?

"This is the cat in my teahouse. Now that it's closed, let them move here." Lin Lan called Miss Wei into the room and closed the door again. "They are all lovely babies."At this time, many of these lovely babies were around Lin Lan's feet, meowing.

(LAN LAN, who is this? New employees like Xiao Song

What does she want to do when she comes here

I didn't bring food with me. I didn't come to deliver it

(yes, LAN LAN, delicious. Are you here to make dried fish

"How long have you been eating lunch and thinking about dried fish? No, I just brought people over to get things and left soon. " Lin Lan squatted down and patted the heads of these curious cats to indicate what they should do.

Miss Wei, standing at the back, was stunned by the scene in the room.

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The decoration of this room is very simple. It's just painted white walls and paved the floor. There is no other furniture. But in the empty living room, there are several cat climbing frames with different shapes on the wall. There are small cat toys scattered in the open space from time to time. When they are thrown there in disorder, they are carried around by cats. Many cats either lie on the top of the climbing frame or stretch their claws Playing with the little toys on the ground, and chasing each other.

What attracted her most was the two big and small cat running wheels, on which the energetic cat ran wildly. The big wooden roller rolled so fast that she could not see Miss Wei's eyes.

"It's bought for them to lose weight, because I don't allow them to become fat." Lin Lan saw that she had been staring and explained, "but I didn't expect to be so popular."

Sounds like a weight control agent. Miss Wei heard a word in her heart. She just wanted to make complaints about her. The remaining corner of the eye saw a cat running after the cat running on the wheel. The voice became a scream.

"Ah, that night's cat!"

When speaking, he directly hid behind Lin Lan.

Miss Wei doesn't have any opinions on small animals, but she is afraid of large small animals, large dogs and large cats, especially Maine cats, which are generally more than one meter in length. That's a big thank you.

Even if Lin Lan now repeated to her the previous explanation that "Miss Wei, Maine cat is very docile, but looks more powerful", she still shook her head vigorously.

"No, it's not character. I'm afraid of it. The bigger it is, the worse it looks. The more scared it is. I was chased by Alaska when I was a child. Even if it was explained later that it just wanted to play with me, I still think these big dogs are terrible. " Counsellor yuan refuses any large pets and stares warily at the Maine cat in the running wheel, "where's the cat food? Let's go after we get the things?"

No wonder I was afraid to change the floor before. The original psychological shadow is bigger than I imagined. Lin Lan naturally said no more and took her to the room where cat food and cat supplies were stored.

The new cat, Miss Wei has nothing, so she is also short of everything, so they are one and half carrying things out of the room, intend to move directly upstairs.

Miss Wei walked ahead this time, but suddenly stopped when she passed by the bathroom.

"What's the matter?" Lin Lan in the back saw that she didn't move and looked at the bathroom. She couldn't help asking.

"What are those two black boxes? It looks like a microwave. " Miss Wei stares at the two square electrical appliances on the outside of the bathroom and asks curiously, but everyone knows that the microwave oven can't be put in the bathroom. "It's also for cats?"

"It's a drying oven for pets. It's for dogs and cats to blow their hair after a bath." Lin Lan explained.

On hearing the word "bath", Wei Yan suddenly thinks of the cat at home, and her heart also becomes silent.

Lin Lan suddenly guessed her meaning: "Miss Wei wants to give your family a bath every year? No problem. You can wash the cat with me. It doesn't cost much anyway. "

Opportunities are sent to the door, what does she do not satisfy her curiosity, to see the virtual reality of this porcelain cat. Do you really want to find a long-term meal ticket, or do you just want to find a home for your baby, eat and drink well during pregnancy, and then leave your child to go to the waves after unloading. After all, kittens' animal thinking is very pragmatic.

Miss Wei quickly shook her head: "no, I'm not. I don't have it. I don't know if it dares to take a bath. After all Cats are afraid of water. " People who don't know about pets are also aware of these common sense.

In particular, the faeces shoveling officers who bathe cats and get scratched and bitten are all over the world.

"It's OK. I'll show your cat then. If you can wash it, you can do a simple insect repellent." After mastering cat language, Lin Lan knows a lot about cats. For example, every year, cats who choose people to look for food tickets are not only smart, but also close to people. As long as the process is mild and can please people to get food, they are generally willing to do it. Besides, this cat is still pregnant and in the winter of hunger and cold. If you want to be arrogant, you need to see it The weather outside.

Hearing her saying this, Miss Wei took a look at the clean and beautiful kittens around her. She thought of Lin Lan's skill in taming cats. She hesitated for a moment, but still could not resist her desire: "that ok Lin Lan, please help me. If it doesn't want to, it's OK. "I'm so good every year. Maybe I'd like to take a bath?

Miss Wei was lucky to think of the way the kitten had been docile to her and coquetry to herself.

Lin Lan's mentality is not so careful, carrying things on the fourth floor, into Miss Wei's room, put down the things in hand, she saw the gray long haired cat.

"It's a beautiful mixed breed garden cat!" Looking at the cat's back and tail covered with gray, abdomen and limbs are pure white hair color, Lin Lan laughed, "wash clean must be more beautiful."

"Beautiful..." Miss Wei looks at the cat's gray and dirty fur, some of which are knotted. She tries to imagine what it looks like after being washed Imagine failure, program yuan's brain has been a variety of code to rigid control.

Next to Lin Lan, he was walking towards the cat.

"Come on, kitten, if you want to stay in this house and live with the owner of this house, just give a shout."

Miss Wei listened to Lin Lan's tone of teasing the cat. Suddenly, she was a little funny. Can she understand that?

The next second, the gray cat will meow.

I will! I love this bipedal, I want to live with her

Definitely affirmative reply, let Lin Lan all Leng Leng.

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Next to Miss Wei, she called out: "Wow, it's so smart! It seems that I really understand what I'm saying! "

Lin Lan looked back at her: "Shh, it's not over yet."

Wei Yan immediately put out her hand to cover her mouth and said she didn't speak. Lin Lan turned back and looked at the kitten.

"Well, first of all, you have to clean yourself up to get close to the bipedal beast you like. Otherwise she will be ill, and you don't want her to be ill, do you

"Meow!" (no! Don't let her get sick

All of a sudden, the long haired cat jumped down from the sofa and yelled at Lin Lan.

"Meow!" (ill will die! Don't let her die

Miss Wei was stunned when she saw that it was so urgent: "what happened every year? Why are you circling us? "

This time, Lin Lan looked at her with a complicated expression: "Miss Wei, I can't see that you are still a cat's choice. At a glance, you become a cat's dream dung shovel official."

Wei yanleng in situ, the latter did not care about her, just took out the cat cage, to the middle of the way: "come in here, I take you to take a bath, at night she can hold you to sleep together."

No more than five minutes before and after, a stray cat obediently went into the cage to take a bath. For Miss Wei, the process was muddled and mysterious. She still didn't understand the principle of Lin Lan's cat training, but it didn't hinder her joy of washing the cat smoothly.

They went back to the third floor with the cat cage. Just as they were about to leave the stairway, Wang Jiayi's voice came from below: "Lan Lan, where are you going?" She Deng Deng upstairs, eyes also saw Lin Lan hands stray cat, eyes show doubt, "is this the new cat of the teahouse?"

"No, it's my cat." Wei Yan stepped forward and explained, "it's called Nian Nian. It came home with me this morning."

Wang Jiayi, the former neighbor of Miss Wei, was still impressed. After she changed to Tang Xiaoya, she was even more impressed. However, the eldest lady now pays more attention to the words of the former neighbor just now: "going home with you?" A pair of eyes were wide in surprise, as if listening to a story.

"It's true." Lin Lan affirmed, "every year, I fell in love with Miss Wei at first sight, and decided that she was its royal excrement shovel. I'm ready to never leave."

Wang Jiayi immediately believed it. The first lady never doubted her friends. She looked enviously at the neighbor who was always decadent and dull in this impression: "that's very nice. If only I were silver and love me at first sight. " Unfortunately, on the contrary, it was herself who licked the dog.

"Did you come up to play with me?" Before I met every day in the teahouse, Lin Lan also found out Wang Jiayi's temperament. In addition, they became friends again, and their tone was no longer as polite as before. "I'm going to the new house to take a bath for the cat. I don't have time to chat with you for the time being."

"It doesn't matter. I can play with silver first, and I'll talk when you're done." The young lady replied with a smile.

So the three girls walked together towards the new house.

Stay in the new house to play the cats found that every time Lanlan came here today, she would bring one more person. Oh no, she also brought one more cat.

Wang Jiayi is very familiar with all the cats, especially jinjila Baiyin. As soon as the first lady appeared, the cat ran to her feet and hugged her.

The first lady is also very skilled in it into the arm, a person a cat intimacy for a while, just because of curiosity, also into the bathroom has begun to work.

After the baptism of Xiaoda, all the cats in the teahouse know that the bathroom is a place for cats to take a bath. Seeing that Lan Lan takes the cat inside again, some cats follow curiously.

They can't get into the bathroom, but they're happy to listen outside.

It wasn't long before I heard a cat inside making a "meow woo" trill scream. Of course, the cats suddenly recognized the companion's fear and resistance to bathing.Then there was Lan Lan's voice.

"The water is not half as high as you. It's too scary to scream all the time? Think of your master Wei Yan, who is still waiting to live with you. "

Scream immediately a lot less, behind is Lan Lan's command voice.

"Lift your claws, wash your feet! Look at your four dirty paws It's all mud and ashes, and I have a face to cry, "don't take a bath?"

"Raise your butt Gee! It's not good for a long haired cat. The stink always sticks to the hair

In addition to the sound of Lin Lan's dislike, there are also the surprised sounds of Wei Yan and Wang Jiayi.

"Wow, can I use this to soak the knotted hair? I don't worry about my silver hair being too long to untie any more! "

"Brain and brain are washed slowly like this? Is the tear mark very serious every year? Can it be improved by wiping its face every day, I wrote it down

Because the stray cat is too dirty every year, and there are two curious babies nearby, it's an hour after Lin Lan washed and dried the cat thoroughly.

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"All right!" Lin Lan showed the cat to the other two people and immediately attracted two exclamations.

"What a big difference before and after taking a bath!" Wang Jiayi was very surprised. She couldn't help looking at jinjila, who was as white as snow in her arms. "Don't worry, silver, my mother will never let you have such a dirty day."

"This is the year after year?" Wei Yan Lengleng looked at the cat in front of her, has been rigid, can't imagine its clean appearance, now has a real entity, "really beautiful."

It seems that it's easy for a long haired cat to have a beautiful big neck. It's the same every year after Lin Lan carefully combed it. With its gray and white fur color and Turquoise vertical pupil, it's fat because of its fluffy hair. Its small head tilts its head and meows to Wei Yan. Her voice is so delicate that Miss Wei's heart melts.

She squatted down and tentatively held out her hand to the cat. The other side took the initiative and went to her hand. Miss Wei picked up the cat easily.

The light weight does not match the fluffy appearance, and the nose is the light shampoo smell from the hair.

"Thank you, Lin Lan." She said to Lin Lan, "it's too much trouble for you today. I'll transfer the bath money to you right away."

"No, just pay for the cat food." Lin Lan shook his head and reached out to touch the year in her arms. The little guy was very clever and said, "Miss Wei, as long as she is so good with the year in, it's enough."

"How is that going to work?" Miss Wei wanted to give money several times, but she was refused. She was grateful and embarrassed. She was a little closer to Lin Lan, who was not familiar with her all the time. "Don't cry like Miss Wei, just call me Wei Yan."

"OK, Wei Yan." Lin Lan is like a flow of benevolence, "you look like you want to be alone every year. You'd better go upstairs and go home. You haven't sorted out things like cat toilet."

The person who was seen in his mind blushed, then whispered thanks, and left with the cat.

As soon as Wei Yan left, Lin Lan turned her head and saw Wang Jiayi's bright eyes. She opened her mouth and said, "it's so interesting to have a cat. Can I work in your teahouse, Lan Lan?"

Lin Lan

First of all, no matter what kind of wrangles the manager Lin has with the big lady who wants to work, Miss Wei upstairs is full of spirit.

She didn't feel tired at all though she didn't sleep last night.

There is a cat who relies on her wholeheartedly because she is afraid of her illness and even willing to endure the most annoying water. This is an experience that Wei Yan has never experienced.

A corner of the soul seems to be soaked in the warm water, dry bad soil began not only weeds can survive, but also a new bud in the growth.

There is a cat in need of her, and it belongs to her only.

Miss Wei now understands why some people like to keep pets so much. It turns out that cats are such a feeling. All day long, she has been preparing things for the year, toilet, cat nest, cat food, cat mat I just hate that it's new year's day and many shops are closed, otherwise she can go shopping immediately. It was not until the evening that I was tired enough to go to the bedroom to have a rest.

After washing and gargling, the cat just got into the bed and jumped up every year.

"Do you want to sleep together?" Miss Wei raised her eyebrows.

"Meow." Every year, I yelled at her, as if to give a positive response.

Miss Wei said with a stronger smile, "come on." She patted her pillow. "You can sleep here, or?"

The cat stepped on the pillow, four meat pads around the original place to turn a few circles, disk into a ball and lay there.

For a moment, Wei Yan was extremely satisfied. That's good. She has a cat, too.

She didn't sleep a day and a night, and soon fell asleep in the purr of the cat.

Open your eyes again, it's the next morning.

With the dawn in her eyes, Miss Wei subconsciously looks to the pillow and finds that the gray ball has shifted from the pillow to the quilt. She can't help laughing.

"Every year..." She called softly.

The next second, the sleeping cat got up."Meow..." It came calling to her on the quilt, and the soft head of the kitten rubbed against her face.

Poof. A slight sound came from the corner of my heart full of weeds.

There is a small flower quietly blooming there, facing the wind, gently shaking.

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