I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 46: 46

People who don't own cats never know the joy of sleeping next to them when they wake up.

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"As soon as I opened my eyes in the morning, I saw it sleeping on the quilt. As soon as I called it, it would stretch over and meow over What a wonderful cat! Lin Lan, I finally know why your family also has cats, and many tenants in the building also have pets! "

Miss Wei's soul has been worn away by her endless code career, and her body suddenly gives birth to countless vitality. A generation of a-zhai has even begun to take the initiative to find friends to chat with. When it comes to her love for cats, her eyes are bright.

She has to work hard, earn more money, and then buy a big house to support every year!

Lin Lan, who dazzled the cat after listening to her whole story: "ha ha."

On the evening of the second day of the new year, Wei Yan turns on the night shift, but she is not as miserable and decadent as before, on the contrary, she is energetic.

She loves working overtime! Night shift subsidy is great! Triple pay is so sweet!

Lin Lan: "well You go to work, come on. "

Looking at Miss Wei carrying that backpack full of vitality out of the building to work cat slave appearance, Lin Lan a face of enigmatic.

After raising a cat, it's not the only time when it's cute and soft. Miss Wei, let's not mention the global problem of cats losing their hair and jumping around in the middle of the night. It's said that there will be a big surprise for you in the near future.

Manager Lin won't tell her about these things. It's too unkind to pour cold water on the Spring Festival. It's more meaningful for her to discover and experience them in person.

On the third day of the new year, three members of the old Yu family came back from their hometown.

"Sister LAN, we are back!" Standing at the door, Yu Lingling took the lead in knocking on the door, followed by Uncle Yu and aunt Yu, who came with new year's goods. "This is ham and fungus from my hometown. It's delicious Xiaokui seems to be a little fat again! "

Junior high school students jump into the house and look up to see the big white parrot that is out of the cage and eating pistachio. The bird is addicted to the delicious pistachio, and even the little owner doesn't pay attention to it.

"I'm not fat. I just took a bath in the morning and looked at the fluffy feathers." Lin Lan talks to Yu Lingling, "the cage is on the balcony. After a while, will you take it away or let it stand in your hand?"

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"It's in my hands, of course." The bird, which has been raised for seven years since childhood, is already ripe. Yu Lingling doesn't worry that Xiaokui will run around when she goes out, but the little girl's head is spinning around in the living room. "Sister LAN, where are the cats you keep, aren't they here?"

"They're in the next room." Knowing what Yu Lingling was worried about, Lin Lan reached out and emptily ordered the parrot, who was still eating nuts. "Your little sunflower is too bad. If you don't lock the cage, you can't close it at all, and you secretly peck the cat's tail. In order not to let you come back, I can only take back a few pieces of bird hair. I can only separate the places where the kittens send off. "

"Ah?" Yu Lingling was very surprised, but immediately believed, "Xiaokui, this broken bird, has always been super cheap. It's something that it can do. Before I did my homework at home, it also secretly hid my pen, so I couldn't find it for a long time, but it giggled beside me! I was so angry that I wanted to beat it and my mother stopped me At the end, her mouth bulged.

The teenage girl's reaction when she is angry is quite lovely, but her mouth blowing action also reminds Lin Lan of the same expression pattern when she refused Wang Jiayi on the first day of the new year.

I see. Even if she is not a primary school student, at most she is a junior high school student.

Not far away, Yu's parents have finished greeting the Lin family. Aunt Yu shouts to her daughter, "Lingling, it's time to go. Take Xiaokui with you."

"Ah Yu Lingling agreed, and skillfully extended her arm to the parrot, "Xiaokui, please don't eat, go home."

As soon as the cockatoo lifted its paw, it grasped the master's thick clothes. It moved up its arm slowly with great strength until the master's shoulder stopped.

"Sister LAN, I'll come back to you when my house is ready."

Lao Yu's family left with the bird and cage, leaving behind bags of sliced ham, bacon and mushrooms.

Lin's father and mother took all these agricultural products into the kitchen and stored them separately. Lin Yuyu also had some regrets: "if we didn't have to visit our relatives today, or we would like to cut some ham and steam it right away, and then we'd like to have a bacon meal."

Lin Lan was suddenly a little greedy when his father said that. The ham in Uncle Yu's hometown is delicious.

Wang Xiuzhi then white husband one eye: "these days dundun big fish big meat hasn't eaten enough, you, unexpectedly think about on fire leg."

The carnivore father Lin and Lin Lanqi shook their heads: "not enough, how can we?" Three meals a day are all meat, and they won't get tired of it. Besides, the meat and vegetables are not the same during the new year's festival.

Looking at the father and daughter, the mother said she didn't want to talk.

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Today, the whole family is going out to have lunch and dinner with relatives. Naturally, Lin Lan has to get some food for the kittens. Cat food is not enough. It can only be put on the top of cat food. With the automatic water dispenser that will be heated all the time, the problem is not big.

"I'm going out. You should be good at home, you know? Don't bite the wires, don't pick up the doors and windows... " Lin Lan told the kittens some precautions."Meow!" I see. Lan Lan, you should be careful when you go hunting

"Meow It's very cold in winter. There's very little food. It doesn't matter if you can't get food. There's a lot of food here too!)

Lin Lan couldn't smile bitterly and was about to explain: "I didn't..."

"Is Lan Lan ready? It's time to go The words didn't finish being interrupted by mother's urging behind.

"Here it is Lin Lan immediately got up and ran to the door, "I'll try to come back as soon as possible, bye!"

To visit relatives is nothing more than the old process of paying New Year's greetings, chatting, eating, paying lucky money and ending up.

Lin Lan is an adult. Although she is still single, she has no lucky money by default. On the contrary, when she sees the children of her peers, she has to pay for them.

This year, she is 26 years old, and many of her cousins are married and even have children. Facing this kind of family, Lin Lan has to admit that it's really a little pressure, but it's not too big.

Because all the family members agreed that Lin Lan would not worry about getting married even when she was 30 years old.

It's because he started. Feng Yang even laughed at his nephew at the miserable situation of his single dog in his hometown. Lin Lan didn't have any here. On the contrary, because he scattered a lot of red envelopes, he gained a lot of sweet words from the younger generation. What "aunt LAN is the most beautiful" and "aunt LAN is always a fairy". For the sake of little red envelopes, children's Rainbow farts are one after another.

Lin Lan, who has lost the red envelope in her pocket, is lost in meditation, especially when she sees that the children's front foot takes her red envelope and their back foot is taken away by their mother. She is troubled by a life problem.

This problem has been plagued until Lin Lan comes home, she is still serious.

"What's the matter, all the way?" Wang Xiuzhi looked at her daughter's silence and asked.

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Lin Youyu is also very curious, but he is sitting on the sofa to turn on the TV, just taking advantage of the gap to look up: "that is, my daughter, is your aunt's food not good enough, or is there less food?"

The TV has been turned on. It's just a snack advertisement for the new year. It's a scene of a couple of boys and girls paying New Year's greetings to their elders. The picture is red and festive.

"No, I just want the red envelope." Lin Lan ignored his father's teasing, but looked at the TV just released to the new year's money plot, "Mom, I have a lot of red envelopes when I was a child, and all of them have been put away by you."

"Yes, what's the matter?" Wang Xiuzhi doesn't understand. Isn't this the old practice? What's wrong? This topic attracted grandma Lin and Lin Youyu to one side.

Then they saw Lin Lan holding a serious face and holding out a hand to his mother: "I went to my aunt's house today to remember that when you took my red envelope, you said you would give me the lucky money when I grew up. Well, I'm so old now, and I've opened my own shop. Mom, should you give me back the lucky money? "

The whole family was suddenly quiet.

Lin Lan received a lot of lucky money from childhood, but like most children, these red envelopes have only the beginning but no end, and the destination has been submerged in the vast memory.

Lin's father and granny Lin look delicate. They look at Lin's mother, who is being watched by her daughter. The corners of their mouths tremble and seem to laugh at any time.

And when the mother looked at her daughter's hand, after a while, she laughed and patted her daughter's palm.

"Silly girl, in my mother's heart, you will always be a little child."

So it's impossible to get the lucky money back. It's never possible.

"Poof - ha ha ha ha ha!" Lin Youyu was the first one who couldn't hold back. He clapped his thighs and laughed wildly. Grandma beside him also kept laughing.

Lin Lan looked at her mother in a daze. Finally, in the burst of laughter that her father and grandmother could no longer suppress, she could only bow to the downwind. The high wall of her mother was insurmountable in her life.

The defeated Lin Lan goes back to the cats to heal. Her mother is so strong that she has no hope of getting a red envelope for many years. Only the kitten can solve her worries.

Oh, it's over tonight after the third day of the new year. Maybe it's time for her to clean up and open a shop.

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For many Chinese, after the third day of the new year, the flavor of the new year will gradually fade, and so will the west city. It can be seen from the increasing number of people who come back to work in the city and the shops on the street.

On the day when Lin Lan reopened the teahouse at the beginning of the year, Tang Xiaoya also came back. When she arrived at the rental house, she cleaned up and came to the teahouse in the afternoon to help.

"The company holiday is on the 10th day of the first day, but I really want mercury to come ahead of time!" After the new year, the vigorous and resolute girl still did the same. She quickly shook the standard apron of the teahouse and put it on her, "shall I clean or take care of the cat first?"

"You don't have to. Go and serve this set of tea to Jiayi's table." Lin Lan put a tray of tea on the water bar.

Tang Xiaoya was stunned: "Jiayi? It used to be called Miss Wang, didn't it? " She just went back to her hometown for a week, and the relationship between the store manager and the coquettish young lady improved by leaps and bounds?

Sitting not far away, Wang Jiayi, who is also the only guest at present, is still angry about being rejected. When she hears the surprise of her disgusting neighbor, she suddenly gets excited and raises her chin and says, "hum, can't you think of it? LAN LAN and I are already good friends. "Looking at her, Tang Xiaoya is expressionless and doesn't pay attention to her.

"Yes, friends." Lin Lan also did not let Wang Jiayi too proud, lest these two younger sisters connect again, "so you say to come to the teahouse to work, that is absolutely impossible."

In a word, let the young lady who was very proud just now wilt again.

This time, Tang Xiaoya was happy and happily took the tray to deliver tea: "Miss Wang, your tea." And when she left, she gave her a proud look.

The disabled party, who lives on Hotel takeout and housekeeper's aunt every day, still wants to work. Is it the service industry? indulge in the wildest fantasy.

Miss Wang keenly saw the other party's contempt and contempt from this eye. Her face turned red and her mouth swelled with anger.

"Lan Lan!" She yelled on the spot, "I want to be a teahouse employee! It's OK for all employees to work part-time or three hours a day. It's OK to work without pay. I'm going to work in your shop anyway! "

The angry young lady's temper suddenly came up, and she didn't stop until she reached her goal.

Lin Lan

At the same time, the same fourth day open pet clinic.

"Your family is pregnant every year." Doctor Liu, who finished the cat's physical examination, said to Miss Wei, "it's almost three weeks according to the preliminary calculation."

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