I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 53: 53

It turns out that cats are far more infatuated with the stove table than humans.

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Lin Lan and the regular customers in the shop took it only a few days to get used to it. Anyway, if they found that there were many fewer cats in the teahouse, they would find that they were hiding in the belly of the table as soon as the quilt was lifted.

Tea guests have said that although it's difficult for them to stretch their legs, it's very convenient to pick up a cat, and it's also very good to hold one.

Cheng Fengyang thinks that he often comes to the cat teahouse, but the reality doesn't allow him. After the Spring Festival, the company is busy. During the holidays, there are a lot of Party A's fathers waving contracts and money waiting for Party B to work.

Fortunately, it's not without a little good.

"When you finish this order, I'll treat you to dinner." When he left that day, Lin Lan said to him with a smile, "thank you for the lucky draw. The table is very good. Where to eat is up to you this time. "

It's the way to get along with each other. Lin Lan doesn't want to rely on Cheng Fengyang to be interested in himself, so he really feels at ease and doesn't return the favor.

Cheng Fengyang is very happy: "good, good, I know there is a grilled fish shop with good taste. We'll be together then!"

Barbecue, hot pot, has always been the best choice for young people's dinner, the two immediately happily settled.

What's more, with another chance to get along alone, Cheng Fengyang is in a happy mood when he comes back home, with the dog's head swayed by the stars, not to mention how happy he is.

"Mom, uncle laughs so silly." In the living room of Cheng's villa, Li Mengmeng took his mother's hand and said his own opinion.

Looking at his younger brother's appearance, Cheng Xingyu, who came back to his mother's house, also said nothing: "it's quite silly."

I've known other girls for a few months, but I've made such progress. I'm so happy when I have dinner together for the second time My brother's level of chasing people is really not good.

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"It's not like that at all, OK!" Cheng Fengyang is certainly aggrieved by his sister's dislike. He finally has a girl he likes. He doesn't want to hold the beauty back immediately, but it's not so easy, "don't talk nonsense if you don't know anything!"

Cheng Fengyang doesn't want to tell his family what happened before Lin Lan's return to the west city. Lin Lan respects him as a friend and tells him something about Mordor, but it doesn't mean that he can tell his family casually, so he can only vaguely say that other girls just want to concentrate on their career and don't want to talk about friends.

"Fengyang, or Think about having a cat, too? " Listen to the younger brother say, when the elder sister can only suggest, "stars can't become your common topic, you want to talk with others, you have to find a suitable reason to go there often."

"Cats?" Cheng Fengyang, still rubbing his dog's head, was stunned. "Do you want another pet?"

When he heard Cheng Xingyu's words, the border shepherd in his hands immediately whined and whimpered. The whole dog half jumped on the master's knee, and his head arched towards the master's arms. The grievance of the dog's barking was that everyone could hear that it was selling miserably, as if to say, "don't, don't raise another one, I want to be the only child! Master, don't leave me to have a second child. Ow, ow, Ow

"OK, OK, no! I don't care! " Cheng Fengyang quickly hugged the excited frontier herdsman, "you are the only one in the family, you are the only one in the star, there are no other cats and dogs!"

"Wow, stars are jealous!" Li Mengmeng, a kindergarten student, smiles and claps his hands. "Mom, stars are so smart!"

"I'm so smart that I know that raising a second child will spoil it." Cheng Xingyu looked at the dog so noisy and knew that her younger brother would not want to raise a cat, so she had to change her mind. "By the way, didn't you say that Lin Lan is very good at taming cats? Even the fierce cat who can catch and bite people is honest in less than half a day. You can start from this aspect! "

"Ah? Tame the cat Comforting his son, Cheng Fengyang first looked up at a loss, and then realized what his sister was saying, "sister, do you want me to introduce business to Lan Lan?"

"Yes, you have been a home decoration designer for so many years, and you should have many old customers on hand. There are always some cat owners in them, right?" Cheng Xingyu gives advice to his younger brother, "those pet cats will definitely have one or two problems that make their owners headache. Maybe they have complained to you and asked you to help solve them when designing their houses. You can start from these places."

Pets are not human beings. Most of them are beasts. There are always some unsatisfactory things about them. Cheng Fengyang is reminded by his sister that there are many clients he has worked with in the past. Some people even choose a new home or refit a house just because they have pets or want to keep them.

"Sister, you really helped me a lot!" The more he thinks about it, the more feasible it is. Cheng Fengyang excitedly thanks his elder sister and plunges into his room. "I'll go back and look through my customer information and have a chance to pay a return visit to those people who keep cats!"

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Lin Lan doesn't like to owe him, so he introduces her business, she helps customers solve the cat problem, he and the company gain the reputation of old customers, so it's no problem to win-win, right?

Cheng Fengyang is working hard to get rid of singleness. Across the street, Lin Lan, who knows nothing, is facing a leave application from Xiao Song, an employee."Manager, I want to take a picture with boss cat." When it comes to his main business, song Xinmin's eyes are brighter than usual. "It won't be too long in the daytime these three days. I will go back to the store in the morning and evening to help open and close the store."

Song Xinmin's leave reminds Lin Lan, who has been the boss for a few days, that the other party only takes part-time jobs. However, he is not surprised that he wants to ask for leave to take pictures of the cat boss: "it's OK. Go ahead. It's enough to have me and Jiayi in the shop."

At the beginning of the new year, not only the office workers are busy, but also many people are eager to find new jobs. Each unit is more or less experiencing personnel changes. This time point is destined to be the off-season of the teahouse. While the store is not too busy, it is easier to recruit new employees.

"Well..." Seeing Xiao Song leave, Lin Lan felt her chin and pondered, "Oh, it's not long. It's hard to hire a long-term worker."

Neither song Xinmin, a vagrant photographer, nor Wang Jiayi, a young lady who experiences life, can work long in her teahouse. It's up to her to recruit new people.

Although it is no longer snowing in the West City, the weather is still cold in the first month. Song Xinmin, who has already changed his equipment, once again visited the abandoned houses where stray cats gather with his beloved camera.

Outside the house, the cold wind is piercing. Song Xinmin pushes open the roughly repaired broken door with his neck constricted. Then he sees the wild cats inside.

Thanks to the boss's greeting, this time he finally met the cat he had never found before.

Civet cat was sitting on a high place with golden vertical pupil watching him quietly.

"Hello, boss cat." Song Xinmin greets the boss like he did before, "we agreed, you asked me to take photos. So... "

As soon as he lifted the veneer in his hand, the cat boss jumped to the ground, and his body was dexterous. The whole cat had drilled out of a cat hole in the back.

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"Oh, wait!" Song Xinmin ran out of the house and went after it.

Originally thought the cat would run without a trace, and when he ran around the house, he found that the cat was standing on an abandoned wall and looking down at him.

"You didn't run." Song Xinmin was relieved, and then responded, "is this waiting for me?"

Cihuamao didn't give him any response. Instead, he walked along the wall and song Xinmin caught up with him.

Cat's catwalk is very hard for human beings. Many times song Xinmin is in a hurry to catch up with him. He has no time to adjust the camera parameters and find the angle to take a good picture. He can only take time to quickly press the shutter when he feels good. As for whether the picture is good or bad, he can only go home and screen it slowly.

"Lost it again." Song Xinmin was tired and depressed when he followed the cat for most of the block.

This is the fourth time that he has lost the cat boss. Fortunately, every time he is at a loss to find a cat, the cat will always appear in his eyes and let him catch up again.

In this gap, song Xinmin can always see that the cat will hold something in its mouth, or a bird looking for food in winter, or a piece of chicken leg fish that comes out of nowhere I don't know how it did it. Anyway, song Xinmin was stunned, and his survival ability of wild cats was a new height.

This cat is really smart and intelligent. Song Xinmin even thinks that this cat is the smartest little animal he has ever seen.

The day after chasing the cat to take a picture, he witnessed how the cat stole a live fish from under people's eyes. When the owner's house didn't realize that he had lost a fish, he had walked away nimbly on the roof.

"Husband, didn't you say you bought three fish? Why only two?"

"How can it be? I just bought three of them as you told me. It can't be just two Ah? Where's the other one? "

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When the owner who lost the fish was wandering behind the window sill of the kitchen, song Xinmin downstairs also quickly walked away and chased the cat in the direction that the cat left.

After more than a day with it, the young photographer knew that the cat would wait for him.

Sure enough, in front of a deserted old house, song Xinmin saw it with a fish in its mouth.

"Meow --" just at this time, a cat came out of the deserted house.

Surprised, song Xinmin looked down at the whole old house and found that there was a layer of dust on the doors and windows. It was obvious that no one had come for a long time.

But the window sill of the old house, a corner of broken glass, but a cat came out from inside.

Old cat put down the fish in his mouth and gave it to Huamao.

The cat with the fish in its mouth went to the window again. The cat boss sat in the same place and watched it enter the room quietly. Then he walked away.

Why? The young photographer was puzzled.

At this time, someone came out of the house next door, and song Xinmin rushed forward: "excuse me, is there anyone else in this family?"

The old man who was asked first looked at him and confirmed that he was not a bad man. Then he waved his hand and shook his head: "no, there is an old man living in the room. He left last year because of illness, and his children don't live here. There has been no one in the room for a long time.""Yes, but I just saw a cat in the room."

The old man was silent for a moment: "that's the old man's cat. When the old man died, he would not go. He would wait for him at home."

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